The study focus is given to the initial stage of formation of Greek Catholic Church in the United States. Certain common features, peculiarities, difficulties and conditions of parishes forming process are analysed. New criteria for morecomplete study are suggested in view of the historiography problem of parishes establishment dating. The statistics, geography, dates and dynamics of main parishes, general amount of churches, priests and parishioners are explored in the paper on the basis of historical sources.
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Lvovi ((TsDIAL Ukrainy), f. 358 (Sheptytskyi Andrei (Roman-Mariia- Oleksandr) (1865–1944), mytropolyt Halytskyi hrekokatolytskoi Tserkvy, hraf), op. 2, spr. 151 (Lysty sviashchenyka Yermi Karolia z Kanady i SShA do Sheptytskoho A.), 105 ark. 28. TsDIAL Ukrainy, f. 358 (Sheptytskyi Andrei (Roman- Mariia-Oleksandr) (1865–1944), mytropolyt Halytskyi hrekokatolytskoi Tserkvy, hraf), op. 2, spr. 178 (Lysty sviashchenykiv Kuziva Illi i Mykhaila do Sheptytskoho A.), 61 ark. 29. TsDIAL Ukrainy, f. 358 (Sheptytskyi Andrei (Roman-Mariia-Oleksandr) (1865–1944), mytropolyt Halytskyi hreko-katolytskoi Tserkvy, hraf), op. 2, spr. 85 (Lysty korespondentiv z prizvyshchamy na litery “B-Ya” zi SShA do Sheptytskoho A.), 97 ark. 30. TsDIAL Ukrainy, f. 358 (Sheptytskyi Andrei (Roman-Mariia-Oleksandr) (1865–1944), mytropolyt Halytskyi hreko-katolytskoi Tserkvy, hraf), op. 2, spr. 86 (Lysty sviashchenyka Kuryllo Kostiantyna z SShA do Sheptytskoho A.), 125 ark. 31. TsDIAL Ukrainy, f. 358 (Sheptytskyi Andrei (Roman-Mariia-Oleksandr) (1865–1944), mytropolyt Halytskyi hreko-katolytskoi Tserkvy, hraf), op. 2, spr. 230 (Lysty sviashchenykiv Oruna Zakhara i Pidhoretskoho Mykoly z Niu-Yorka do Sheptytskoho A.), 37 ark. 32. TsDIAL Ukrainy, f. 789 (Prystai Oleksa (1863-1944), hreko-katolytskyi sviashchenyk, misioner u SShA, tserkovnyi i hromadskyi diiach), op. 1, spr. 7 (Spohady pro misionersku diialnist v Amerytsi, lystuvannia z Bachynskym M., Okhrymovychem V., Sheptytskym A. ta in.), 151 ark.