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16304 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
12851 Influence of Changes the Amplitude – Frequensy Characteristics of Bulk Environment on Vibrating Separation’s Process Zinoviy Stotsko, Dariia Rebot, Богдан Сокіл, Volodymyr Topilnytskyi Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12852 Development and Reasoning of Parameters of Vibratory Plate With Debalance Drive Olena Lanets, Оleksii Lanets, Volodymyr Gursky, A. Tihomirov Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12853 Формування термочутливих покриттів на основі полі(n-метакрилоїл-l-фенілаланіну) на поверхні пероксидованого скла

Огар М.О., Стецишин Ю.Б., Коструба А.М., Марінцова Н.Г., Новіков В.П.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12854 Structural and Kinematic Analysis Inertia Reel Compilation Shovel Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines Vitaliy Korendiy, Ihor Kuzio, V. Vergeles Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12855 Modeling of Design Changes Suspension Trailer Road Train Brand Man in the Program Solidshorks Roman Kachmar , M. Dmitriv Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12856 Optimization of Process Work Adaptive Vibration Machine by Distribution Vibration in Vibrokyp'yachomu Layer Р. Чубик, Ю. Скварок, Igor Zelinskiy Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12857 Дослідження властивостей сумішей надвисокомолекулярного поліетилену з полімерами відмінної будови

Земке В.М., Довга І.В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12858 Оцінка стійкості дорожнього одягу проти хвилеутворення

Бігун Г.Г., Карасьова Л.О., Андрусик Я.Ф.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12859 Optimization of Technological Parameters of Magazine Sensor for Nuts

А. Kulynych, І. Nishchenko

Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12860 Розрахунок несучої здатності двошарнірних залізобетонних арок з урахуванням впливу повторних навантажень

Бабич Є.М., Кислюк Д.Я.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12861 Тонкоплівкові полімерні композити мембранного типу з підвищеними фізико-механічними властивостями

Мельник Ю.Я., Яцульчак Г.В., Гіль Н.В., Суберляк О.В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12862 Computer Designing and Modeling of Technological Processes With High Speed Milling of Hardened Steel С. Добротворський, Є. Басова, Л. Добровольська Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12863 Increase the Functionality of the Vibratory Hopper Feeders the Method of the Optimization of Their A. Bespalov, Іgor Vrublevskyi Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12864 Вплив низькомолекулярних додатків на властивості клеїв на основі полівінілового спирту

Мельник Ю.Я., Клим Ю.В., Дерев’янко О.В., Скорохода В.Й.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12865 Improvement of thermal characteristics of household bioreactor

Zhelykh V.M., Furdas Y.V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12866 Justification for use of energetic separators for gas distributive stations

Yurkevych Y., Savchenko O.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12867 Application of the method of gaussian processes to identification problems of structures and soil mechanics

Waszczyszyn Z., Ziaja D., Kłos M.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12868 Rise of use effectiveness of solar energy in solar systems

Voznyak O., Dacko O., Shapoval S.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12869 Синтез та властивості гідрогелів, отриманих у присутності дрібнодисперсних (бі)металевих частинок

Дудок Г.Д., Семенюк Н.Б., Дзяман І.З.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12870 Air distribution by interaction of counter non coaxial air jets at pulsing mode

Voznyak O.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12871 Physical principles of small space settlements roadside area pollution forecasting

Ugnenko E., Voronova Ye., Uzhvieva E., Gavrish V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12872 Вплив природи термопласту-модифікатора на мігрування пластифікатора з полівінілхлоридних пластикатів

Ларук Ю.В., Левицький В.Є.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12873 Effect of the construction cost calculations to the sustainable development of buildings

Tažiková A., Kozlovská M.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12874 Evaluation of Integrated Self-adjusting Equipment Errors Impact on Machined Cylindrical Surfaces Accuracy І. Луців, В. Волошин, В. Буховець Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12875 New challenges for contemporary architecture: interdisciplinarity – innovation – social communication

Szpytma C.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12876 Вплив модифікованого алюмосилікату на захисні властивості алкідних покриттів

Гуменецький Т.В., Зінь Я.І., Білий Л.М., Самойлюк Д.С.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12877 Researching of air supply device efficiency which creating swirl and spread air jets in poultry houses

Sukholova І., Spodyniuk N.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12878 Manufacturing Process Cutting Tooth From Application of Radial-and-round Formation Process the Cylindrical Gear Wheel Yaroslav Lytvyniak Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12879 Polishing Tool With Cycloidal Movements Rotation for the Manufacture of Flat Surfaces Working Element Li2b4o7 L. Prots, V. Lavrinenko Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12880 An experimental study of parameters affecting physical and mechanical properties of hemp composites

Stevulova N., Kidalova L., Cigasova J., Junak J.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12881 Ефективні технологічні рідини для змащування металевих форм при формуванні залізобетонних виробів

Шаповал Й.М., Баран Н.М., Красінський В.В., Козак М.Б.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12882 Reducing Vibrations in Regenerative Milling Little Hard Parts by Modulation Speed Main Motion Machines В. Тонконогий, С. Зелинський, А. Ткач, Ю. Серебрій Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12883 Фоточутливість композицій 2-гідроксіетилметакрилат- полівінілпіролідон-сіль заліза (ііі) та її вплив на структуру і властивості продуктів полімеризації

Шекета М.Л., Невидомська Н.Ю.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12884 Designing New Product Line of Cutters for Development of Functional-oriented Technology of Their Manufacturing Andrii Slipchuk, Roman Yashkym Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12885 Recommendations to the probabilistic strength estimation of normal sections of the roadway bridge plate-gilled system

Shinder V.K., Volotsyuga V.V., Shinder Yu.V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12886 Description of Coupling With Face Ropes Tangential Arrangement in the Mode of Obverse and Reverse L. Prots, V. Lavrinenko Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12887 Ефект параметра розчинності у суспензійній полімеризації композицій метакрилових естерів з полівінілпіролідоном

Семенюк Н.Б., Дудок Г.Д., Меренько Б.І., Чопик Н.В., Скорохода В.Й.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12888 Environmental assessment and material solutions of a residential model design concept for research purposes

Sedláková A. Vojtuš J., Krídlová Burdová E.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12889 Effect of ultrafine fly ash on the properties of high performance concretes

Sanytsky М., Rusyn B., Halbiniak J.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12890 Термоліз і відновлення солей металів у присутності функційноактивних полімерів

Чабан Н.Й., Масюк А.С., Левицький В.Є.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12891 The design of the building for didactic in the tissue downtown Rzeszow

Rybka A., Tylutki K.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12892 Architecture of rehabilitation facilities for people with visual impairments

Rybka A., Szybka K.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12893 Поліестери n-стеарил глутамінової кислоти та діолів для створення самостабілізованих дисперсних систем

Варваренко С.М., Носова Н.Г., Тарас Р.С., Вострес В.Б., Самарик В.Я., Воронов С.А.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
12894 Optimization Parameters Press Connection Plug Knives Assembled Mills Yurii Novitskyi, Я. Новіцький Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation
12895 Safety in urban public spaces

Rybka A.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12896 Contemporary architecture as a result of development of ecological building technologies and computer aided design

Prokopska A., Kret K., Labuda I.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12897 Material and performance research on the FRP composite bridge girder

Poneta P., Kulpa M., Siwowski T.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12898 Adopting building information modeling for facility management

Podmanický P., Hyben I.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12899 The economic efficiency of the use of polymeric materials in the design of solar collectors

Piznak B.I., Zhelykh V.M., Pashkevych V.Z.

Series Theory and Building Practice
12900 The Assaying of Capacity of Worm Hobs and Their Progressive Constructions Valentin Nastasenko Series of Production Processes Optimization and Technical Control in Engineering and Instrumentation