
Academichna mobilnyst yak strategichna variatsii ukrainskogo studentstvo

The entry of Ukraine into European and global processes leads to the transformation of the socio-cultural paradigm and creates new models of social life of modern students. The introduction of new methods of student exchanges and the maintenance of individual mobility by the state creates a new approach in promoting economic growth of the country, political stability and social balance of the citizens.

Historical and legal features of development higher education in Ukraine (XVII–XIX centuries)

The article analyzes the historical development of higher education in Ukraine during the XVII–XIX centuries, its historical and legal peculiarities are determined. Particular attention is paid to the formation and development of humanitarian university education, which laid the foundation for domestic higher education and served as a source of leading ideas over several centuries of its development.

Information system interaction of universities with social environment internet

This article implemented a formal accounting structure of the university. This article describes the information model of each component in the form of a database diagram "entity-relationship". Specifically described database structure "Structure Universities" reflects multilevel model generator high university. Accounting generators built in such, a way that it actually provides is the account of all the available information image of the university in social media. Described database structure approved accounting administrative areas of responsibility for ID universities.

Peculiarities of Higher Educational Establishments Funding Accounting: National and Foreign Experience

The article actualizes issues of funding for efficient scientific, research and development, educational activity during the reform period. The focus on integration of science and education, based on the education quality improvement, requires implementation of new models for the scientific and educational process funding. For the purpose of development of such models, we offer to compare foreign experience of leading educational institutions, represented by the Harvard University, and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

University company cooperation development in Ukraine

The university company cooperation (UCC) plays great role in economic, innovative, technological and scientific development. For more than 25 years, many Ukrainian business and academic leaders have high interest in cooperation and mutual research between their companies and universities. Only a few universities had cooperation with enterprises, mostly in technical area. The aim of the article is to underline the key points of UCC and to present proposition of mutual cooperation development in Ukraine.

Концепція створення веб-сайта Національного університету «Львівська політехніка»

Розглянуто концепцію створення та розвитку офіційного комплексного веб-сайта Львівської політехніки як засобу подання сучасного університету у глобальному інформаційному середовищі.

In this paper we consider the main points of Lviv Polytechnic National University website development conception as the means of modern university positioning in the global information environment.

Motivational aspects of creating innovative start-ups on the platform of higher educational institutions

The article proves that in Ukraine the conditions are created for the formation of start-ups on the platform of universities. It is proved that all participants of start-ups – companies, firms, universities, teachers, students etc. – have a clear motivation. The recommendations are made on the basis of research for legislative consolidation of some elements motivating the innovation process. The methods are obtained for creating and managing start-ups on the platform of Universities at the present stage of Ukrainian economy development. 

Формування моделі каталогу генераторів інформаційного образу внз

In the paper the notion of correctly defined generator is introduced, formal set-theoretic model of generator is built and formalization of structure of virtual community as a platform of university information activity is suggested.