
Information as an object of civil rights: the conceptual dimension

The article indicates the need to objectify the category "information" and establish a legal framework for its regulation, and consider the existing legal acts regulating information. The need to consider as an object of civil law only that information that is the result of human activity was noted. 

The problematic question of the classification of information to objects of civil law was raised, to answer this question, the characteristics of the object of civil law, derived by civil scientists, were analyzed. 

Diversity and dynamism of legal life as a basis for the development of legal argumentation

It is argued that the current legal norms are closely related and consistent, ie acquire the property of consistency, which is legally introduced into law. It is established that positive law is nothing but a system of legal norms in force in society. When establishing new legal norms, the legislative body must coordinate them with the existing ones. Nevertheless, isolated from other similar legal norms of the single order, legal norms cannot be implemented outside the regulatory system, and their internal potential will not be claimed.

Legal technique of subordinate legislation

The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the legal technique of subordinate legislation. Methodology. First, the principles and techniques of formal-logical methodology are used. Elements of the structural-functional approach have been widely used. Thus, the identification of intersectoral links in subordinate legislation is based on the functional nature of law in general and regulatory means of bylaws in particular. In addition, dialectical, system-structural and functional methods, the method of interpretation (applied to subordinate legislation) were used in the work.

Legal status of the lawyer: comparative analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries

The comparative analysis of conceptual bases of the legal status of the lawyer in Ukraine and foreign countries is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the study of the independence of the lawyer as a fundamental condition for the practice of law. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign legislation on advocacy, scientific and theoretical works, case law, international standards of the legal profession reveals the essence of the structural elements of the legal status of a lawyer (professional rights and responsibilities, guarantees of advocacy and liability of a lawyer).

The Role of Periodicals for Development of Ukrainian-Polish Relations in Prykarpattia (Review Article)

In Ukraine, media of national minorities support the principles of civil society, tolerance and social stability. Therefore, the analysis of activity of media of national minorities, especially Polish minority in Prykarpattia, is the task of this article.  A key method of the research is the comparative critical analysis of the activities of public organizations and private media of Polish minority in the Pre-Carpathian region.

Regulatory provision of the right to information in Ukraine: the state and proposals of improvement

The article is devoted to the coverage of one of the most important constitutional human rights - the right to information, the realization of which is necessary to ensure the basic conditions of human life. The purpose of the article is to analyze the normative provision of the right to information in Ukraine and to formulate proposals for its improvement. The research used general scientific (functional, axiological, comparative, logical, etc.) and special legal methods (interpretation of legal norms, functional law, comparative law, etc.).

Analysis of the current legislationaimed at comba ting illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors

The problem of drug addiction is a global one for society, since the essential sign is more socioeconomic than medical and legal, requiring the fight not with drug addicts, but with drug addiction as a phenomenon.

Legal system of jurisdiction the US Supreme Court

On the basis of a thorough analysis of the existing historiographical base, the legal
system of jurisdiction of the US Supreme Court is analyzed. The US Supreme Court has been
found to be the first court in certain categories of cases and to appeal in federal cases. The
current U.S. Supreme Court only deals with a petition from a party or other interested party
in the order of a certifier, and federal and state Supreme Courts can refer to it if they need a
competent interpretation of federal law in the certification procedure. The analysis of

Про заборони та обмеження в адміністративному праві

Розглянуто питання, що є актуальними і цікавими як для вчених, так і для
практичних працівників у частині знання та дотримання вимог заборон і обмежень,
передбачених нормами адміністративного права. Досить часто адміністративно-правові
заборони і обмеження ототожнюють із заходами адміністративного примусу, що не
співвідноситься з метою і завданнями заборон та обмежень. Звернено увагу на ролі та
значенні законності під час реалізації адміністративно-правових заборон та обмежень.

On the jury for criminal procedural legislation of ukraine

The article is devoted to theoretical and practical problems of people’s participation in implementation of justice in Ukraine.
The development of a jury in Ukraine as a form of popular participation in the administration of justice in the context of continental (European) and Anglo-Saxon legal systems.