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15890 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
12601 Conceptualization of “man – state” relations in liberalism

Mykola Getmanchuk, Siromska Ganna

Series Humanitarian Vision
12602 The place of the transcendent in classical and non-classical theories of cognition (The article has been removed due to the autoplagiarism)

Lіubomyr Fedoriv

Series Humanitarian Vision
12603 The role of philosophy in life of contemporary society: questions without answers

Victor Petrushenko

Series Humanitarian Vision
12604 Transformations of the existential manifestations of human being in the network culture

Oksana Onyshchuk

Series Humanitarian Vision
12605 Вивчення інгібування корозії вуглецевої сталі методом імпедансної спектроскопії

Лазорко О.І., Топільницький П.І., Романчук В.В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12606 Multimodal composite Portland cements, modified with ultrafine mineral additives

Sanytsky М.A., Kropyvnytska Т., Rusyn B., Geviuk І.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12607 Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s metaphilosophy

Ihor Karivets’

Series Humanitarian Vision
12608 Use of zeolite of the Sokyrnytsa deposit in engineering of environment

Sabadash V.V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12609 Properties of self-compacting concrete with basalt fiber

Poznyak O.R., Kirakevych I.I., Stechyshyn M.S.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12610 “The planck wall” as agnostic principle in fundamental scientific knowledge

Andriy Kadykalo

Series Humanitarian Vision
12611 Purification of sewage from salts of heavy metals by natural zeolite

Petrushka I.M., Pashuk A.V., Tarasovych O.D.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12612 Welsh nationalism

Andrew Wojtashak

Series Humanitarian Vision
12613 Вплив ефекту гідродинамічної кавітації на абсорбцію nox

Мороз М.О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12614 Review the calculation methods of monolithic reinforced concrete flat overlap with the hollow inserts

Melnyk І.М.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12615 Using of silicate materials for sewage sorption treatment from heavy metals

Mazurak O., Mazurak A., Marushchak U.D., Pozniak O.R.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12616 Prospects for the eastern partnership under geopolitical and security changes in the Eastern European region

Yaryna Turchyn

Series Humanitarian Vision
12617 Bearing capacity of strengthened reinforced concrete beams

Mazurak А.V., Kovalyk І.V., Mehaylechko V.О., Sadovyi М.V., Ambroziak P.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12618 The linear concept of global development: history and nature

Yuriy Tyshkun

Series Humanitarian Vision
12619 Using of zeolite to clean the effluents of meat enterprises

Matsuska O.V., Humnytskyy Y.M., Suhorska O.P.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12620 Role of the Ukrainian greek catholic church in campaigning parliamentary elections 2012

Roman Pasichny

Series Humanitarian Vision
12621 Rapid hardening modified concretes

Маrushchak U.D., Rusyn B.G., Маzurak Т.А.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12622 Institution-based reasons and background of minority governments’ forming in the european parliamentary democracies

Nadia Panchak-Byaloblotska

Series Humanitarian Vision
12623 Кінетика фільтраційного сушіння амофосу

Гузьова І.О., Караман В.П, Грибович А.С.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12624 Ms. Park geun-hye: the president of the republic of korea, “iron lady” of Asia

Lyubava Matlay

Series Humanitarian Vision
12625 Дезінфікуючий вплив ультразвуку на процес очищення стоків пивоварного виробництва

Предзимірська Л.М., Шевчук Л.І., Кондратович О.З.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12626 Information security of Ukraine: modern challenges, threats and mechanisms of counteracting negative information-psychological influences

Uljana Ilnytska

Series Humanitarian Vision
12627 Security potential of the european union: geopolitical and socio-economic dimensions

Olga Ivasechko, Lesya Dorosh

Series Humanitarian Vision
12628 Дослідження процесу розділення глинистих суспензій з використанням флокулянтів

Дулеба В.П., Гобан І.В, Костюк Н.М.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12629 Signs of time in teachings by pope john XXIII

Oksana Volynets

Series Humanitarian Vision
12630 Politological analysis of the main methods of measurement of the democracy level in the world

Mykola Buchyn

Series Humanitarian Vision
12631 Оксалати металів як каталізатори процесу естерифікації

Дзіняк М.Б., Мельник С.Р., Дзіняк Б.О., Семенів Т.І.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12632 Математичне моделювання процесу модифікації окиснених нафтових бітумів нафтополімерною смолою з флуорвмісними функціональними групами

Червінський Т.І., Чайківський Т.В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12633 Багатоатомні спирти у процесі окиснення циклогексану

Супрун О.О., Реутський В.В., Іващук О.С., Мудрий С.О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12634 Optimization of concrete composition with addition of zeolitic tuff

Markiv T., Huniak O., Sobol Kh.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12635 Effect of parameter of fibres in dispersed reinforcement of concretes and sulfur concretes

Margal I., Brajchenko S.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12636 The dependence of exergy losses in elements of air split-conditioners refrigerating machines from adiabatic and electromechanical output-input ratio for compressor

Labay V.Y., Getsko V.V., Omelchuk O.V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12637 The nature of latin american regionalism in the context of regional security issues

Tetyana Bessarab

Series Humanitarian Vision
12638 Decorative plasters for finishing works

Kropyvnytska T.P., Sanytsky M.A., Kotiv R.M., Gogol M.M.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12639 Коолігомеризація в емульсії вуглеводнів фракції с9 з використанням персульфату калію

Субтельний Р.О., Фуч У.В., Ревенко Л.В., Дзіняк Б.О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12640 Zeolites as structure formation hydrates of alkaline cements

Krivenko P.V., Runova R.F., Rudenko I.I.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12641 Вплив природи каталізатора на реакцію естерифікації 3-метилкротонової кислоти

Почапська І.Я., *Хлібишин Ю.Я.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12642 Cуспензійна коолігомеризація ненасичених вуглеводнів фракції с9, ініційована пероксидом бензоїлу

Оробчук О.М., Субтельний Р.О., Фуч У. В., Дзіняк Б.О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12643 Features of experimental strain determination of compressed-bent elements considering their deflection curve

Krayinskyi P.I., Blikharskyi Ya.Z., Khmil R.Ye.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12644 Дослідження процесу одержання акрилової кислоти за допомогою альдольної конденсації оцтової кислоти з формальдегідом у газовій фазі

Небесний Р.В., Івасів В.В., Дмитрук Ю.В., Шибанов С.В., Майкова С.В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12645 Strength and deformability of normal cross sections of reinforced concrete beams, reinforced in the tension area with additional sheet reinforcement without the bond

Kramarchuk A.P., Ilnytskyy B.M., Volynets M.E., Bobalo T.V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12646 Influence of zeolite additive on the properties of plaster used for monumental salted walls

Klimek B., Barnat – Hunek D., Franus M.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12647 Одержання бутиладипінату у присутності активованих алюмосилікатів

Мельник С.Р., Ворончак Т.О., Жолобайло М.В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12648 Simulation of the stress-strain state of concrete columns with pre-compress high-strength reinforcement

Kholod P.F., Shmyh R.A.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12649 Вплив спиртових відходів на якість дизельних палив

Кожушко М.І., Лудин А.М.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12650 Дослідження кінетичних закономірностей димеризації 2,3-диметилбута-1,3-дієну

Костів І.С., Ятчишин Й.Й., Маршалок Г.О., Полюжин І.П.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application