
Implementation of state personnel policy in law enforcement sector of Ukraine

The article deals with the implementation of state personnel policy in law enforcement sector  of  Ukraine.  The  subjects  of  state  personnel  policy,  which  are  endowed  with  the appropriate authority to implement personnel policy through relevant branches and objects of state personnel policy including the personnel potential of the society, all human resources, are considered.

Representation of interests citizens and states in the court of conditions european integration of Ukraine

The article analyzes the legislative consolidation of the representation function of the procurator of the interests of a citizen or state in a court in the countries of the CIS and the European Union. The changes in the grounds and procedure for the execution by the prosecutor of representative activities in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prosecutor's Office” of October 14, 2014 are considered.

Philosophical and legal sources of citizenship

In this article I try to analyze the philosophical and legal sources of the concept of citizenship, its essence and legal nature. Specifically, I want to emphasize the ancient chronologic political and historical phase of its evolution, when the concept of citizenship was founded with the precise philosophical and legal interpretation and legislative adoption, which
remains duly till now.

Legal basis of civil society and its interaction with the public authori

The main theoretical legal principles and prerequisites of the concept of civil society forming in the theoretical and legal thought, the current state of interaction between civil society and public authorities are examined. The problems facing towards the introduction and implementation of democratic values of civil society, and solutions through reasonable balance of interests of public authorities and civil society in Ukraine are analyzed.

Theoretical aspects of functioning of public associations are in Ukraine

The article is devoted the problems of functioning of such institute of domestic civil society as public associations, because they are the societies closely associated with the political system and play an important role in becoming of democracy, defence of rights and freedoms of citizens.

Features of transnational criminal organizations

Studying of organized crime is an important task not only for theoreticians but for practitioners as well. No less important is the development of effective measures for prevention of illegal activities of such groups. The peculiarity of the above mentioned organizations is that their activities usually inflict harm not only on individuals or legal entities but also threaten entire brunches of national economies and jeopardize the proper functioning or even the existence of the latter.

State and civil society: legal cooperation

Scientific exploration is devoted to the problems of civil society development in Ukraine in the context of its interaction with the institution of the state. In the article theoretical, conceptual and practical aspek¬ty interaction of the State and civil society in Ukraine. Characteristic features of the system of government, which have a kind of discomfort for the full development of civil society. 

Human rights and freedoms in the philosophy of law ukrainian populists: origin and formation

The article investigates the features of formation of the populist philosophy of law and the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine. The article analyzes the development of philosophical thought in the context of European philosophical and legal culture and the roots of its own formation. The basic ideas of the relationship between the position of human rights with notions of power and state in philosophical and legal concepts Ukrainian populists, their views on natural law.