Deep structure of the north-western part of the Carpathian oil-and-gas bearing region based on integral interpretatiion of complex geologiocal and geophysical data

: 221-223
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"; Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas;LLC "SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL FIRM" BIPEX LTD "
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"; Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas;LLC "SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL FIRM" BIPEX LTD "
Carpathian Branch of the Institute of Geophysics named after. SI. Subbotin NAS of Ukraine

The report is devoted to an actual problem of studying the deep structure of the Carpathian region. Our research is based on creating a spatial integral seismic-gravity model. Gained results gave the opportunity to single out a number of lowered and raised blocks of the basement which correlate with the main tectonic units of the region and specify its geological structure. Further studying of the territory requires conduction of regional seismic investigation and its integral interpretation.

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