
Дослідження процесу адсорбції ( )2 3ca no ґрунтовим середовищем

The problem of penetration of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil is analyzed. The influence of adsorption process on the rate of transfer of fertilizers in the vertical profile of the soil is determined. Experimental researches of adsorption properties of soil environment on the base of absorption of calcium nitrate by soil are done. Проаналізовано проблему проникнення азотних добрив вглиб ґрунту. Визначено вплив процесу адсорбції на швидкість перенесення добрив по вертикальному профілю ґрунту.

Reasonability of application preliminary cavitation treatment of solutions in adsorption processes

Available methods of disinfection of milk-processing industries wastewater have been analyzed. The possibility to apply hydrodynamic cavitation modules at the stage of adsorption finish disinfection has been proposed. Experimental results, which testify the reasonability of its effectiveness, have been obtained.

Natural zeolite-clinoptilolite characteristics determination and modification

The article is devoted to the preparation of adsorbents for polymer adsorption on their surface. Adsorption of polymers on the surface of adsorbents from a solution has been widely developed and received a great deal of attention in research works, which prove the topicality of its use in development of new composite materials and solve many problems concerning the polymers characteristics and properties. The adsorbents drawbacks, i.e. small specific surface area, diameter of the primary pores and their amounthave been determined.

Using of zeolite to clean the effluents of meat enterprises

Ecological evaluation of effluents from meat enterprises shows that processing of agricultural production is accompanied by consumption of large amount of water which is saturated with organic substances and a number of biogenic elements (phosphorus and nitrogen compounds) during its industrial utilization. Effectiveness of natural sorbents klynoptylolit use for removing of such pollutants as ammonium and phosphate ions and protein fractions was theoretically substantiated and proved.

Адсорбційне очищення стічних вод від пар

Adsorption of surfactants on varios types of adsorbent was experimentally investigated. Generalization of the obtained results of research and calculation data was carried out. Експериментально досліджено адсорбцію ПАР на різних типах сорбентів. Проведено узагальнення отриманих результатів досліджень та розрахункових даних. 

Investigation of the structural properties of porous material according to the sorption isotherms and drainage curves

In this paper in the compliance with the method of the local averaging, the basic relations of surface physics and thermodynamics for the description of diffusion process of the liquid and gas phases in the inhomogeneous porous media have been considered. In line with the drainage and sorption properties of the liquid in the porous skeleton, the normalized function of distribution of the pore size for the effective radius has been defined. The relations for the determination of the intrinsic and relative permeability of phases in the solid skeleton have been proposed.

Complex water treatment of agroindustrial complexes

The aim of this work was studying the process of phosphate adsorption on natural and synthesized adsorbents such as aluminosilicates. Sorption properties of natural zeolite concerning phosphates in static and dynamic conditions were investigated. It was found that phosphates were absorbed better in an acidic environment. Zeolites based on fly ashes of Dobrotvir heat power plant were synthesized and modified. The equilibrium values of adsorption capacity were established and the proper isotherms at a temperature 20 °C were built.

Integrated adsorption and ultrasonic technology for water treatment processes

The aim of this work is to study the process of water purification from mechanical and chemical pollution and pathogenic microflora by adsorption and ultrasonic methods. Proposed technology reduces bacterial contamination and purifies water from organic pollutants, improving its quality.

Pollution of soil environment with mineral fertilizers and ways of their migration deep into the soil

One of the major problems of pollution of soil environment, namely by components of mineral fertilizers due to their massive and continuous use in agriculture was analysed in the article. Possible ways of penetration of not absorbed mineral fertilizers deep into the soil as the main reason for getting fertilizers in the lower layers of the soil environment were investigated. A comparison of the impact of soil and climatic conditions on the rate of penetration of fertilizers deep into the soil was done.