
The civil society as a philosophical and legal category: approaches to understanding

The article identifies the main approaches to understanding civil society as a philosophical and legal category, which allowed to show pluralism of this definition. The author analyzes the conceptual foundations of civil society in the history of philosophical and  legal discourse. It is substantiated that the invariant content of the concept of civil society remained the ideas of freedom, equality, justice, social values and virtues. It is emphasized that modern civil society is a guarantee of democratization and needs proper legal support in the context of globalization challenges.

Independence as a dominant for law self-government

The issue of the place and role of the bar in the state and society is updated, and the essential characteristic of this human rights institute is highlighted. The structural elements by which the independence of the legal profession are distinguished. The problems of realization of the principle of independence in the process of the lawyer’s performance of his/her professional duties are analyzed.

Philosophical and legal concept of the defense "civil society": modern scientific approaches

On  the  basis  of  the  latest  scientific  research,  the  philosophical  and  legal  concept  of  the 
definition  of  «civil  society»  is  thoroughly  analyzed,  Modern  approaches  to  understanding  the 
concept  are  systematized.  There  searchis  based  on  the  scholarly  views  of  prominent 
philosophers,  as  well  as  the  author’s  own  approach  and  conclusions  about  there  search 
The  research  is  based  on  the  scientific  views  of  significant  philosophers,  as  well  as  the 

Academic mobility of ukrainian study in globalized space: philosophical and legal aspects

In  the  article  on  the  basis  of  the  current  national  legislation  taking  intoaccount  modern 
challenges,  an  innovative  model  of  higher  education  institution  inUkraine  is  outlined.  In  the 
system  of  institutions  of  higher  education  of  Ukraine,  the  following  four  main  types  of 
ownership  can  be  distinguished:  it  is  a  state-owned  higher  education  institution  established  by 
the  state  financed  from  the  statebudget  and  subordinated  to  the  relevant  central  executive 

Concept of human rights in the philosophy and legal discussion of antitetic positions

Theoretical understanding and philosophical comprehension of all legal phenomena
began with the traditional division of the right to positive and natural, so they are considered
as certain antipodes in the general consciousness, which, however, are the most practical and
significant types of legal thinking. We managed to trace the fact that it was the intensive
development of humanistic ideas in the context of new political and economic trends that led to
the emergence of the doctrine of “natural human rights”. Increasingly, among the general

Justice as the basic function of the judicial uthority

An important problem – legal mechanism of realization of basic function of department
judicial of justice is considered In the article. A role of other functions of department judicial is
in providing of realization of justice. Argued, constitutional legal nature of justice which
confirms its exceptional nature among the functions of department judicial.

Legal integration of Ukraine in the plan of globalization discussion

The integration processes taking place in the modern world lead to the development of the
national systemof legislation. Exploring the origin and evolution of Ukrainian legislation, it should
be noted that this process is long and characterized by specific stages of development and the
formation of our state. Introduce the integration processes in the country, first of all, it is necessary
to be guided by the fact that each legal system of a certain state, which is stipulated by the system

National-legal harmonization of the institute of justice in the system of integration processes

The article deals with the problem of the national-legal harmonization of the institute of
justice in the system of integration processes and to determine the ways of bringing the
national legislation on the institute of justice in accordance with international standards. The
fundamental harmonization of the Ukrainian legislation on the institution of justice with
international standards directly depends on the stages of their implementation. We propose to
distinguish the following stages of harmonization processes in the field of the judiciary and the

Implementation of state personnel policy in law enforcement sector of Ukraine

The article deals with the implementation of state personnel policy in law enforcement sector  of  Ukraine.  The  subjects  of  state  personnel  policy,  which  are  endowed  with  the appropriate authority to implement personnel policy through relevant branches and objects of state personnel policy including the personnel potential of the society, all human resources, are considered.

Representation of interests citizens and states in the court of conditions european integration of Ukraine

The article analyzes the legislative consolidation of the representation function of the procurator of the interests of a citizen or state in a court in the countries of the CIS and the European Union. The changes in the grounds and procedure for the execution by the prosecutor of representative activities in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prosecutor's Office” of October 14, 2014 are considered.