administrative responsibility

Judicial bodies as subjects of the system of administrative and legal guarantee of the activities of religious organizations in Ukraine

The article characterizes the peculiarities of the functioning of judicial bodies as subjects of the system of administrative and legal guarantee of the activity of religious organizations in Ukraine. Implementation by judicial bodies of administrative and legal guarantees of the activities of religious organizations is carried out by the system of courts of general jurisdiction, administrative courts, and the Supreme Court of Ukraine, acting on the same basis, regarding the implementation of joint tasks in the sphere of justice.

Bullying and mobbing (harassment) as types of violent attacks on an individual

The article analyzes theoretical provisions, existing legal acts that regulate relations related to the application of administrative responsibility for committing bullying or mobbing (harassment).

In particular, it was found out that a broad list of violent acts, which manifest themselves in the form of bullying and mobbing (harassment), is enshrined in Articles 173-4, 173-5 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. Among various manifestations of violence, the aggressive behavior of a person who commits violent acts against another person is noted.

Proceedings in administrative offenses related to corruption: key moments

This article addresses the key points and issues related to the conduct of administrative corruption cases. After all, the responsibility for and counteraction to corruption and corruption-related offenses continues to be one of the elements of the anti-corruption system. At the same time, an important component of this mechanism are the rules that establish responsibility for committing not only acts of corruption, but also different from acts of corruption, which are the background phenomena that cause corruption, and therefore counteract both legal and law enforcement levels.

Some aspects of administrative responsibility for violation of rules regarding people's quarantine

The article deals with issues related to the violation of the rules by citizens in quarantine and bringing the perpetrators to administrative responsibility. Attention is drawn to the importance of understanding, interpreting and using the terms that characterize quarantine, its constituent elements, as well as measures of sanitary and hygienic, sanitary and anti-epidemic content, aimed at combating infectious diseases.

Essence of legal responsibility in the legal doctrine of Ukraine

The author examines the legal responsibility, which is inextricably linked with the need to comply with regulations, rules of conduct, submission, harmonization of their behavior with the objective laws of nature and society. If there is no need to comply with any rules, regulations, then there is no responsibility. Legal requirements are formulated in the form of legal obligations in the form of specific or general legal relations.

Typology of corruption events in police

The article deals with theoretical aspects of typology of corruption manifestations in the police. Emphasis is placed on the existence of corruption risks affecting the effectiveness of police activities. It has been proven that preventing corruption risks is a complex process, as not all risks can be identified and assessed, many of them likely and probable. The principles of criminal, administrative and disciplinary liability of police officers for committing corruption offenses are considered.

Administrative offense in the budgetary sphere as a factual grounds administrative responsibility

The legal regulation of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere and the signs of offenses to which the socially dangerous, unlawful, guilty act or inactivity of the natural person affecting
relations between the state and the subjects of the budgetary process are investigated. The grounds of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere have been determined. The legislative regulation
of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere is analyzed. Conclusions have been made and recommendations made

Administrative responsibility for non-compliance of legal requirements of officials of the authorized departments of the National police

The article is devoted to the study of problems of administrative responsibility for nonfulfillment
of the legal requirement of officials of authorized units of the National Police. The
basic approaches to administrative responsibility are analyzed through the analysis of the
terms “legal responsibility”, “administrative responsibility”. The general features of
responsibility for offenses in the investigated area, the features of its fixing in the legislation of
Ukraine are considered. Specific signs of administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of

Institute of administrative responsibility: problems and prospects of development

The article considers the modern essence of the perception of the institution of
administrative responsibility, analyzes individual views of scientists on the concept and signs of
administrative responsibility. Some problems of the transformation of administrative
responsibility are analyzed and proposals are made to improve the current administrative
legislation on administrative responsibility and the possibilities for its application.