
Structural and Kinematic Synthesis of the 1-DOF Eight-Bar Walking Mechanism with Revolute Kinematic Pairs

Problem statement. The use of existing and the most widespread drives (wheeled and caterpillar one) is sometimes limited by complicated operational conditions while moving on rough terrain. The mentioned drives require a relatively flat surface to be operated effectively. A rocky or a hilly terrain imposes the demand of the use of alternative types of drives, in particular, walking ones.

Macromodelling as an approach for short-term load forecasting of electric power system objects

In the paper methods of construction of mathematical models intended for the power consumption forecasting are discussed. Alternative method of forecasting of defined object using discrete macromodels which allows to conduct quantative analysis of characteristics of the electric energy consumption in the future using known previous data obtained during the field test is proposed.

Optimization of Structure of Sorting Vibratory Separators

The problem of substantiation of operational efficiency of vibratory separators designed on the basis of vibratory hopper feeders with electromagnetic vibrations exciters and with conic working bowls is considered in the article. The complex of factors influencing the accuracy and productiveness of separation of coins and disk-shaped products on two or more fractions is overviewed. New models of structures for the effective solution of separation problems are proposed.

Syntez kulachkovoho pryvodnoho mekhanizmu rolykovoi formuvalnoi ustanovky z optymalnym rezhymom rukhu za pryskorenniam chetverto[Synthesis of the cam drive mechanism of the roller molding construction with optimum mode by acceleration of the fourth order]

For the purpose of increase in reliability and durability of roller forming installation the optimum mode of back and forth motion of the forming cart on acceleration of the fourth order is calculated. Kinematic characteristics of the forming cart at the optimum mode of back and forth motion on acceleration of the fourth order are calculated.

Comparative analysis of the resonant vibro-impact two and three-mass structure systems with linear friction

The optimization model based on the criteria of energy efficiency of vibration systems is considered. This criterion is presented as the ratio of maximum of the working mass acceleration to consumption power of system. Optimization task is added of constraints that determine the technological aspects of vibrational resonant type - the width of the resonance zone, coefficient asymmetry of acceleration, maximum acceleration of the working mass. Searching of stiffness of asymmetric piecewise linear elastic properties at the basic of synthesis is entrusted.

Optimization of parametric balanced modulator based on frequency symbolic method

Application of the frequency symbolic method for analysis of established modes of linear periodically time-variable (LPTV) circuits to solving an optimization task conditioned by the control of their asymptotic stability is considered. The results of optimization of a parametric balanced modulator with respect to the criterion which is based on calculation of the parametric transfer functions approximated by Fourier trigonometric polynomials are presented.

Acceleration of the parameters identification for dynamic models construction using parallelization

Construction of mathematical models for nonlinear dynamical systems using optimization requires significant computation efforts to solve the optimization task. This makes it reasonable to use parallelization of calculations for optimization task solving, especially taking into account current tendency for increasing the number of CPU cores in a single chip. The effectiveness of particular parallel implementation of optimization process is the subject of investigation in this paper.

Optimization with the use of the genetic algorithm method and parallel computing

The work presents the description of a method for performing optimized calculations with the use of the genetic algorithm method performed on computers paralleled in a cluster. It defines the scope of electromagnetic calculations which must be performed in order to determine the objective function. It also provides sample factors describing the quality of paralleling the calculation process.

Optimal scheduling of operating modes of the gas transmission system

The optimization problems of gas transmission for different optimality criteria are presented. The analysis of factors that influence both calculation of operating mode parameters and complexity of algorithms of search of their optimal values is carried out. In the course of conducting numerical experiments, some classes of problems being solved in an optimization statement are demonstrated.