
To the question about the concept of organized crime

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of “organized crime”. Using the
essential features of organized crime, we can agree with the existing in the scientific literature
understanding of it as a historically conditioned, negative social phenomenon, which is a
hierarchically constructed structure that relies on created crime capital and corruption, with
the purpose of providing the needs by raising capital, laundering the latter, and gaining power.

Decriminalization as a method of criminal-legal policy

The article is devoted to the analysis of issues of decriminalization as a method of criminal-legal policy. Summarizing that decriminalization, as a process of official recognition of the fact of the loss of a certain act of social danger and the exclusion of a norm that previously established the criminal responsibility for the said act from the Criminal Code of Ukraine, is one of the most effective methods of criminal-law policy.

Justice as a part of the right

The article deals with the correlation of the concepts of “right” and “justice”. The peculiarities of their application are investigated. A literary analysis of these concepts is carried out on the subject: identities; identification of differences, the establishment of regularities during their use in legal proceedings and the legal weight of each of them.

The civil society as a problem category of philosophical-legal discourse

The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the legal category “civil society”. Civil society as a philosophical and legal category is explored in two dimensions: phenomenal (practical) and abstract-conceptual. In the phenomenal  context, the category is regarded as a characteristic phenomenon of the modern society, which is a living substance, which by its very nature is inflexible and in a state of permanent development.

Осмислення методологічних підходів у сучасному правознавстві

Висвітлено методологічну ситуацію у сучасному правознавстві, основною особливістю
якої є перехід від моністичної методології до філософсько-методологічного плюралізму.

Теоретико-правовий аналіз взаємовідносин держави і християнської релігії в «філософії права» Гегеля

Проаналізовано наукові погляди великого німецького мислителя Гегеля щодо
діалектики взаємозв’язку і взаємовідносин держави і християнської релігії. У своїй
роботі «Філософія права» німецький філософ глибоко і всебічно розкриває роль і місце
не тільки держави в розвитку і функціонуванні суспільства, але й християнської релігії
як важливого інституту у формуванні духовності і високої моралі в суспільстві.

Philosophical and legal sources of citizenship

In this article I try to analyze the philosophical and legal sources of the concept of citizenship, its essence and legal nature. Specifically, I want to emphasize the ancient chronologic political and historical phase of its evolution, when the concept of citizenship was founded with the precise philosophical and legal interpretation and legislative adoption, which
remains duly till now.

Аxiological nature of law: epistemological approach

It was established that the right has all predicates values, first it is value, and consequently hierarchical, orderly, subordinated social system, function is the preservation, restoration and maintenance of the balance of social life. Secondly, since the right's value is inherently entity focused on the implementation of the above functions, it is some system “be appropriate”, and thus the system of mandatory, semantic (related content) oriented ideal entities – the norms of social and communication people.

Methodology law as an organized form of world of thinking and investigator

The article deals with the methodological  situation in modern jurisprudence. It is stressed that its main feature is the conversion  from the  monistic totality of the researching methods of the philosophical-methodological  pluralism. Established that the philosophical basis of research is pluralistic methodology that combines equal content and origin essence methods.

Legal education reform: foreign experience and ukrainian realities

The article analyzes the foreign experience reforming legal education and defined the prospects of its implementation in Ukraine. It has been found that the use of international experience in the learning process becomes particularly relevant with the development of postmodernism, when the company moves to a new historical synthesis forms with the state. After reviewing certain aspects of legal education of international experience proved that it will contribute to more active implementation in the domestic legal practice these developments.