Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Municipal Enterprise “Space of Innovative Creations “Palace”
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

The study reveals the problem of revitalization of immovable cultural heritage in Ukraine, which stems from the absence of state policy to preserve the architectural city-planning heritage supported by the necessary development and financing programs. The role of socialization of cultural heritage in the process of revival of valuable historical complexes that are under threat of destruction is shown, innovative approaches to the revitalization and the first positive results of their implementation are demonstrated. The example of an architectural monument with more than 300 years of history – the Pototsky Palace complex in Ivano-Frankivsk, which was brought to an unsatisfactory technical condition by a private owner in the 2000s, shows the positive impact of alternative directions of this object development. Currently, the complex is cared for by the newly created Municipal Enterprise (ME) “Space of Innovative Creations “Palace”, whose activities are aimed at preserving and revitalizing the historical monument complex. The aim of ME “SIC Palace” – is the simultaneous performance of measures for the preservation, protection, restoration, scientific research of the Complex and the creation on its basis of an interdisciplinary platform for communication between science, art and business. The study demonstrates real-time testing of the “Model of multi-vector development of the monument complex”, which includes four intercomplementary and interrelated directions – scientific-restorational, event-promotional, investment-marketing and the direction of maintenance and support. Such activities are provided through the simultaneous state funding, implementation of commercial projects, organization of multi-investment funds, raising funds from Ukrainian and international grant programs. This innovative approach allows for simultaneous scientific-research and restoration work on the buildings of the monument and the implementation of cultural-artistic, cognitive-educational, socially relevant, representative activities in the complex territory, and communication of artists of different directions that take place during the events in the Palace, promotes its integration into the cultural-artistic sector of the city and its preservation.

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