Ukrainian language

Medical terms with components derm-, derma-, derm(o)-, dermat(o)- and shkira (skin) in modern Ukrainian language

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components derm-, derma-, derm(o)-, dermat(o)- and the Ukrainian equivalents on the somatic notions shkira (skin) have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange has been raised. Their productivity and word formation mobility have been defined. The outlook of the research is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.

The process of developing Ukrainian-Russian-English terminological online dictionary “Ship Piping Systems”

A number of characteristics specific for the process of developing Ukrainian-Russian-English terminological online dictionary “Ship Piping Systems” is described. Its main educational function is highlighted.

Principles of compiling the dictionary with generalizing definitions

The principles of simplification/complication of definitions are analysed. It is proved structure of definitions without the generic terms available to children of preschool age. The principles of creation of the explanatory dictionary for children with different extent of cognitive development are proved.

Faustus in English Literature: Myth or Symbol?

The article deals with the correlation between the notions of symbol and myth. The main attention is paid to the interpretation of symbol and myth by various philisophers and linguists, which allows to reveal substantial features of these terms. The explications and implications of Faustus as a myth and symbol in the source text by Ch. Marlowe and in other works of English Faustiana have been revealed. The interrelation of the terms “symbol” and “myth” in the English literature works of the late 16th – early 21st centuries has been discovered.

The Ukrainian contrastive terminology science: the present state and prospects

The article deals with the generalizing and inventorying of the theoretical and practical results which have been received in the frames of contrastive terminology science. In the article the object and subject of contrastive terminology science have been made more precise; the tasks and sections of this science have been characterized; the aspects, parameters and units of contrastive terminological analysis have been defined.

Typical syntactic constructions of European standards and their translation into Ukrainian

The article develops the previous author’s studies of syntactic constructions in special texts. Based on definitions in the latest International Standard ISO 5127:2017, peculiarities of language for special purposes in comparison with language for general purposes and the related distinction of criteria applied for assessing linguistic phenomena are shown. Ukrainian equivalents of the typical syntactic constructions expressing requirement, prohibition, recommendation, permission, possibility and capability in English- and German-language standards are proposed.

Synonymy in the terminology system of gender linguistics

The article deals with the phenomenon of synonymy in the terminology system of gender linguistics. The existence of absolute and relative synonyms is stated, their structural models are presented. It is emphasized that at the present stage of the terminology system development the synonymy plays a positive role, since it allows the search of the most optimal nominations, in particular the specific matching of borrowings, stimulating the creation of its own terminology. Also the terminological variability, which unlike synonymy does not belong to system-forming relations is analyzed

Linguistic terminology as object of scientific research in the late XX – early XXI century

The article deals with the problem of the national linguistic terminology formation, which Vasyl Simovych was involved at the beginning of the 20th century. A qualitatively new type of language learning was found in a new synthesized textbook of a scientist. V. Simovych pointed to the theoretical and practical principles of studying the Ukrainian language, which he embodied in his grammar. The grammatical terms are used on the basis of working out a number of methodical manuals, textbooks of the Ukrainian language of that time.

Somatic theological terms in the system of ukrainian popular botanical names: sociolinguistic aspect

The article describes the Ukrainian national botanic names with somatic theological terms in their structure and their specific using in the world of the Christian outlook. The authors defined the area of spread of these units and lexical-semantic relations between them. The comparative analysis of these terms lets you outline a statistics and an importance of the terms with a Christian component in various regions of Ukraine, to find out their intrasystem homonymy.

Library and bibliographical terms with the index component in modern Ukrainian language

The article considers the terms with the index component in the term system of Library Studies and Bibliographical Studies. The article analyses two-component, three-component and multi-component term compositions which contain the index component, the origin of words connected with this component, their grouping according to the meaning,their thematic and lexicosemantic groups are outlined.