
Optimization of the structures by the static strength and the frequency characteristics

Problems of determination of optimal geometric and constructive parameters of long-length structures are presented. For example, a longitudinal profile of a complicated section is adopted, its components of the stress state and its own oscillation frequencies are determined. The choice of optimal profile parameters is made for the implementation of structures with minimum equivalent stresses, as well as for ensuring maximum dynamic stiffness.

The Problem of Optimal Tasks Processing in Nodes of the Distributed Information System

The problem of optimal processing tasks in the nodes of a distributed information system on the basis of a mathematical model belonging to a class of two-clustering problems, for which an optimization problem with a fractional linear target function is formulated, was investigated.


The article is devoted to modeling and optimization of the rectification unit for the separation of the propylene-propane mixture.

Propene (often known as propylene) is a very important building block for a large number of chemicals, including the addition polymer, poly(propene).

Design of Optimal Filter for Analog Signal

The technique for designing the optimal value of the filter time constant for analog signal is presented in the paper. This technique is based on the objective function which takes into account the quality index of the filtration process and the dynamic error of the filtered signal. The experimental study of the transient processes in a thermal plant was carried out in order to analyze the influence of the filter parameters on the quality of the filtration process.

Adaptation of discrete macromodels of electric transmission lines to modern computer tools

The paper discusses the methods of creation of mathematical models of electric transmission lines. It is proposed to develop them on the basis of computer simulation data or data obtained by natural experiment using the "black box" approach in the form of state variables. The derived system of discrete equations in the form of state variables equivalent to the system of ordinary differential equations has been adapted to the MATLAB / Simulink software environment by creating the mathematical model using S-Function Block.

Semi-active vibration absorbers for the high-rise objects

To determine the optimal parameters of the dynamic vibration absorber (DVA), a complete multi-parameter model of the dynamics of machines and structures is required. A model with two degrees of freedom is unacceptable for a sufficiently precise calculation with sufficient accuracy of the oscillations of the design, and thus for an adequate description of its dynamic characteristics. Therefore, in practice, it is necessary to investigate the design using a complex model.

Analytical methods of optimization of operational parameters of the main gas pipelines (gas mains)

An analytical model for the operation of the main gas pipeline is proposed.  The results of the investigation of the domain of optimality by analytical methods are presented.  The developed software is tested on real data.  Comparative results of modeling and optimization by numerical and analytical methods are presented.

The Procedure of Optimization of Linear Periodically Time-variable Circuits in an Environment Udf Maopcsy

The paper presents the procedure of optimization of linear periodically time-variable circuits based on the calculation of circuit parametric transfer functions by the frequency symbolic method. The parametric transfer function is approximated according to the frequency symbolic method by the Fourier trigonometric polynomial, in which some or all parameters of circuit elements are given by symbols. These parameters act as variables while performing procedures mentioned.

Design plan travel route on the basis of conduct colony of bees

In the article the modified paradigm of bee colonies for hiking trails through the solution of combinatorial problems on graphs: the selection in the column independent subset of vertices of maximum pairing in column coloring graph, click in the selection box are studied. Based on the analysis of behavioral models of self colony of bees, methods and mechanisms of formation of the ideas are developed, the formation of combinatorial problems on graphs is discussed. Methods of forming search space are studied. Position in the search space is represented as an ordered list.