Features of preparation for interrogation of a victim  of fraud

: 108-113

Baranyak V. "Features of preparation for interrogation of a victim  of fraud"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article examines the features of preparation for interrogation of a victim of fraud, the  essence of forensic aspects of activities during preparation for interrogation of the victim, the  dependence of the content of this process on the type of crime, the investigative situation, the time  between interrogation and interrogation. Emphasis on the study of materials of criminal  proceedings, which makes it possible to establish the method of committing fraud, allows the 

investigator to clearly imagine the event of the crime, to determine the range of issues to clarify  insufficient information about the mechanism of the crime. 

The issues of choosing the place of interrogation, choosing the method of summons for  interrogation, selection of material evidence, other materials and objects necessary for  interrogation, study of special issues, if during the interrogation certain knowledge in science, art,  technology and craft, ensuring the future interrogation with the necessary technical means and  materials to record its progress and results. 

The peculiarities of drawing up the interrogation plan are also determined, which is the  final link in the preparation for the interrogation and in the forensic aspect is the planning of the  interrogation process. At this stage of preparation the range of questions that need answers is  outlined, the interpretation of questions is formulated, taking into account the intelligence and life  experience of the interrogated, the choice of the investigator's behavior is determined on the basis  of information obtained during the preparation. psychological contact with the respondent. 

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