Ukrainian language

Термінологічна лексика Майдану (на матеріалах газет «Дзеркало тижня», «Українська правда», «Газета по-українськи», «Високий Замок»)

In this the article terminological lexis which appeared during the revolution on Maidan Square and the military action in the Crimea and Donbas is reviewed. This lexis has become an integral part of the language of contemporary massmedia. Its thematic groups have been identified and features of usage in author’s texts illustrated.

Lexeme ірмос to denote names of chants in religious terminology

The article traces the history of formation of the term name heirmos during all th phases of functioning of the Ukrainian language and characterizes its derivative formation – irmoloy (irmolohion). The research is based on lexographical souces covering XI–XXI centuries and written records of the church.

Functioning of terms “civil protection”, “civil security” and “civil defence” in modern civil protection terminology

The article outlines the role of such commonly used terms of the modern Ukrainian termino-logical system of the field of civil defence as civil protection, civil safety and civil defense. The specifics of functioning of these terminology nominations in the analyzed term system are revealed.

Difficult aspects of localizing some terms in applied linguistic

The paper tackles the problem of faithful rendering of the terms ‘parsing’ and ‘stemming’ into the Ukrainian language. Nowadays, the use of these terms is extended beyond the domain of applied linguistics. The authors believe that the Ukrainian equivalents proposed adequately convey the meaning of the English terms.

Legal terminology in terms of linguistics

The article presents an overview of scientific works devoted to the study of the language of juridical field that covers general theoretical problems of juridical terminology, its history, formation and development issues, precision and normativity of separate terms and also linguistic features of separate juridical terminology.

Metalanguage of Ukrainian linguistic terminography description

The article is devoted to the analysis of such an important methodological problem of terminographic activity as the problem of metalanguage description. This is a complex part of the language, which focuses on the implementation of a number of applied problems. First of all, it deals with the creation of Historical Terminological Dictionary of Ukrainian Linguistic Terminology. Special attention is given to the fragment of terminography metalanguage which concerns the macro- and micro- organization of vocabulary and the architectonics of registry.

Redefining of the term semantics and the expansion of its function in modern Ukrainian literary language (based on the literary works of Roman Ivanychuk)

The article analyzes the functioning of terminological vocabulary in historical works by Roman Ivanychuk, particularly the peculiarities of its use in artistic speech. The processes of terminologization and determinologization are examined as well. Usage (at the model level) and contextual (at the functional level) characteristics of terms are given for comparison. Potential semantic, stylistic, emotional and expressive possibilities of special vocabulary in the context of a literary work are revealed.

Peculiarities of treasury term system establishment and development

The article is dedicated to specific features of treasury terminology formation: the process of its development is characterized and the origin of the term “treasury” retraced. The conceptual apparatus of the area that occurred at the intersection of general and special economic sciences is investigated. Forms of interaction between treasury and other term systems are also defined in the article. Great attention is paid to the enrichment of treasury terminology with terms adopted from other branches of economy as donor branches.

The formation of the scientific musical terminology of the Ukrainian language in the ХVІ–ХVІІІ centuries

The article focuses on the musical terminology analysis of the ХVІ–ХVІІІ centuries, which confirms the cultural and musical evolution of Ukrainian people in the direction of professionalism. The Ukrainian scientific musical terminology started to form during this period having in its basis the fruitful idea of combining national nominations and borrowings from other languages.