Trends in Development of Digital Literacy of the Staff of Medical Institutions

: pp. 138 - 151
Lviv Politechnic National University, Department of Human Resource Management and Administration
Lviv Politechnic National University Department of Human Resource Management and Administration

Purpose. The main trends and applied aspects of the formation of digital literacy of the personnel of communal enterprises in the field of health care in modern conditions are highlighted and recommendations for its improvement are provided.

Design/methodology/approach. In the article, the authors used the following methods: theoretical generalization - to reveal the essence of digital competences and literacy; of analysis and synthesis - to assess the staff structure, to conduct an analysis of the level of digital literacy of the staff, a sociological method - to survey the level of digital literacy of employees of a utility company in the field of health care; generalization - when formulating conclusions and recommendations.

Findings. The proven hypothesis is that there is a direct relationship between the capabilities and abilities and skills of employees of medical institutions and it significantly affects the determination of their ownership of digital work tools. Taking into account the results of the conducted research, it is proposed to take a number of measures to improve the development of digital literacy of the staff of medical institutions: organize targeted training, organize trainings, courses and seminars for the development of digital skills; provide conditions for self-study using distance resources and educational platforms; implement training and professional development programs that promote continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies.

Practical implications. The results of this study are of interest to local self-government bodies and specialized departments of the state government, subjects of communal entrepreneurship in the field of providing medical services, who seek to improve the system of digital literacy of the personnel of medical institutions, to increase the level of providing digital services in the field of health care in accordance with the conditions competitive environment and ensure the growth of the technological level of enterprises in the medical field. At the same time, the results can help researchers of higher education institutions to improve tools for the dissemination of digital innovations and knowledge in the field of digitization of personnel management.

Originality/value. This study emphasizes the peculiarities of the formation of digital literacy of the personnel of medical institutions in the structure of the national economy at the level of public utilities. The identification of digitization trends in the budget sphere and a number of non-profit enterprises in the process of reforming the health care sector allowed to outline various strategies for ensuring effective training and skill development of hospital staff. Provide recommendations to the founders and owners of utility companies in the medical field regarding the development of digital literacy development programs for all staff at the local level.

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