
Using the hypnosis method for overcoming overcoming counteraction to investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity

The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities and requirements for the process and algorithms of hypno-reproduction in overcoming the counteraction in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity

Planning as an important direction of organization in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction

The article investigates the of planning organization during the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction the process of disclosure of illegal acts on the part of stakeholders.

Organization of planning of investigation of crimes that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection

A concept and essence of planning of investigation of crimes that is accomplished during
public purchases in the field of health protection are considered. The basic elements of
planning, that is represented on the basis of inquisitional version, are outlined. Inquisitional
(to the search) actions, that not-roundabout to plan on the initial stage investigation of crimes
that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection, are certain.

Use of tactical receptions in investigation of crimes perfect by the organized criminal groups

In the article maintenance and concept of tactical receptions are considered at carried out inquisitional (search) actions. Features are certain that must be taken into account at the choice of tactical reception during realization of inquisitional (search actions in investigation of crimes accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Basic factors are outlined that influence at choice concrete tactical reception from realization of inquisitional (search) actions in investigation of the marked crimes.

Criminal and criminal procedural measures to overcome the counteraction during the investigation of official crimes

The article is dedicated to research the features of criminal and criminal procedural measures in overcoming counteraction in case of crime investigation in the sphere of official activity and formulation of the proposals for improving the current legislation of Ukraine.

Процес міграції та адсорбції мінеральних добрив у ґрунті

The  influence  of  the  adsorption  process  of mineral  fertilizers  on  the  penetration  and retention  in  the  pores  of  the  soil  environment  of  various  components  of  fertilizers  was investigated. Experimental  researches  both  of  adsorption  properties  of  the  soil  environment and migration process of components of fertilizers in vertical soil profile were done.  

Circumstances to be proof in criminal proceedings in the Investigation of narcotics

The article is devoted to the analysis of the evidences to be proved in criminal proceedings at the time of drug trafficking investigation, psychotropic substances its analogues and precursors orfalsified medicine. Besides, it is determined that the subject of a crime lies within the scope of evidences that must be proved in drug trafficking investigation, envisaged in article 305 of the criminal code of Ukraine. It is admitted that the subject of proof is common for the whole criminal procedure, moreover, it is specified while investigating in every concrete case.

Feature of detection and realization of investigative actions on the start-up period investigation of drugs’ smuggling

In this article explores the features of detection and realization of investigative actions on the start-up period of investigation contraband smuggling of narcotics , psychotropic substances and falsification medicinal means .The algorithm of operating is offered on the start-up period of investigation of this crime