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Scientific articles Authors Journals
14901 Legal analysis of innovative displays phenomena of law in the information society

Myroslava Sirant

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14902 Seismicity of Olesko area: ecological aspects Lesya Nazarevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14903 Geodynamics, tectonics and seismicity of Carpathian region of Ukraine Andriy Nazarevych, Lesya Nazarevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14904 Deontological problems entry rights in the legal field

Stepan Slyvka

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14905 Legal filosofema identity formation

Taras Harasymiv

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14906 Reflection of local, regional and global seismotectonic process in deformations of rocks of active tectonic structures and earthquake prognosis Andriy Nazarevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14907 Consumer rights in the conclusion and the execution of financial contracts

Halyna Yanovytska

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14908 Participants in non-judicial administrative proceedings: terminological designation issues

Oleh Sorochkin

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14909 The system of physical quantities in dimensions of distance–time used in Earth’s sciences R. P. Moroshan Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14910 Legal aspects of improving the state anti-corruption policy

Olha Skochulias-Pavliv

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14911 Features of administrative and legal status of executive power

Myroslav Kovaliv, Ihor Stahura

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14912 Methods of administrative and legal regulation of investment activity in Ukraine

Mariya Blihar

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14913 Seasonal variations of magnetic-telluric trunsfer functions and electric conductivity of geological media in active seismic zones Yu. F. Moroz, T. A. Moroz, S. E. Smirnov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14914 On the formation of schientific terminology in the sphere of tax law of Ukraine

Oksana Bayik

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14915 Geophysical model of powerful Olyutor earthquake source In the Kamchat-Koryak folded area Yu. F. Moroz, T. A. Moroz, V. A. Lohinov, A. H. Nurmukhamedov, D. A. Aleksieiev, A. H. Yakovliev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14916 The problems of information security in the armed forces of Ukraine in the legal and sociological aspects

Volodymyr Ortynskyi

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14917 Assessment of influence of ground under seismicstation on the result of processing of earthquakes Ye. O. Mierzhei Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14918 The problems of preparing forensic experts at higher educational establishments of Ukraine

V. М. Baranyak

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14919 Dynamics of postseismic tectonic deformations Dmytro Malytskyy, S. V. Kravets Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14920 The legal regulation of state awards in ukraine and other states: a comparative analysis

Oksana Bayik

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14921 Comparative analysis of recurrent earthquakes of 06.01.2012 and 10.01.2012 in the Transcarpathians Dmytro Malytskyy, O. D. Hrytsai, O. O. Muila, Yu. T. Verbytskyi, O. I. Kutniv Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14922 Peculiarities of magnetic field’s dynamic in Carpathian foredeep Valentyn Maksymchuk, I. O. Chobotok, R. S. Kuderavets, T. A. Klymkovych, V. R. Tymoshchuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14923 Results of component measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field at repeat stations of the Ukrainian network during 2005-2010 Valentyn Maksymchuk, Mykhailo Orlyuk, V. I. Tregubenko, D. O. Marchenko, Ye. F. Nakalov, I. O. Chobotok Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14924 Determination of electrode spacings in laboratory tanks to obtain appropriate value of electric voltage Ya. Lukovski, S. A. Deshchytsya Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14925 Geoelectric parameters of upper mantle in western Ukraine and around the observatory Pleschinitsa Igor Logvinov, V. M. Astapenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14926 On detection of gas accumulations in dense sandstones with mobile geophysical methods S. P. Levashov, M. A. Yakymchuk, I. M. Korchahin, I. S. Pidlisna Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14927 Estimation of hydrocarbon potential of the perspective structures in Barents sea S. P. Levashov, M. A. Yakymchuk, I. M. Korchahin, D. M. Bozhezha Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14928 Frequency-resonance technology for the remote sensing data processing: the results of approbation on the ore deposits in Australia and south America S. P. Levashov, M. A. Yakymchuk, I. M. Korchahin Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14929 Analysis of induction parameters obtained with different methods B. T. Ladanivskyy Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14930 3D geoelectric model of the Zmiyinyi island Anton Kushnir, Bogdan Shyrkov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14931 The possibilities of human rights protection guarranties improvement шт ukrainе (based upon the european court of human rights judgements in cases against Ukraine)

Olena Harasymiv

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14932 Geophysical methods for exploration and extraction of natural gas from shales N. P. Kukhar, O. P. Petrovskyi, N. S. Hanzhenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14933 Principles of taxation

Ihor Yasko

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14934 Problems and prospects of development of medical insurance in Ukraine

Oksana Chornomaz

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14935 Typology offender who commits kidnapping passengers on railway transport facilities

Svitlana Yakimova

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14936 Feature of detection and realization of investigative actions on the start-up period investigation of drugs’ smuggling

Svitlana Soroka

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14937 Criminal legal personality characteristics of bribery, which provides public services for the legislation of Ukraine

Volodymyr Kyshpit

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14938 Causes and measures of ukraine police reform

Ihor Panonko

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14939 Historical and legal aspects of research problems of criminal violent behavior of the person

Oleksiy Gumin

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14940 Investigated legalization (washing) of the profits got a criminal way in theoretical and legal aspects

Vasyl Zaharov

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14941 Geothermal model of the Earth’s crust across the Eastern Carpatians along the seismsc profile Dobre-3 (PANCAKE) R. I. Kutas Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14942 Scientific interpretations of terrorism as a destructive system-social event

Volodymyr Kantsir

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14943 Marysyuk k. B. Themost known penitentiaries of the world : halden fengsel (norway)

Kostyantyn Marysyuk

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14944 Results of magnetometry and soil’s Х-measuaring on Orchovychi oil and gas field in Carpathian foredeep R. S. Kuderavets, O. I. Menshov, I. O. Chobotok Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
14945 Acculturation in law (theoretical, cultural and anthropological aspects)

Ihor Sytar

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14946 Rulemaking principles of local government

Oleksandra Shahan

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14947 The roots forming of the theory of the police state

Mykola Polikovskiy, Zoryana Petrechko

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14948 Forming of the system of social of legal defense of servicemen of military powers of Ukraine

Artashes Papikian

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14949 Legal monitoring with participation of public associations and scientific institutes

Ihor Onyshchuk

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14950 Romanian-soviet intervention and interpretation of these events in the historiography and memoirs of romanian politicians

Serhiy Nazaria

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences