Corporate Culture in a Cross-Cultural Environment: Meaning and Functions

: pp. 102 - 108
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Foreign Trade and Customs

Corporate culture is an integral part of modern companies. It provides a wide range of opportunities to stimulate their development in conditions of uncertainty and severe competition. Its role was especially strong in the era of informatization and digitalization, when information became the main resource not only for messaging, but also mass and rapid influence on various stakeholders in the business environment, increasing even the arsenal of its constituent elements, such as corporate hero or brand. Corporate culture forms a common vision of company staff and other target groups of the future organization, its social purpose, creating due to this awareness in them the importance of its activities, and accordingly, satisfying the need for involvement. However, it has an effective impact only when its formation and implementation in management processes is purposeful and thoughtful. Unfortunately, in domestic enterprises it is often of a formal nature, and the impact of its individual structural elements is directed only at consumers.

The essence of the concept of "corporate culture", the key functions of corporate cultures are given, which are taken into account by business practitioners during its formation and assessment of the impact on the development of the company, the role of the corporate culture of the organization in the process of implementing management functions is reflected , namely the functions of planning, organizing, motivating, controlling and regulating, as well as its special influence on target groups of influence that ensure the effectiveness of the company's activities, in particular on employees, consumers (clients), state authorities and business partners, the key criteria that affect the level of influence of corporate culture on management processes or target groups are specified, in particular: type of corporate culture, level of its manifestation, acceptance by employees, formalities, size of the organization

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