Human rights in the context of the postomoderial legal review

: 105-111

Chornopyska V. Z.
"Human rights in the context of the postomoderial legal review"

Lviv Polytechnic National University,Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

Natural-legal  concepts  characterize  human  rights  as  the  manifestation  of  the  values  of 
human  existence  and  the manifestation  of  objective  needs. However,  one  should  not ignore  the 
fact  that  the  understanding  of  the  genesis  and  essence  of  human  rights  was  evaluated 
extensively  on  the  basis  of  two  anti-ethical  positions,  and  positivist  approach  to  the 
understanding  of  human  rights  was  a  certain  antipode.  Under  the  conditions  of  the  legitimate 
legal  understanding,  the  concepts  of  the  state  and  the  law  dominate  the  concept  of  human 
rights, whereas in the second sense, the dominant is the individualand his natural rights. 
The  modern  concept  of  human  rights  must  be  based  on  the  modern  (postmodern) 
philosophy  of  man,  taking  into  account  all  the  latest  developments  in  human  knowledge. 
Ignoring them, or refusing them, is the path to «false» law, a kind of degradation, a road to the 
past,  devoid  of  a  humanistic  dimension,  which  is  understood  as  a  renunciation  of  a  person,  a 
betrayal of it, to which it deservesnothing.

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