Ukrainian language

Peculiarities of term nomination synonymy in the domain of computer linguistics

The article is aimed at proving the statement that term synonymy or variability cannot be the sign of terminology emergence. For that purpose the article studies term variant pairs and rows in the domain of computer linguistics on the basis of their seme structure constancy/variability as well as gives morphological and other lexical characteristics of term variants in this domain.

Terms of pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical commodity as thematic groups of Ukrainian pharmaceutical terminology

The article is devoted to the study of pharmacoeconomical and pharmaceutical commodity research terminology. The structural features of terms of both thematical groups are studied from structurely.

Ways of forming modern Ukrainian phytomeliorative terminology: terminolization of general use vocabulary and reterminolization of vocabulary in other sciences

In the article the important ways to form modern Ukrainian phytomeliorative terminology have been researched. The peculiarities of terminologization in the meaning of autochthonic words of general use has been analysed. It has been found out that during the process of reterminolization some insignificant change of initial meaning of term units in other branches takes place.

Verbal adjectives in computer terminology

The article deals with the actual problem of Ukrainian terminological science – peculiarities of verbal adjectives functioning on the material of modern computer terminology (MCT). The structure and ways of creating the verbal adjectives denoting active and passive ability of object are examined, i.e. its ability to take part in a process (active ability), to undergo an action (passive ability) or the assignment to perform an action.

The main formation stages of the ukrainian electric power engineering terminology system

The main idea of the article is to analyse the formation process of the Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology system. Its task is to create a division into periods, identify the main approaches and the main causes of the electric energy terminology. In order to find out the peculiarities of the formation and development processes of Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology, wetrace history of industry development on the Ukrainian lands and on this background, discover the formation of the studied terminology system.

Medical terms with psych(o)- somatic components in modern Ukrainian language

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components psych(o)- have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange has been brought up. Their productivity and word formation mobility have been defined. The outlook of the research is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.

Analysis of Ukrainian terminology in the field of theory of cognitive activity used for the designation of actions, events and consequences of events

This paper analyzes Ukrainian terminology in the field of the theory of cognitive activity in the context of the recommendations for marking the actions, events and consequences of the events formulated in the standard DSTU 3966. For a number of the most widespread terms of the field, we formulated the sets of terms (verbs of perfect and imperfect form, verbal nouns to denote action and events, and nouns to indicate the consequences of an event).

Development of DSTU ISO 860 “Terminology work. Harmonization of concepts and terms” new edition

The article deals with new version of the national standard DSTU ISO 860 “Terminology work. Harmonization of terms and concepts”. The changes of ISO 860 standard and the problems, which have arisen during its translation in Ukrainian, are analyzed.

Automatization of functions determination and productivity of terms in terminology systems

The essence of the problem is the complexity of the analysis of large-scale terminology systems containing hundreds or thousands of terms. To solve this problem it is suggested to use the method of network analysis proposed by E. F. Skorohodko. The method involves the representation of the terminology system in the form of a matrix and the separation of the initial, derivative and final terms, as well as the definition of their productivity.