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Scientific articles Authors Journals
51 SMM marketing in the activities of beer producers in Ukraine Natalia Ye. Kuzo, Natalia S. Kosar Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
52 Approaches to commercialization of the results of innovative activities of joint ventures Wu Kaikun, M. Yastrubskyy Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
53 Circular economy: Features and prospects of implementation in Ukraine in conditions of war Natalia I. Horbal, S.V. Slipachyk Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
54 E-commerce market: New technologies and development prospects U. Balyk, Y. I. Stevchak Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
55 Interrelation of emotional intelligence and characteristics of managers’’leadership potential Oksana R. Svatiuk, V. A. Biganska Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
56 Features of the application of substantial theories of employee motivation in the conditions of the state of martial О. O. Pshyk-Kovalska, V. O. Hadyk Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
57 Modern approaches to the strategic management of human resources at the enterprise O. P. Podra, Natalia Ya. Petryshyn, I. V. Kyrychuk Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
58 The impact of social intelligence on personal productivity in social media I. K. Liadskyi, I. M. Senko Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
59 The essence of the concepts of tourism, tourist and tourist cluster O. Muzychenko-Kozlovska, R. I. Yavorskyy Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
60 Stages and measures of crisis management at the enterprise G. Myskiv, Vladyslav Bilyk Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
61 The need to use enterprise management monitoring in the context of the transition to green energy O. O. Maslak, A. V. Kuz Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
62 Methodology for managing personnel risks in enterprises Mariana Bortnikova, N. R. Stasyuk, Yuliia Malynovska Scientific Journal "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development"
63 HARDWARE & SOFTWARE COMPLEX OF OPTICAL IDENTIFICATION OF PASSIVE INFORMATION CHANNELS OF NON-CONTACT PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE SENSORS Andrii Fechan, Yuriy Khoverko, Vladyslav Dalyavskii, T. Digladovich Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
64 FEATURE ENGINEERING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MACHINE LEARNING IN CLINICAL DATA PROCESSING O. Kyrsanov, S. Krivenko Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
65 SERVICE PROVISIONING USING ALGORITHM OF STRUCTURE STABILITY IN VIRTUALIZED DATA CENTER BASED ОN CLOUD TECHNOLOGY Roman Holyaka, Mykola Brych, O.Adamiak, Yurii Shliusar, Nazariy Barylo Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
67 EVALUATION OF FREQUENCY-PHASE DISTORTIONS IN OPTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS USING OFDM J. Boiko, O. Eromenko, I. Pyatin Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
68 SWITCHING RIPPLE DATA TRANSFER TECHNIQUE USING STEP-DOWN DC-DC CONVERTER Lev Tarasenko, V. Voloskyi Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
69 APPLYING A FORMALIZED LOGICAL-PROBABILISTIC METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE SURVIVABILITY INDICATORS OF MESH NETWORKS Leonid Ozirkovskyy, Bohdan Volochii, Nazar Pryymak, Yuriy Zhuk Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
70 STUDY OF THE INTELLIGENT MONITORING ALGORITHM OF QOS IN THE MASS SERVICE SYSTEMS Andriy Senyk, Pyrih Yulia, Olha Shpur Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
71 EFFECTIVENESS ENHANCEMENT OF TRAFFIC CAMERAS BASED ON VEHICLES' AVERAGE SPEED CALCULATION Oksana Urikova, K. Morhoiev, D. Chornyi Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
72 MIGRATION OF SERVICES IN A KUBERNETES CLUSTER BASED ON WORKLOAD FORECASTING Bohdan Fedoryshyn, Olena Krasko Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
73 SEARCH FOR A DATA TRANSMISSION ROUTE IN A WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK USING A GENETIC ALGORITHM Yaroslav Pyrih Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
74 DEVELOPMENT OF A MODEL OF A CYBER THREATS DETECTION SYSTEM WITH SUPPORT AND UPDATE OF ATTACK DETECTION RULES Olha Shpur, Andriy Holdii, Andrij Masyuk Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
75 RESEARCH ON THE STATE-OF-THE-ART DEEP LEARNING BASED MODELS FOR FACE DETECTION AND RECOGNITION A. Sydor, D. Balazh, Yu. Vitrovyi, O. Kapshii, O. Karpin, Taras Maksymyuk Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
76 DEVELOPMENT OF A PLATFORM FOR RESEARCHING AUTOMATIC CONTAINER SCALING AND LOAD BALANCING IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Halyna Beshley, M. Seliuchenko, S.Bodnar, Mykola Beshley, Mykhaylo Klymash Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
77 INVESTIGATION OF INTEGRATED CONTROL ALGORITHMS FOR UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE GROUPS I. Bernevek, O. Holovko, T. Rosa, V. Kornieiev, O. Yaremko Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
78 METHOD CODING OF CLUSTERED TRANSFORMANTS IN DIFFERENTIAL-NORMALIZED SPACE Barannik V., M. Babenko, E. Elіseev, Yu. Tsimura Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
79 R2 METRIC DYNAMICS FOR K-NEAREST NEIGHBORS REGRESSION MODEL TRAINED ON SERIES OF DIFFERENT SIZES Y. Babich , L. Hlazunova, T. Kalinina , Y. Petrovych Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
80 GENERATION AND RECOGNITION OF FRACTAL CAMOUFLAGE STRUCTURES USING NEURAL NETWORKS Ostap Yunak, Mykhaylo Klymash, I. Demydov Infocommunication technologies and electronic engineering
81 Methods of Blockchain Technology Formation in the Arms Sales Accounting System Yurii Yarymovych, Nataliia Kunanets Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
82 Method for Recognizing the Characteristic Elements of Protein Secondary Structure From the Llm of Its Amino Acid Sequence Yaroslav Teplyi Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
83 Distributed Transactions in Microservice Architecture: Informed Decision-making Strategies Artem Bashtovyi, Andrii Fechan Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
84 Modeling of Passenger Flows Analysis System of Low-carbon Transportation in a Smart City Yurii Matseliukh, Vasyl Lytvyn Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
85 Big Data Technology Usage in Electric Transportation Industry Oleh Markiv, Yuriy Ryshkovets Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
86 Information Technological Tools for the Formation of Organizational and Administrative Documents Of Archive of Higher Education Institution Anna Synko Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
87 Analysis of Educational Platforms for Individuals With Special Needs Ihor Chushchak, Vasyl Andrunyk Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
88 Analysis of Software Tools for Automation of Configuration and Management Functions in It Infrastructures Mykola Orlov, Yurii Dmytriv Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
89 Information and Communication Tools for Effective Functioning of Distributed Project Teams Roman Vaskiv, Nataliia Veretennikova Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
90 Distributed Data Analysis in Cloud Services for Insurance Companies Oleksandr Lutsenko, Serhii Shcherbak Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
91 Mathematical Model of Logistic Regression for Binary Classification. Part 2. Data Preparation, Learning and Testing Processes Petro Kravets, Volodymyr Pasichnyk, Mykola Prodaniuk Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
92 Mathematical Model of Logistic Regression for Binary Classification. Part 1. Regression Models of Data Generalization Petro Kravets, Volodymyr Pasichnyk, Mykola Prodaniuk Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
93 Designing Interfaces of Information System 'smart Household' Using the Persona Method Sergiy Pasichnyk, Anastasiia Maha, Nataliia Kunanets, Oleksandr Lozytskyi, Beata Petrushyna, Oleksii Duda, Andrii Rybak Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
94 Evaluation of Classification Accuracy Using Feedforward Neural Network for Dynamic Objects Ivan Peleshchak, Diana Koshtura Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
95 Recommendation Systems in E-Commerce Applications Oleh Basystiuk, Zoriana Rybchak Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
96 Information System for Managing the Process of Continuous Software Delivery Andriy Berko, Ivan Koblyk Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
97 Use of Immersive Technologies in the Educational Process: Advantages of the Approach, Analysis of Commercial Systems, Classification of Educational Environments Tetiana Tsymbaliuk, Dmytro Fedasyuk Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
98 Contract-based Testing Using the Ontology Approach Dmytro Krupa Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
99 Decoding Cesium-137: a Deep Learning Approach to Environmental Prediction Vasyl Lytvyn, Oleksii Khobor Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
100 Virtual Online Garment Fitting Using Augmented Reality Mykola Lehkyi, Liubov Zhuravchak Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"