Modern doctrinal approaches to the definition of the concepts of “state” and “statehood” are
debatable and sometimes controversial, which necessitates their clarification in view of the existing global
and local trends.
It is suggested that “statehood” is broader than the concept of “state”. The former is associated
with independence, state sovereignty, the existence of state and municipal authorities, a system of legal
norms and their international recognition. The main characteristics of statehood include the national self-
identity of the population of the State, the embodiment of the interests of the national community in the
States independence, recognition of such a State on the world stage and its participation in international
relations. The author clarifies that the concept of “statehood” is not identical to “state”.
It is determined that the geopolitical and international legal threats that have a direct impact on
the sovereignty and independence of the State include: external and internal armed conflicts, uncontrolled
migration, global extremism and terrorism; non-linear methods of warfare, creation of new “zones of
tension”, energy revolution, growing social and economic inequality, civil conflicts, strengthening of the
role of nation-states, cross-border conflicts, etc. It is noted that these factors also have an indirect impact
on statehood through the “blurring” of the self-identity of the state's population, questioning of its
sovereignty, and as a result, the loss of legal personality on the world stage.
The author emphasizes that the negative consequences of these influences on statehood may lead
to the disappearance of the state itself in the historical perspective. That is why timely countermeasures
should be taken to counter such geopolitical and international legal threats.
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