
The terminological interaction «aggression-aggressiveness» in the philosophical and legal discourse

The article conceptualizes the essence of aggression as a philosophical and legal phenomenon and reveals the specifics of the terminological interaction "aggression-aggressiveness". The distinction between the concepts of "aggression" and "aggressiveness" indicates that, on the one hand, not all aggressive actions of the subject are actually based on the aggressiveness of the person as a trait, on the other hand, the aggressiveness of a person does not always manifest itself in clearly aggressive actions.

Problem of education of collective and personality in A. S. Makarenko’s works, and their role in educational process of MIA of Ukraine (to 90th anniversary of his death)

A. S. Makarenko became a part of history of the world pedagogy as one of the prominent theorists and a practical innovator. Study and publication of his works in 29 languages of the peoples of the USSR prove the fact that A. Makarenko became a world-class educator. His works were published in 24 languages abroad. The formation of A. Makarenko’s philosophical and pedagogical worldview was greatly influenced by the works of prominent foreign teachers Ya. Komensky, I. Pestalozzi, K. Ushinsky, J. J. Russo, J. Locke, I. Disterverg etc. A.

Правова соціалізація особи як об’єкт теоретично- правового дослідження

Розглянуто теорію правової соціалізації особи. Сформульовано основні підходи до
визначення поняття “правова соціалізація особи”.

Механізм детермінації девіантної поведінки дитини

Подано науково-теоретичний огляд вітчизняних і зарубіжних досліджень щодо
проблеми формування агресії та девіацій поведінки у дитячому середовищі. Розглянуто
психологічні особливості деструктивної поведінки та її характеристик з позиції
психології, соціології та кримінально-правових наук. Розкрито механізми формування
протиправних дій, а також проаналізовано вплив девіацій на формування особистості.
Проаналізовано соціальні відхилення поведінки особистості, які формуються під
впливом соціальних інститутів, а також теорії причин виникнення відхилень.

Рhilosophical and legal smyslozmistovnoho measurement problem deviant consciousness

The article is devoted to one of the main problems of philosophy of law, namely the phenomenon of deviant minds, including its smyslozmistovniy essence. The attention is focused on solving the fundamental problem of social science: the study of the meaning and content of the factors that motivate people to deviant minds. The author analyzes the determinants that influence the formation of deviant consciousness and its manifestations.

Рersonal system social bonds: philosophical and legal aspects

On the philosophical level legal definition of identity is analyzed in the system of social
relations. It was found that personality - one of the basic personality traits, its essential
characteristic, which is determined by the form and manner of being human subjects
conscious activity. Proved that identity formation historically determined system of social
relations culture of a certain age, she gradually takes possession during public life. From that,
what social factors shape a person, independent and individual personality traits. These

The role of national consciousness phenomenon in the state-legal space

The article analyzes the problem of national identity value for the state-legal space. It’s positioned that consciousness of separate individual creates views, ideas, feelings about current or desired law, state, social and governmental processes. In state-government activities – national consciousness of the individual affects not only on the individual level, but also generates comprehensive national mass intentions.

Development of personality in the social communities: total individually

The article highlights traced and scientific development of the individual in the social communities to determine the total individual. Found out the problem of identity as individuals in the context of the category comparison "individuality" and "personality." Proved that the development of the individual, the disclosure of her identity - the development of general public, individually and through him increase wealth and diversity of the spiritual world, the development initiative and creativity.

Genesis of personality in the light of philosophical and legal determinants

In the article the one of the main problems of philosophy of law, namely the formation of personality in the context of a combination of social and individual in this institution. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving the fundamental problem of social science: identity formation in the light of philosophical and legal determinants. A correlation between individual and social factors of personality and the formation of man as a full member of society.