
Philosophical and legal concept of the defense "civil society": modern scientific approaches

On  the  basis  of  the  latest  scientific  research,  the  philosophical  and  legal  concept  of  the 
definition  of  «civil  society»  is  thoroughly  analyzed,  Modern  approaches  to  understanding  the 
concept  are  systematized.  There  searchis  based  on  the  scholarly  views  of  prominent 
philosophers,  as  well  as  the  author’s  own  approach  and  conclusions  about  there  search 
The  research  is  based  on  the  scientific  views  of  significant  philosophers,  as  well  as  the 

Ways of humanization of modern judiciary oratoria

In  the  period  of  systemic  reforms  taking  place  in  modern  Ukrainian  society  as  a  whole, 
and in the judicial system, in particular, factors that provide a fairer and more humane nature 
of  the  trial,  should  be  counted  historical  experience  gained  by  other  states  in  the  legal  field. 
Also,  the  inclusion  in  the  theoretical  understanding  of  the  notion  of  the  culture  of  the  court 
speaker  of  reasoning  about  the  significance  of  Christian  ethics  in  the  process  of  humanization 

Justice as the basic function of the judicial uthority

An important problem – legal mechanism of realization of basic function of department
judicial of justice is considered In the article. A role of other functions of department judicial is
in providing of realization of justice. Argued, constitutional legal nature of justice which
confirms its exceptional nature among the functions of department judicial.

Theoretical and legal analysis of the relationship between the state and the christian religion in the «philosophy of law» Hegel

Analyzed scientific views of the great German philosopher Hegel’s dialectic relationship
and on relations between the state and the Christian religion. In his work «Philosophy of Law»
German philosopher deeply and comprehensively reveals the role and place of state not only in
the development and functioning of society, but also the Christian religion as an important
institution in the formation of spirituality and high morality in society.

The problem of defining the concept of public power in the theory of state and law

The issues of the public authority nature and content are analyzed, and the scientific approaches of this concept understanding are characterized in this scientific article. On the basis of this, the public power structure, features and the main implementation forms are clarified. In particular, attention is drawn to the correlation of socio-political, state and public authorities.

Philosophical and legal sources of citizenship

In this article I try to analyze the philosophical and legal sources of the concept of citizenship, its essence and legal nature. Specifically, I want to emphasize the ancient chronologic political and historical phase of its evolution, when the concept of citizenship was founded with the precise philosophical and legal interpretation and legislative adoption, which
remains duly till now.

Problem deviations in the legal system socio-cultural changes

On the basis of a thorough analysis of scientific papers highlighted the problem of deviations in the legal system of social and cultural change. It was found that the phenomenon of deviance ambivalent nature and can mean both negative and positive social change. In the scientific literature rejection divided into primary and secondary. Those terms that society is negligible, considered primary, and subjects who commits them, do not qualify as devianta because they do not violate social norms.

Philosophical concept of deviance (end of ХІХ – mid ХХ century)

The article outlines the main areas of research deviance as a social phenomenon in philosophical and legal context. Tracked the evolution of human behavior in the philosophical and legal discourse. Investigated that deviant behavior from the time of the emergence of a society always represented a danger to social stability, endanger the lives of people, societies, was considered undesirable, and a society trying to prevent and, if possible, block unwanted forms of human life.

Problems of war and peace in the philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte

Discusses the problems of war and peace in German classical philosophy, prominent representatives of which were I. Kant, G. Hegel, I. Fichte. These and other thinkers in their theoretical writings not only analyze philosophical problems of society, but paid considerable attention, politics, law, morality, and the nature of social effects of the war. They offered interesting ideas of peaceful coexistence of mankind. Philosophical, political, legal, social concepts of prominent German thinkers have not lost their social values and they are extremely important.

Design concept “social state” in the historical aspect

History today is followed the idea of the welfare state and highlighted the practice of institutionalization and functioning. The specific features of its accumulation and redistribution of national resources are studied. The experience of implementation patronage role of the stat are carefully considered. Mixed economic, political, ethical, psychological and other consequences of its implementation in daily life are explained. The state is subject to a civil society and endowed with supreme authority. It acts as the system of social categories.