адміністративна відповідальність

Typology of corruption events in police

The article deals with theoretical aspects of typology of corruption manifestations in the police. Emphasis is placed on the existence of corruption risks affecting the effectiveness of police activities. It has been proven that preventing corruption risks is a complex process, as not all risks can be identified and assessed, many of them likely and probable. The principles of criminal, administrative and disciplinary liability of police officers for committing corruption offenses are considered.

Administrative offense in the budgetary sphere as a factual grounds administrative responsibility

The legal regulation of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere and the signs of offenses to which the socially dangerous, unlawful, guilty act or inactivity of the natural person affecting
relations between the state and the subjects of the budgetary process are investigated. The grounds of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere have been determined. The legislative regulation
of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere is analyzed. Conclusions have been made and recommendations made

Administrative responsibility for non-compliance of legal requirements of officials of the authorized departments of the National police

The article is devoted to the study of problems of administrative responsibility for nonfulfillment
of the legal requirement of officials of authorized units of the National Police. The
basic approaches to administrative responsibility are analyzed through the analysis of the
terms “legal responsibility”, “administrative responsibility”. The general features of
responsibility for offenses in the investigated area, the features of its fixing in the legislation of
Ukraine are considered. Specific signs of administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of

Administrative responsibility for violation of ecological safety in the Chоrnobyl exclusion zone

The article is devoted to questions of administrative responsibility for violation of
ecological safety in the Chоrnobyl exclusion zone, outline its general characteristics, analysis of
legal acts on their conformity to the realities of the present and the development of possible
ways and areas of improvement of legislation.
It has been determined that under the administrative responsibility for violation of
ecological safety in the Chорrnobyl exclusion zone should be understood as the legal

Інститут адміністративної відповідальності: проблеми та перспективи розвитку

Розглянуто сучасну сутність сприйняття інституту адміністративної відповідаль-
ності, проаналізовано окремі погляди учених щодо поняття та ознак адміністративної
відповідальності. Досліджено окремі проблеми трансформації адміністративної відпові-
дальності та висловлено пропозиції удосконалення чинного адміністративного законо-
давства щодо адміністративної відповідальності та можливостей його застосування.

The accuracy of administrative process interpretation by the disputed of legal nature

In the article disputed nature of administrative process is investigational through the prism of analysis of legal relationships of administrative justice and administrative responsibility. Normative regulation and theoretical interpretations of category are analysed “administrative process”.

Features of bringing to administrative responsibility for offenses that infringe on intellectual property objects

The article deals with the types of responsibility for violation of rights in the field of intellectual  property.   The   peculiarities  of  administrative  responsibility   concerning  the  violation of intellectual property rights are investigated. Also, there are indications of legal liability for violations in the field of intellectual property.

Administrative responsibility in the field of road traffic: theoretical and legal aspects

The article studies the essence and peculiarities of administrative responsibility for violation of traffic rules, identifies gaps legislative regulation of this sphere. Also the author considers the features of the subjective composition of administrative offences in this category.


Distinctions of the administrative liability on the breach customs law in Ukraine

The article deals with the issues aimed at the improvement of administrative responsibility for violation of customs rules, defining its grounds, determining the content of proceedings in cases on administrative offences threatening  customs security as well as at making proposals as for amending the legislation on this basis.