public administration

Realization of aims of steady development is in context of public management from position of bioethics

Problem setting. It is considered the necessity to integrate the principles of bioethics in the projects of United Nations (hereinafter UN) to transform the world, since the Sustainable Development Summit of this organization adopted the Sustainable Development Goals as a priority task for governments and countries around the world from 2015 to 2030, the implementation of which will ensure a higher stage of development to a number of poor countries and a qualitatively new standard of living to human society as a whole.

Coherencing the competences of local government authorities and executive bodies in the context of public administration

Problem setting. An important prerequisite and key to successful implementation of the strategic course for the implementation of European standards of living in Ukraine and its entry into the leading positions in the world is the reform of public administration and decentralization in order to create an effective, transparent, open, flexible structure of public administration, transition from the centralized model of government in the state, ensuring the capacity of local self-government and building an effective system of territorial organization of government in Ukraine.

Public assistance in the development of special economic zones in ukraine

Problem setting. Ukraine has suffered enormous economic losses in recent years. The intense decline in key macroeconomic indicators, the collapse of production and the physical destruction of industry in the occupied territories, the high proportion of depressed regions, the rapid decrease in the inflow of foreign investment and the deterioration of the investment climate induce to look for new instruments of economic growth. In world practice, the special economic zones are the powerful instruments for economic growth.

Consensus model of society and state institutions cooperation in public administration

Problem setting. Despite the attempts of state authorities to emphasize the readiness for constructive cooperation, the current state of relations between the state and society in Ukraine does not improve the situation in this direction. Therefore, the necessity of applying different models and approaches to the coordination of management activities between the institutions of society and the state is precisely within the context of public administration.

Priority influence of socio-cultural factors on development of public governance

Problem setting. Public administration in Ukraine is an integral part of social system, but it needs to be modernized efficiently. This implies the need for a deep understanding of the current situation and a thorough analysis of the main factors of this development, especially socio-cultural ones.

Marketing instruments for attracting investments in territorial communities

Problem setting. Ukraine has significant regional imbalances in attracting investment. The most attractive for investors is Kyiv city, where almost 50% of foreign investments are accumulated. At the same time, other regions remain unattractive for investors. The unsatisfactory situation in the regions is a reflection of unfavorable investment climate and requires the use of new tools to attract investment. The use of marketing tools can stimulate the inflow of investment into small cities and communities.

Theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of intercultural communication in public administration

Problem setting. Regular contacts between representatives of different cultures determine the need to solve problems that always arise in the form of the need to adapt representatives of one culture in the conditions of their existence in another culture. It is important to understand that the cooperation of such entities on a professional basis also requires the development of approaches that would allow a high level of effectiveness of such interaction. A special role should be played by public authorities and management, designed to implement the relevant functions.

2020 local election in the context of modern challenges

Problem setting. The flourishing of populism in recent years is caused, in our opinion, by an important factor – the current political bankruptcy of the Ukrainian left forces related, some way or another, to the Soviet past. Under the conditions of the authority concentration in the hands of the centrists and right centrists, the public request for social justice and more equal access of the citizens to the basic social benefits has lost common in the previous decades mechanisms of political representation.

Problems and prospects of strategic planning Of regional development

Problem setting. In the direction of balanced regional development, the state has the opportunity to use such a direct lever of influence on the process as strategic planning. At present stage of reforming of the system of public administration of regional development, its role and importance are especially growing, because strategic planning makes it possible to predict the further development of territories.

Use of blockchain technology in public governance: prospective areas of application and potential problems of legal security

Abstract. The relevance of the problem mentioned in the title is due to the rapid spread in Ukraine (and not only) of information technologies. It leads to the virtualization of many areas of society, and therefore to the growing importance of storing, transmitting and protecting information electronically, which is processed in global and local information systems using information technologies. Among the latter, according to many scientists (and not only in the IT sphere), Blockchain technology belongs to the leading place (and in the near future this trend will only increase).