The main principles of the system of motivating the personnel of communal non-commercial enterprises in the field of health protection in modern conditions are determined and recommendations are provided for its improvement.
In the article, the author used the following methods: analysis and synthesis - to analyze modern trends and generalize their impact on the formation of the personnel motivation system; sociological method (questionnaire) - for understanding and structuring the main aspects of the motivation of employees of a communal non-profit enterprise in the field of health care; generalization - when formulating conclusions and recommendations.
The hypothesis that there is a direct connection between the needs and incentives of employees of nonprofit medical institutions and it significantly affects the level of effectiveness of staff motivation has been proven. Taking into account the results of the conducted research, it is suggested to take a number of measures to improve the system of motivating the personnel of medical institutions: develop, approve, and then bring to the attention of the personnel a transparent and understandable system of bonuses and incentives for the realization of the set goal, establish a decent remuneration system; to attract highly qualified medical personnel to teaching activities at departments for improving the qualifications of medical workers; improve material incentives for employees with more than 10 years of experience; to expand the list of non-material indicators of stimulation of medical personnel; create an opportunity to provide staff and their family members with discounted medical care.
The results of this study are of interest to local self-government bodies and specialized departments of the state government, subjects of non-commercial entrepreneurship in the field of medical services, who seek to improve the system of motivating the personnel of medical institutions, to increase the level of provision of services in the field of health care in accordance with the conditions of a competitive environment and ensure a reduction in staff turnover at medical enterprises. At the same time, the results can help researchers of higher education institutions to improve the tools for the dissemination of innovative knowledge in the field of motivation and personnel management.
This study emphasizes the peculiarities of the formation of the system of stimulation of the personnel of non-commercial medical institutions in the structure of the national economy at the level of communal enterprises. Delineation of motivational trends in the budgetary sphere and a number of non-profit enterprises in the process of reforming the health care sector made it possible to form stages and approaches to improving the hospital staff incentive system. Provide recommendations to the founders and owners of communal noncommercial enterprises in the medical field regarding the development of programs for the development of the staff motivation system at the local level.
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