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16362 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
13851 Models of mass transfer in gas transmission systems Ya. Pyanylo, M. Prytula, N. Prytula, N. Lopuh Mathematical Modeling and Computing
13852 2D integral formulae and equations for thermoelectroelastic bimaterial with thermally insulated interface Ia. Pasternak, R. Pasternak, H. Sulym Mathematical Modeling and Computing
13853 Mathematical modeling of near-surface non-homogeneity in nanoelements T. Nahirnyj, K. Tchervinka Mathematical Modeling and Computing
13854 Generalizations of the Faraday problem in mechanical system "reservoir–liquid with a free surface" O. Limarchenko, O. Konstantinov Mathematical Modeling and Computing
13855 Exact difference scheme for system nonlinear ODEs of second order on semi-infinite intervals M. Król, M. Kutniv, O. Pazdriy Mathematical Modeling and Computing
13856 Simulation of mass flows of decaying substance in layer with periodically located thin channels O. Chernukha, V. Dmytruk, V. Goncharuk Mathematical Modeling and Computing
13857 FEM elements enriched with meshfree functions: overview and application M. Bekhta, Ya. Savula Mathematical Modeling and Computing
13858 Environmental safety of water bodies and coastal areas using the method of water environment bioindication by means of macrophytes

Olga Bondarchuk, Vasyl Petruk, Kvaterniyk Sergiy

Environmental problems
13859 Complex water treatment of agroindustrial complexes

Vira Sabadash, Jaroslav Gumnitsky, Galyna Tyzrbir

Environmental problems
13860 Reduction of environmental hazard of hudrogen sulfide emission from sewerage pipelines and visual pollution, formed by degassing units

Valentina Iurchenko, Elena Lebedeva

Environmental problems
13861 Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of biogas of cyanea organic mass

Sergy Digtiar

Environmental problems
13862 Mathematical modelling of the population dynamics of hunting mammals based on recurrent equation system

Іryna Trach, Vasyl Petruk, Sergy Kvaternyuk, Тaras Titov

Environmental problems
13863 Reducing energy consumption and reducing co2 emissions of coke plant

Leonid Ulyev, Stanislav Boldyryev, MihailVasilyev, Temirkhan Zebeshev, Alisher Khusanov

Environmental problems
13864 Prospects of using methods effective use of alternative energy

Svetlana Bukhkalo, Oksana Olkhovska

Environmental problems
13865 Water resources of Ukraine: usage, qualitive and quantitative assesment (with detaile description of Odessa region)

Tamerlan Safranov, Nikolai Berlinskyi, Andrei Volkov

Environmental problems
13866 Analysis and forecast of the environmental radioactivity dynamics based on the methods of chaos theory: general conceptions

Alexander Glushkov, Timur Safranov, Olga Khetselius, Anna Ignatenko, Vasily Buyadzhi, Andrey Svinarenko

Environmental problems
13867 Studying and forecasting of the phosphates pollution dynamics in watersheds and antropogenic water management landscape dynamics: application to the small carpathians rivers’ watersheds

Alexander Glushkov, Valery Khokhlov, Mykola Serbov, Vasily Buyadzhi, Yuliya Bunyakova, Elena Solyanikova

Environmental problems
13868 Advanced modeling and forecasting of pollutant concentrations temporal dynamics in the atmosphere of an industrial city (gdansk region)

Alexander Glushkov, Timur Safranov, Olga Khetselius, Georgy Prepelitsa,Yuliya Bunyakova, Nataliya Bykowszczenko

Environmental problems
13869 Change of bacterial amount during sonication

Iryna Koval, Liliya Shevchuk

Environmental problems
13870 Administration of the system of municipal solid waste management lublin experience in the period from 2007 until 2010

Wojciech Lutek

Environmental problems
13871 Mutation of the drosophila melanogaster l. Under the influence of the electromagnetic radiation

Volodymyr Nykyforov, Oksana Sakun

Environmental problems
13872 Influence of dobrotvir thermal power plant on environmental specifications

Volodymyr Pohrebennyk

Environmental problems
13873 Development of mathematic model of gas-turbine unit combustion chamber functioning

Oleh Mandryk, Yuliya Mykhailiuk

Environmental problems
13874 Spatial and temporal variability of pollutants in the bottom sediments in the northwest part of the black sea

Nikolai Berlinskyi, Tamerlan Safranov

Environmental problems
13875 Methodological principles of electromagnetic screens application for public protection from electromagnetic fields and radiation

Valentyn Glyva, Olena Panova, Olena Voloshkina

Environmental problems
13876 Integrated adsorption and ultrasonic technology for water treatment processes

Nataliya Vronska, Myroslav Malovanyy, Iryna Koval, Volodymyr Starchevskyy

Environmental problems
13877 Reduction of the environmental threat from uncontrolled development of cyanobacteria in the waters of the dnieper reservoirs

Myroslav Malovanyy, Volodymyr Nykyforov, Olena Kharlamova, Alexander Synelnikov and Khrystyna Dereyko

Environmental problems
13878 Preparation of quality drinking water as a basis of the environmetal safety and human health

Maryna Kravchenko

Environmental problems
13879 Adaptation of iucn classification schemes for environmental safety passports of species

Tetiana Kryvomaz

Environmental problems
13880 Decontamination of radioactive liquid systems by modified clay minerals

Ihor Petrushka, Olexandr Moroz

Environmental problems
13881 The concept of environmental safety of vinnytsia region in the waste management sphere

Roman Petruk, Vasyl Petruk, Vitalii Ishchenko, Sergey Kvaterniuk

Environmental problems
13882 Ecological safety of visual environment and videoecological perception (vep) of vinnitsia

Olga Bondarchuk, Vasyl Petruk

Environmental problems
13883 Pollution of soil environment with mineral fertilizers and ways of their migration deep into the soil

Jaroslav Gumnytskiy, Oksana Lyuta

Environmental problems
13884 Hazardous household waste management in vinnytsia region

Vitalii Ishchenko, Roman Petruk, Yana Kozak

Environmental problems
13885 Tritium and its place in the overall radiation ukraine technogenesis

Olena Kotovenko, Olena Miroshnychenko, Iryna Marchenko

Environmental problems
13886 Prospects of using pet waste for environmentally friendly mineral fertilizers

Oleg Nagurskyy, Myroslav Malovanyy, Sergij Synelnikov, Viktorija Vahchuk

Environmental problems
13887 The first step to sketch the spatio-temporal evolution of biochemical and physical parameters involving in the harmful algal blooms (hab) in mattatall lake (Nova Scotia, Canada)

Tri Nguyen-Quang, Kien-Chinh Lieou, Kateryna Hushchyna, Tri-Dung Nguyen, Negar Sharifi Mood, Muhammad Nadeem, Kayla McLellan, Kalaivani Murdymootoo, Emily Merks, Rachel Hirtle

Environmental problems
13888 Vending Cyber Physical Systems Architecture

Andriy Salo

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13889 The Principles of the Cyber-Physical Components' Organization Based on the Methods of the Multi-Agent Interaction of the Moving Objects

Maxim Musiyenko, Iryna Zhuravska, Ivan Burlachenko, and Oleksii Denysov

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13890 Self-Configurable FPGA-Based Computer Systems: Basics and Proof of Concept

Viktor Melnyk

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13891 Tasks Scaling with Chameleon© C2HDL Design Tool in Self-Configurable Computer Systems Based on Partially Reconfigurable FPGAs

Anatoliy Melnyk, Viktor Melnyk, Liubomyr Tsyhylyk

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13892 Errors of Phase Shift Measuring by Algorithmic Sum-Difference Methods from Amplitudes Inequality and Their Reduction Methods

Ihor Buchma

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13893 Remote Errors Correction of Multi-Channel Cyber-Physical Measuring Systems

Vasyl Yatsuk and Mykola Mykyjchuk.

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13894 Smart Measuring Instruments for Cyber-Physical Systems

Mykola Mykyychuk, Svyatoslav Yatsyshyn, Bohdan Stadnyk, Yaroslav Lutsyk.

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13895 Cyber-physical systems multilayer platform and research framework

Anatoliy Melnyk

Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
13896 Experimental research of the resilient key connections statics

V. Malaschenko, O. Strilets

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13897 Analysis of power regulation mechanisms of horizontal-axis wind turbines and prospects of their improvement

Korendiy V.M., Kuzio I.V., Vergeles V.V.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13898 Determination of vibroparameters in electromechanical drives with large-sized open gears

Kychma A.O., Kharchenko Ye.V

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13899 Mathematical model of dynamic processes during friction hardening of flat surfaces

Gurey V., Korendiy V., Dmyterko P.,

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13900 Application of finite integral transforms in analyzing transverse vibrations of heavy rope lifting crane

Chovniuk Yu., Dikteruk M., Pochka K.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices