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16420 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
15201 Variations of induction vector in seismoactive regions V. I. Babak, A. V. Tereshyn, T. S. Savchenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15202 Sounding of the Earth crust of the North-Western part of the Russian platform by the intrinsic microseisms V. I. Francuzova, K. B. Danilov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15203 On the relationship between seismic activity and structural features of the crust and upper mantle and the Earth's rotation rate (using the example Garm prognostic polygon) O. I. Aptikaieva Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15204 Tectonic of the consedimentogenesis of Precarpathian foredeep of central Paratethys Yu.V. Cheremissky Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15205 Features of precambrian metamorphism and their relation to tectonics V. P. Kyrylyuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15206 Migration of small earthquake sources in Garm region and irregularity of Earth's rotation O. I. Aptikaieva, S. F. Aptikaev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15207 Improvement of the technique of determination of filtrational parameters of breeds collectors V. M. Vladyka, M. Yu. Nesterenko, R.S. Balatskyi, I. H. Kryva Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15208 Reconstruction of cenozoic paleostress fields in the flysch complex of the Opir river valley (Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians) Y.M. Vikhot, Ihor Bubniak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15209 Discrete formation of “shale” gas reservoirs in exfiltrate catagenesis K. G. Grigorchuk, Y. Senkovskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15210 Obolon astrobleme: forward and inverse 3d geomodelling with the aim to resolve the question of hydrocarbon evidence Yu. V. Anishchenko, T. O. Fedchenko, N. S. Hanzhenko, O. P. Petrovskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15211 Ukrainian Carpathians in the structure of pancardi (magmatism and geodynamics) Myroslav Pavlyuk, Z.M. Liashkevych, A. P. Medvedev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15212 Mapping of Berezivska ring structure in the gravity and magnetic fields (southwest of Kolomyya paleovalley) Sergiy Anikeyev, L. S. Monchak, V. P. Stepaniuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15213 Anisotropic transformation of the potential fields Sergiy Anikeyev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15214 Lithological complexes and ciclycyty of eocene deposits in Karkinite-Northern Crimea sedimentary-rock basin V. Gnidets, K. G. Grigorchuk, V. Rever Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15215 Construction of normal equations mission for processing data GOCE Yu. O. Lukyanchenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15216 On the constraction of local gravitational field model Bohdan Dzhuman Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15217 Isostasy of Ukrainian Carpathian D. O. Marchenko, Valentyn Maksymchuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15218 Explosive mantle-derived particles in sedimentary formations of the Carpathian region, connection with the problems of formation of fuels and ore deposits I. H. Yatsenko, N. T. Bilyk, R. S. Kuderavets, V. R. Tymoshchuk, O. V. Shvaievskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15219 Correlation analysis of gravitational field and topography of terrestrial planets Anatolii Tserklevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15220 Problem of assessing of the earth’s surface strain state by geodetic data O.A. Tadyeyev, O. О. Таdyeyeva, P. G. Chernyaha Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15221 Geological and cartographic grounds for mapping of ore-magmatic systems O. M. Solomin Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15222 The terrain concept of evolution of the deep structure of Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the North-Sea of Okhotsk depression and in the adjacent land B. M. Sedov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15223 In memory of Sergiy Mykolayovych Kulyk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15224 Academician Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Selskyy – founder of Ukrainian geophysics (to the 130th anniversary of birth) Valentyn Maksymchuk, D. N. Liashchuk, R. H. Vovchenko, V. H. Kuznietsova Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15225 Paleotectonic reconstruction of east European platform localization for middle paleozoic by paleomagnetic data E. B. Poliachenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15226 Modeling of unsteady flow of compressible fluid in piecewise homogeneous porous closed reservoir Liubov Zhuravchak, A. Ye. Struk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15227 Multilayered inverse linear problem of structural gravimetry and magnetometry P. O. Minenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15228 Aspects of assessment and developing of geothermal resources in Ukraine Yu. P. Starodub , V.M. Karpenko, V. M. Stasenko, M. S. Nikoriuk, Оlena Karpenko, V. L. Rybchak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15229 An electromagnetic precursor’s model of local earthquakes prediction O.V. Shabatura Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15230 Study of atmospheric infrasound on regime geophysical station “Beregove” in Transcarpathians Andriy Nazarevych, Z.I. Liubinetskyi, A. Yu. Mykyta, L.M. Karataieva, M.O. Melnyk, Dmytro Malytskyy, V. P. Mezentsev, Lesya Nazarevych, Yu. P. Koval Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15231 New data about the deep heterogeneities of drake passage structures and the hydrocarbon potential of the Antarctic peninsula continental margin S. P. Levashov, M. A. Yakymchuk, I. M. Korchahin, V. H. Bakhmutov, V. D. Soloviov, D. M. Bozhezha Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15232 Pequliarities of geological structure and geodynamic evolution of south-eastern part of Volyn-Podolsk plate in the context of hydrocarbon potential Yu. Z. Krupskyi, B.P. Rizun, V. P. Bodlak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15233 Comparison of gas extraction properties of reservoir rocks of different geological depositional V. M. Vladyka, M. Yu. Nesterenko, I. H. Kryva, R.S. Balatskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15234 Theoretical and practical aspects of the fluidodynamic conception of catagenesis K. Hryhorchuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15235 The role of magmatism in paleogeodynamic reconstructions Z.M. Liashkevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15236 “Geodynamics” and early Precambrian geology of the shields of ancient platforms V. P. Kyryliuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15237 Geodynamic evolution of the earth's and mars figure Anatolii Tserklevych, Olexandr Zayats Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15238 About the necessity of modernization of Ukraine gravimetric network Petro Dvulit , O. V. Smelianets Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15239 Reliability of results of processing of geodetic data by finite element method O. О. Таdyeyeva, O.А. Tadyeyev, P. G. Chernyaha Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15240 The field of linear velocities and movements of the earth crust in the South Eastern Europe region Alexander N. Marchenko, Kornyliy Tretyak, N.P. Yarema, Bohdan Dzhuman, I.S. Sidorov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15241 Study of dynamics of horizontal crustal movements in Europe according to GNSS observation (2000–2010) Kornyliy Tretyak, Andrii Vovk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15242 Geodynamic formation of Trostyanets layers of Porkulets nappe Natalia Pyrizhok Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15243 In memory of Peter Hervaziyovycha CHERNYAHY Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15244 Memory Alexander BOKUNA Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15245 Volodymyr SHAMOTKO – 80 Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15246 Autochton of the north-western Сarpathians – geological structure and hydrocarbon potential based on the results of integral interpretation of geological and geophysical data O. P. Petrovskyi, T. O. Fedchenko, O. M. Onyshchuk, P. M. Bodlak, I. Ya. Yaremyn, V. V. Hnevush, V. M. Suiatinov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15247 Seismicity of central part of Ukrainian shield in 2007 - 2013 period O. Kendzera, V. V. Kutas, Yu.A. Andruschenko, P. H. Pihulevskyi, Ju.V. Lisovyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15248 The prognostication of mudflows in the Ukrainian Carpathians Eduard Kuzmenko , T.B. Chepurna Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15249 Electromagnetic monitoring of environmentally problematic objects in Precarpathians: results and technological means used S. A. Deshchytsya, O. I. Pidvirnyi, O. I. Romaniuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15250 On investigation of the local earthquakes precursors with its direct parameterization M.I. Tolstoy, O.V. Shabatura Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»