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Bohdan Kuplovskyi
Bohdan Kuplovskyi
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of the NAS of Ukraine
32 Palladin av. , Kyiv, 03680
Articles published in Academic Journals of Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Evaluation of seismic shaking intensity gains by high frequency microseism registration method (as exemplified by a developable site in Uzhgorod)
Influence of local seismotectonic and engineering-geological conditions on seismic danger of territories (exemplified by a construction site in Uzhgorod city)
Wave field simulation on the gas-condensate field structure
2(11), 2011
Nakamura’s technique and finite element method in solid amplitude-frequency response investigation
2(11), 2011
Wave field simulation using finite element method on the Drobyshivske gas-condensate field structure
1(12), 2012
Study of fluctuations in engineering objects. Historical reserve "Sophia of Kyiv"
1(5), 2006
Exterior boundaries of the objects in modeling with finite element method
2(15), 2013
Modeling elastic-dynamic effects of the crust under nuclear power plant (on the example of Chornobyl NPP)
1(18), 2015
Modeling stress-strain state bases of engineering constructions for evaluation of seismic hazard
1(20), 2016