Modern domestic journalism tries to imitate the trends of the world’s mass media. This is an extremely positive phenomenon that testifies about globalization and progressiveness. The research is focused around the social network Instagram, which since its foundation has 96 gained great popularity among ordinary users as well as among journalists. The work of a modern journalist in social networks today is extremely necessary both for personal information and for popularizing his content among the audience. The Instagram platform has a number of specific features that distinguish it from other social networks. That is why you need to follow certain rules and trends for your Instagram performance. In addition, Instagram improves its functions extremely rapidly and systematically. So, in order to be effective in promoting your own content, you need to constantly explore and analyze all the tools of popularization through the social network Instagram. So far, Ukrainian journalists have not developed a clear strategy for work in the social network Instagram, therefore, this issue is extremely relevant today. After all, journalism, presented in social networks – one of the signs of a democratic society, as well as a guarantee of success among the audience, since almost every modern person is a user of one or another social network. That is why it needs to deepen the scientific arsenal of works in the field of promotion of content through social networks, in particular Instagram, which will subsequently help to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. Since there are so few such studies in Ukrainian journalism, it is necessary to analyze the experience of foreign colleagues presented in many foreign scientific works and to distinguish their own criteria for the successful promotion of content in Instagram, taking into account the realities of the domestic media market.
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