
Peculiarities of legislative regulation of the sphere of information security: problem issues and terminological collisions in Ukraine

Problem setting. For a long time, the issues of information security have been considered in the national legislation of Ukraine through the prism of indirect legal regulation, and only in recent years there has been a tendency to develop new legal mechanisms in this area and streamline the legal system.


Information wars have long been used as a full-fledged weapon against the enemy, using both manipulation and completely fake messages. The methods used to disseminate false media messages by their authors are completely different, but the goal is almost always the same - to make the target audience that consumes information, believe and be influenced.


For many Ukrainians, the “window” into the world of news is television, especially television news. Having studied the news programs of all-Ukrainian channels, it can be noted that despite broadcasting local elections facts on all TV channels, they did not get such great media interest as the presidential or parliamentary ones, which may indicate little attention of central media to local politics.  

The role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption

The article focuses on the role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption. It has been proven that effective anti-corruption activities seem impossible without the participation of society. The public, on the one hand, is a force capable of breaking the circle of continuous corruption in the state, and on the other, without its support, interaction with civil society institutions, anti-corruption activities of public authorities seem ineffective.

Media and Dynamics of the Language Norm: the New Feminitives as a Reflection of Modern Social Challenges

The language of the media reacts most quickly to changes in public relations, produces and actively uses words that nominate new realities, give them an appreciation. Тhe media not only reflect, but also promote new sociocultural patterns of behavior, they are drivers of changes in the perception and interpretation of social phenomena.

National Self-Identification as the Regregor of the Implementation of the Creative Person: Media Context

The main stages of creation and realization of self-identified personality (gender identity, racial identity, class, ethnic, national, state) are considered in the article, where national identity is most closely connected with ethnoculture, because technoculture is non-national with attraction to globalization, because at the beginning of the XXI century it covered all spheres of public life of practically all the peoples of the world, forming a planetary information space, the world capital market, labor force, cosmopolitanizing culture, unification by understanding the identity markers,

Impact and Significance of Fakes in World History

The first mention of fake news comes from the seventeenth century. Newspaper duck — this is what they call false, falsified and unverified information distributed in the media. According to one version (and many of them), the occurrence of the expression is associated with an anecdote of the Belgian journalist Cornelissen, who once published quite seriously, as if a scientific message, an anecdote about the greed of ducks. Some scientist chopped, say, a duck into small pieces and gave “for breakfast” to other nineteen ducks.

Headings of Publications in the Media on the Example of the Newspaper “Denʹ ” and Magazine “Krayina”

The heading in the media plays a special role, as it is not just an element of the material submitted to the publication, but also a reflection of the basic idea of the journalistic text. With the right title you can attract the attention of potential readers, intrigue, interest. However, a poorly written headline to important and interesting information can make the material unnoticed by readers. Thus using manipulative influence on the audience is used with the help of headings, because very often potential recipients make conclusions about the whole publication by the title itself.

Media and Inter-Confessional Conflicts: the Problem, Concepts and Visions

The article analyzes the topic of interfaith conflicts in the media. Attention is paid to the relevance of the research, which is caused by the processes of church and religious life of the state. Another reason for the urgency is due to the internal political processes in Ukraine. These processes are shaped by certain socio-political shifts (electoral processes, revolutions, etc.), as well as Russia’s geopolitical influence on the state through the Church. Actually, these aspects of the problem can be distinguished from journalistic materials. They are also the basis of visions.