Legal Regulation of the Activity of Attorneys General in the Context of European Integration: Challenges and Possibilities for Ukraine.

Kyiv national university of internal affairs

Summary. This paper studies the problem of legal regulation of the activity of attorneys general in the context of European integration and its influence on the modern development of the legal system of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the challenges that the country faces in the process of adapting national legislation to European standards in the field of advocacy, as well as to identify opportunities that this process can open up for Ukraine.

The research used methods of scientific analysis and synthesis, in particular, systematization and generalization of existing scientific literature, analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and European countries, comparative analysis of legal systems, as well as study of the practice of applying European standards.

In the course of the analysis, they were able to determine that the main conclusions of the study of the legal regulation of the activities of attorneys general in the context of European integration and challenges and opportunities for Ukraine take into account that the challenges that Ukraine faces in the context of European integration are the need to bring national legislation into line with European standards for activities of general advocates. This involves the revision and improvement of legal norms, the creation of transparent and clear rules regarding the professional conduct of lawyers, the establishment of effective mechanisms for licensing and control over their activities. On the other hand, European integration opens opportunities for Ukraine to improve the standards of providing legal services and improve the quality of legal aid. This can lead to an increase in the quality of the legal system, improved access to justice, increased confidence in the legal system, support for reforms in the judicial system, and attraction of investment and business support. Considering this, the solution of these tasks requires a systematic approach and active cooperation of all interested parties, both at the domestic and international levels.

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