сейсмічна активність

The influences of seismic processes, the Sun and the Moon on the small changes of coordinates of GNSS-stations

Aim. In order to improve the definition of GNSS-stations coordinate changes, it is important to find out how the processes that occur in the near-Earth space influence the significance of these changes. To describe such processes we can use the seismic activity index, the infrasound rate, and the number of daily flashes in the Sun. In this regard the purpose of this work is to study the influence of the above processes on small changes in the coordinates of GNSS-stations. Method.

Relationship of the spatial distribution of seismicity with the tectonic structure of the Transcarpathian depression

In the paper discusses the features of long-term seismicity (1961-2010) the territory of Transcarpathian depression and separate seismoactive zones (A, B and C).  The relationship of these zones with the main tectonic elements of depression is set. It is proved that the boundary between zones A and B passes through Oash deep fault.

Neogene and modern geodynamics and seismicity of Transcarpathians lithosphere

In the paper on the base of analyzing of Neogene sediments` structure of Transcarpathian depression the Neogene geodynamics of the region is traced. Based on comparisons with modern data it is concluded that modern geodynamic regime of depressions` lithosphere is some continuing of transformation of Neogene geodynamic process from subcarpathian to the zonal ones with the growing of display of processes with transversal pattern and with their spatial migration (in general – from the southeast to the northwest).

The investigation of the Earth's crust movements by geodetic methods in Cherkeysk reservoir region

On the basis of the processing results of four cycles of geodetic measurements in the plane- and high- altitude nets on the geodynamic polygon in Cherkeysk reservoir region the vertical and horizontal displacements of the Earth's crust surface are revealed. The values of that confirm the display of the recent geodynamic in the mentioned region. The correlation between the values and character of the resent movements and higher seismic activity and process of filling in reservoir too is observed.

Correlation analysis of connection between the dynamics of solar plasma and generation of the earthquakes

To study the 11-year Sun dynamics as an external process that influences the dynamics of the tectonic plates of the planet Earth held a lot of studies based on such a large time duration of this period. But as is known, the frequency of the destruction of tectonic plates may have other timing parameters that may be shorter or longer than 11 or 22. This paper presents a correlation analysis of short-period permissible minimum time interval of the earthquake processes and dynamics of the solar plasma.

Detecting the anomalous events in lithosphere by means of infrasonic and geoelectric monitoring at the surface

In the paper, a connection between infrasonic fluctuations and geo-electric field in atmosphere and seismic activity in a region is considered. In our analysis, the model of a stationary random process is used. The coherence between spectral characteristics of infrasound and seismic activity is revealed in some seismic events. The analysis of our study proves that characteristics of infrasound and geo-electric field begin to change a few days before the earthquake.

Geodynamic model that seismic figure of Zakarpattya as a result of deformed researches

Purpose. The aim of the research is the analysis of integrated observations of parameters of physical fields in the CSG of Transcarpathia, the establishment of the space-time dependence of observable quantities, identify their characteristics and connections of these fields with the geodynamic situation in the region to build a geomechanical model of the system of Transcarpathia, the process of accumulation and release of energy of elastic-deformation processes.  Methodology.

Geophysical observations in Zakarpattia and their results

Purpose. The aim of the research is the analysis of the results of complex geophysical observations in the area Oach fault, the study of the influence of meteorological parameters on seismodynamic condition, geodynamic connection parameters with parameter variations of geophysical fields, calculations of the parameters of the dynamic nature in deformation processes in the region, which can be used as characteristics of the geophysical processes of the earth's surface in the zone of possible local earthquakes. Methodology.

Migration of small earthquake sources in Garm region and irregularity of Earth's rotation

Spatiotemporal variations in location of earthquake sources at depths H≥14 km in the Garm region are analyzed. Purpose. The purpose of researches – to search of  relation between the velocity of the Earth’s rotation, variations in the fluid field and activity of the deepened seismicity. Methodology. We used analysis procedure non-stationary time series: the spectral-temporal, wavelet analysis, method based on the calculation of the structural function  and others. Results.

About migration of the extreme values of velocities of the crust dilatation in Europe

GNSS has become common practice in determining movements and deformations of the earth crust in the global and regional scale. The results of observations at 147 permanent GNSS-stations located in Europe have been used to calculate the parameters of crust deformation. Using the Delaunay triangulation, our study region was divided into a network of triangles. Calculated velocity of the dilatation are belonging to the centers of the elementary triangle which was divided our study region. Schemes of the dilatations distribution in Europe from 2000 to 2010 have been created.