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Scientific articles Authors Journals
101 Principles of Creating Multi-objective Quality Models for Software Systems Anton Shantyr Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
102 Improvement of Text Data Storage Methods Vasyl Lytvyn, Artem Kalancha, Dmytro Uhryn, Maria Talakh Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
103 Method of Identification of Combat Vehicles Based on Yolo M. A. Nazarkevych, N. T. Oleksiv Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
104 Methods of Machine Learning and Design of a System for Determining the Emotional Coloring of Ukrainian-language Content Anton Lomovatskyi, Taras Basyuk Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
105 Enhancing Database Query Performance: Analysis of Indexing Techniques Vitalii Holubinka, Andrii Khudyi Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
106 Information System for Evaluation of Investments in the Field of Information Technologies Andrii Vasyluk, Taras Basyuk Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
107 Intelligent System of Constructing Vector Diagrams of Electrical Circuits Yevhenii Onishchenko, Dmytro Dosyn, Andrii Khudyi Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
108 Realization of Reliable and Effective Authentication in Intelligent Systems by Using Visual Biometrics Methods Taras Batiuk, Dmytro Dosyn Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
109 Architecture and Formal-mathematical Justification of Generative Adversarial Networks Vitalii Prozur Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
110 Fingerprint Identification Method Based on Convulsional Neural Networks Yurii Myshkovskyi, M. A. Nazarkevych Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Information Systems and Networks"
111 A WORD ABOUT THE RESEARCHER, OUR AUTHOR AND COLLEAGUE Mykola Bevz Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
112 CASTLE OF CASIMIR III THE GREAT IN ZŁOTORIA Piotr Adam Zaniewski Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
113 THE METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ETHNO-ART TRADITIONS IN THE DESIGN OF MODERN SUBJECT FORMS Ihor Yurchenko Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
114 OUTLINE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPEAN FORTIFICATIONS IN THE 15th-19th CENTURIES Lesia Chen Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
115 FORTALITIES AND FORTIFIED MANORS OF THE LUBELSKIE VOIVODESHIP: ANALYSIS ON THE EXAMPLE OF SELECTED Agata Wilczek Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
116 PROBLEMS OF SCULPTURES’S RESTORATION MADE OF ROMAN CEMENT IN THE ARCHITECTURE OF LVIV OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH - BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY Andri Fedoryshyn, Oleh Rybchynskyi Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
117 THE PROCESS OF FORMATION OF THE JEWISH SUBURBAN QUARTERS IN LVIV Anton Stupivtsev Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
118 RESTORATION OF THE WEST SQUARE TOWER OFCASEMATES OF THE CITADEL IN LVIV Mykola Rybenchuk, Olena Rybenchuk, Maria Moskaliuk, Kateryna Shklianka Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
119 RESEARCH OF THE DEFENSIVE HIGH WALL AND PROBABLE RELICS OF THE PRINCE'S RESIDENCE IN THENORTH-EASTERN PART OF LVIV'S MIDTOWN Roman Mohytych Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
120 STONE CASTLES OF WESTERN UKRAINE:CONSTRUCTION AND THE CURRENT CONDITION Кalyna-Theodora Gavryliv Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
121 THE OLD AND NEW CASTLES IN THE TOWN OF ROHATYN: DEVELOPMENT OF PLANNING STRUCTURE AND ARCHITECTURE Mykola Bevz Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications
122 Оbject recognition system based on the Yolo model and database formation M. A. Nazarkevych, N. T. Oleksiv Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
123 Integration of cloud technologies into virtual reality A. Ye. Batiuk, Y.-M. Kulyk Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
124 Mathematical models for analysis of temperature regimes in vehicle braking systems V. I. Havrysh, R. V. Zinko Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
125 Review of disease identification methods based on computed tomography imagery F. A. Smilianets, O. D. Finogenov Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
126 Model and tools of the navigation system between educational institution buildings using augmented reality technology V. M. Teslyuk, I. V. Gado, T. V. Havryliak, O. V. Paziuk Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
127 Methods and techniques for the information and analytical systems of data protection and conversion assessment O. A. Troian Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
128 Methods and means of conflict-free data exchange in the group of mobile robotic platforms I. G. Tsmots, Yu. V. Opotiak, K. M. Obelovska, S. V. Tesliuk Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
129 Improvement of emotion recognition methods based on neural networks O. D. Yaremchenko, P. Ya. Pukach Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
130 Research of data mining methods for classification of imbalanced data sets A. V. Doroshenko, D. Y. Savchuk Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
131 Models and means of clothing elements patterns classification using machine learning V. M. Teslyuk, S. S. Ivasiv Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
132 Forecasting of soil moisture using machine learning in smart agriculture systems D. V. Fedasyuk, M. O. Kostiuk Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
133 Quantitative assessment of the visual quality of digital images based on the laws of human visual perception I. M. Zhuravel, V. R. Onyshko, Yu. I. Zhuravel, K. A. Ambroziak Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
134 A decision support software system for cryptocurrency traders on the Trading View platform Yu. V. Bezsmolnyi, M. M. Seniv Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
135 A method of automating the process of calculating reliability indicators of software systems and their components M. M. Seniv Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology
136 Approaches to Understanding Corruption in International and National Legislation Iryna SHULHAN, Oksana HAVTS Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
137 Causes and Forms of Corruption in Education Iryna SHULHAN Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
138 The Concept and Legal Nature of the Institution of Exemption From Punishment and Its Serving Roman SHAI Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
139 System of Subjects of Administrative and Legal Support of Cybersecurity Yurii Tretiak Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
140 Features of Pre-trial Investigation of Smuggling of Narcotic Substances, Psychotropic Substances, Their Analogues or Precursors, or Counterfeit Medicinal Products Svitlana SOROKA Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
141 Inspection of the Scene: Features of the Involvement of a Specialist Svitlana SOROKA, Maria KOVAL Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
142 Administrative Contract in the Legal Sphere Dmytro SMOTRYCH, Dmytrii SURKES , Rostyslav BUNIAK, Anton SHEVCHUK Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
143 Military Payments: Concepts and Issues of Wartime Dmytro SMOTRYCH, Yaryna LEVINOVSKA, Habriiella PEKHNO, Nataliia FEDYSHYN Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
144 Antinomical Nature of Artificial Law Stepan SLYVKA Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
145 Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring Information Security in Ukraine Olha SKOCHYLIAS-PAVLIV Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
146 Legal Regulation of the Activities of Attorneys General in the Context of European Integration: Challenges and Opportunities for Ukraine. Maksym SYROVATCHENKO Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
147 Peculiarities of Preparation of Certain Types of Forensic Examinations Roma SYBІRNA, Oksana HAVTS Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
148 Natural-Legal Regulation of Social Relations in the Period of Social Anomy Alona ROMANOVA Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
149 Problems of the Supremacy of Environmental Law in the Context of Country Legislation Rimma RYMARCHUK Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
150 Informatization of Civil Proceedings as a Means of Implementing the Principle of Procedural Economy Mykhailo PARASYUK Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences