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16420 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
13101 Система антикорозійного покриття на основі бітумно-полімерної композиції

Черватюк В.А, Кушнір І.М., Волліс О.Є.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13102 Energy saving technologies in production complexes agricultural purpose

Zhelyh V.М., Kozak Сh.R., Furdas Yu.V., Spodiniuk N.A., Dzeryn O.I.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13103 The effect of zeolite addition at a temperature compaction of asphalt mixes

Woszuk A., Kukiełka J., Franus W.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13104 Environmental aspects of using solid fuel in urban heating systems

Yurkevich Y.S., Spodyniuk N.A.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13105 Combined solar collector

Voznyak O., Shapoval S., Pona O., Vengryn I.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13106 The institution of democratic elections in Ukraine: characteristic features and transformations

Mykola Buchyn

Series Humanitarian Vision
13107 Reasonability of application preliminary cavitation treatment of solutions in adsorption processes

Vitenko T., Zaretska T.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13108 Stress-strain behavior, cracking and bearing strength of foam concrete slabs punched through rigid stamps

VerbaV., Demchyna Kh.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13109 Mathematical transgressions

Hubert Bożek

Series Humanitarian Vision
13110 To be means to grow

Ihor Karivets’

Series Humanitarian Vision
13111 Role of German national minority in social and political life of modern Poland

Natalija Shypka

Series Humanitarian Vision
13112 Аpplication of different methods of calculation planning research of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by an inclined cross sections

Vegera P.І., Khmil R.E., Blikharskyy Y.Z.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13113 Buffer plugging systems – advanced direction for natural zeolite application

Tershak B.А., Stavichny J.M., Plytus М.М., Prytula L.J., Kovalchuk М.B.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13114 Elite consensus as a condition for constitutional process in Ukraine

Lyubomyra Mandziy

Series Humanitarian Vision
13115 Preliminary studies of dynamic parameters in multi-material structures with the addition of zeolite

Szulej J., Ogrodnik P.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13116 Nepotism as political and legal problem of ukraine’s statebuilding

Lesya Dorosh, Olga Ivasechko

Series Humanitarian Vision
13117 Use of zeolite in agriculture and environmental protection. A short review

Szerement J., Ambrożewicz-Nita A., Kędziora K., Piasek J.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13118 Metropolian Andrey Sheptycky on communism, fascism, and extreme nationalism ideologies

Oksana Volynets

Series Humanitarian Vision
13119 Optimization of oil-well mix composition with zeolitic tuff additive for borehole cementation

Sobol Kh., Blikharskyy Z., Terlyha V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13120 Natural zeolite-clinoptilolite characteristics determination and modification

Shadrikov A.S., Petukhov A.D.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13121 Knowledge, values and human dignity

Victor Petrushenko

Series Humanitarian Vision
13122 Old Isaac is dead. It’s a tragedy. No, it’s not a tragedy

Dorota Halina Kutyła

Series Humanitarian Vision
13123 Lustration as a tool of political system democratization in Ukraine

Yaryna Turchyn

Series Humanitarian Vision
13124 The place of a leading stratum in the legacy of Dmytro Dontsov

Vadym Markitantov

Series Humanitarian Vision
13125 The problem of security of the elections 2014 in Ukraine

Mykola Buchyn

Series Humanitarian Vision
13126 The problems of aging: ethical, psychologic and social aspects

Inna Robinson

Series Humanitarian Vision
13127 I. Kant and l. Feuerbach about morality and religion as the basis of spiritual formation of a man

Serhiy Yaremchuk

Series Humanitarian Vision
13128 Вивчення процесу наповнення і гідрофобізації волокнистих матеріалів стабілізованими дисперсіями частинок оксидів металів

Олійник Л.П., Максимів Н.Л., Коваль І.З.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13129 The concept of embedded safety

Boris Ostapenko

Series Humanitarian Vision
13130 The use of the structural methodology principles in gender studies Svitlana Povtoreva Series Humanitarian Vision
13131 Conceptualization of “man – state” relations in liberalism

Mykola Getmanchuk, Siromska Ganna

Series Humanitarian Vision
13132 The place of the transcendent in classical and non-classical theories of cognition (The article has been removed due to the autoplagiarism)

Lіubomyr Fedoriv

Series Humanitarian Vision
13133 The role of philosophy in life of contemporary society: questions without answers

Victor Petrushenko

Series Humanitarian Vision
13134 Transformations of the existential manifestations of human being in the network culture

Oksana Onyshchuk

Series Humanitarian Vision
13135 Вивчення інгібування корозії вуглецевої сталі методом імпедансної спектроскопії

Лазорко О.І., Топільницький П.І., Романчук В.В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13136 Multimodal composite Portland cements, modified with ultrafine mineral additives

Sanytsky М.A., Kropyvnytska Т., Rusyn B., Geviuk І.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13137 Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s metaphilosophy

Ihor Karivets’

Series Humanitarian Vision
13138 Use of zeolite of the Sokyrnytsa deposit in engineering of environment

Sabadash V.V.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13139 Properties of self-compacting concrete with basalt fiber

Poznyak O.R., Kirakevych I.I., Stechyshyn M.S.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13140 “The planck wall” as agnostic principle in fundamental scientific knowledge

Andriy Kadykalo

Series Humanitarian Vision
13141 Purification of sewage from salts of heavy metals by natural zeolite

Petrushka I.M., Pashuk A.V., Tarasovych O.D.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13142 Welsh nationalism

Andrew Wojtashak

Series Humanitarian Vision
13143 Вплив ефекту гідродинамічної кавітації на абсорбцію nox

Мороз М.О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13144 Review the calculation methods of monolithic reinforced concrete flat overlap with the hollow inserts

Melnyk І.М.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13145 Using of silicate materials for sewage sorption treatment from heavy metals

Mazurak O., Mazurak A., Marushchak U.D., Pozniak O.R.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13146 Prospects for the eastern partnership under geopolitical and security changes in the Eastern European region

Yaryna Turchyn

Series Humanitarian Vision
13147 Bearing capacity of strengthened reinforced concrete beams

Mazurak А.V., Kovalyk І.V., Mehaylechko V.О., Sadovyi М.V., Ambroziak P.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13148 The linear concept of global development: history and nature

Yuriy Tyshkun

Series Humanitarian Vision
13149 Using of zeolite to clean the effluents of meat enterprises

Matsuska O.V., Humnytskyy Y.M., Suhorska O.P.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13150 Role of the Ukrainian greek catholic church in campaigning parliamentary elections 2012

Roman Pasichny

Series Humanitarian Vision