
Complex water treatment of agroindustrial complexes

The aim of this work was studying the process of phosphate adsorption on natural and synthesized adsorbents such as aluminosilicates. Sorption properties of natural zeolite concerning phosphates in static and dynamic conditions were investigated. It was found that phosphates were absorbed better in an acidic environment. Zeolites based on fly ashes of Dobrotvir heat power plant were synthesized and modified. The equilibrium values of adsorption capacity were established and the proper isotherms at a temperature 20 °C were built.

Integrated adsorption and ultrasonic technology for water treatment processes

The aim of this work is to study the process of water purification from mechanical and chemical pollution and pathogenic microflora by adsorption and ultrasonic methods. Proposed technology reduces bacterial contamination and purifies water from organic pollutants, improving its quality.

Pollution of soil environment with mineral fertilizers and ways of their migration deep into the soil

One of the major problems of pollution of soil environment, namely by components of mineral fertilizers due to their massive and continuous use in agriculture was analysed in the article. Possible ways of penetration of not absorbed mineral fertilizers deep into the soil as the main reason for getting fertilizers in the lower layers of the soil environment were investigated. A comparison of the impact of soil and climatic conditions on the rate of penetration of fertilizers deep into the soil was done.

Modeling the adsorption connections and their influence on informational parameters of metal-electrolyte interface

The methodology of mathematical modeling and the information tools for determination of the influence of an adsorption on the physical characteristics of the electric double layer of the "metal-electrolyte" interface are described

Adsorption Properties of Low-Bandgap Solids

Adsorption of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds from aqueous solutions on Mn(III), Pb(IV), V(V) oxides and activated carbon under static conditions has been studied. The energies of occupied and unoccupied orbitals have been used as correlation parameters between the electronic and adsorptive properties of organic molecules. Frontier-controlled adsorptive mechanism is postulated for interpretation of the observed correlations for the specific adsorption of organic compounds on low-bandgap adsorbents.

Micellization and Adsolubilization of Amphilic Invertible Polyesters

Using surface tension measurements, solubilization, and fluorescence spectroscopy, polyesters based on aliphatic dicarboxylic acids and PEG-1000 have been shown to form monomolecular micelles in aqueous solutions at the concentrations of 10-7–10-4 %. With increasing concentration, the monomolecular micelles have been revealed to aggregate to afford polymolecular micelles. The amphiphilic polyesters have been demonstrated to possess invertibility and thus respond to the change in a medium polarity as well as adsorb at hydrophilic and hydrophobized dispersed silica surface.

Water Sorption Purification from Ammonium Pollution

Water sorption purification from ammonium pollution has been investigated. The sorption ability of natural clay sorbents has been characterized. The isotherms of ammonium ions adsorption by natural zeolites, palyhorskyties and glauconites were plotted. It was established that water purification from ammonium ions mainly corresponds to the model of surface diffusion at non-linear isotherm.

Adsorption of BTX and PAHs by Polymeric Resins Packed in a Fixed Bed: Semi-Industrial Evaluation

Polymeric resins were synthesized by suspension polymerization on a pilot scale and packed in an acrylic column for use in a semi-industrial elution system, to study their behavior as adsorbents of oily water. The performance in removing benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) was greater than 95.9 %, and the efficiency in retaining polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) remained near 96.3 %.  

Rheological Behavior of Montmorillonite Water Suspensions in the Presence of Surfactants

In this thesis the features of rheological behavior of ultrasonic-activated water dispersions of montmorillonite in the presence of surfactants of anionic and non-ionic type are considered. It was determined that the strength of coagulation structure changes depending on the type of surfactant.

Adsorption of Heavy Metals Ions from Liquid Media by Palygorskite

The process of heavy metals adsorption by natural mineral palygorskite from wastewater and food (apple juice) has been investigated. The purification processes of copper, cadmium, lead, mercury and zinc have been studied. The rational technological parameters of these processes have been determined. The mechanism for heavy metals adsorbtion from juice by palygorskite has been defined.