The problem of definition of “legal values“ in modern scientific discourse

: 89-98

V. Chornopyska "The problem of definition of “legal values“ in modern scientific discourse"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

In the article it is found out that legal values are a determining element of legal influence on the society, which have a significant influence on the mechanism of legal regulation. It is determined that the legal values are, first of all, interrelated with the principles of law, justice, law-making and legal implementation; secondly, they are real socio-legal phenomena, remedies and mechanisms. Legal values have a hierarchical structure and their system is based on a specific set of interests that underpins human needs. It has been researched that the specific features of legal values are normativity, significance, valuation, objectivity, probabilistic character, which act as an effective instrument of harmonization between external influence and mechanisms of self-regulation in law. Therefore, we can consider legal to be the inviolable values that underpin all development, since they are the most important component (element) of the culture of law and fulfill all the functions of legal values.

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