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16420 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
11801 Estimation of Capacity of Rsa Module Set, Stable for Cryptoanalysis

Selyukh P.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11802 Semantic Threats for Network Information Resource

Samoylenko D.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11803 Vending Machine Architecture

Salo A., Кravets O.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11804 Development of Structural Model for Microprocessor Pid-controller

Puyda V., Mandzevych N

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11805 Variogram Analyses of Steganograms Shaped Following Integrated Methods of Data Hiding

Progonov D., Kushch S.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11806 High-speed Frequency Divider With Variable Division Ratio

Paralyukh I. P.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11807 The Method of Measuring of the Energy Effectiveness of Calculations in Graphical Core

Oleshchuk O., Popel O., Kopytchuk M.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11808 A Study of Using Qradar for Computer Network Protection

Oliynyk G., Grybkov S.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11809 The Spanish diplomatic service in the new millennium Lyubava Matlay Series Humanitarian Vision
11810 Peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian cultural diplomacy in modern conditions Halyna Lutsyshyn, Anastasiia Honcharuk Series Humanitarian Vision
11811 Features, logic and parametrs of operationalization of president-parliamentary semi-presidentialism in European countries Vitaliy Lytvyn Series Humanitarian Vision
11812 Peculiarities of functioning and challenges of the EU development in the short term perspective (2017–2018) Lesya Dorosh, Olha Ivasechko Series Humanitarian Vision
11813 Physical Topological Aspects of Modeling Gallium Arsenide Super Beta Transistor for Speed Lic Ofcomputer Systems

Novosiadly S., Melnyk L.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11814 Effective Method of Modular Multiplication in Theoretic-numerical Rademacher-krestenson's Basis

Nykolaychuk Y., Kasyanchuk M., Yakymenko I., Ivasyev S.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11815 The ecumenical initiative of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Oksana Volynets Series Humanitarian Vision
11816 Subjects of the nomination in Ukraine: legal aspects Mykola Buchyn, Halyna Ihnatiuk Series Humanitarian Vision
11817 Programme Product Development for Information Protection on the Ground of Films With Hidden Latent Images

Nazarkevych M., Troyan O.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11818 Developing of Additional Program Module Using Local Optimization Methods in Computer System for Dynamic Travelling Salesman Problem Solvin

Muliarevych O.V., Golembo V.A.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11819 The Criteria for Evaluating the Fault Tolerance of Signal Processing Systems

Moroz I., Vavruk Ye.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11820 Optimization of Memory Mapping Into Fpga Architecture for Specialized Processors' Program Models

Melnyk V., Lopit I.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11821 Operating System for Reconfigurable Computers: Structure and Organization of Operation

Melnyk V., Kit A.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11822 Cyber-physical Systems: the Problems of Creation and Directions of Development

Melnyk A.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11823 High-performance Information System for Stream Cipher Cryptanalysis by Algebraic Method

Lutskiv A., Vitruk I., Zagorodna N.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11824 Comparative Analysis of Models, Methods and Tools of Personal Authentication in Informational Systems After Keyboard Rhythm

Lupenko S., Shabliy N., Lupenko A.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11825 Requirements Justification, Construction and Analysis of Perspective Symmetric Cryptographical Transformations on the Base of Block Cipher Codes

Kuznetsov O., Oliynykov R., Gorbenko Y., Pushkaryov A., Dyrda O., Gorbenko I.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11826 Information Protection in Intellectual Controlling Systems

Kret T.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11827 Method of Adc’s Nonlinearity Correction Based on High Voltage Source

Kochan R., Kochan O., Klym H., Goc N.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11828 Forming of Poisson Pulse Sequence Based on Gollman Generator

Kostiv Y., Maksymovych V., Garasymchuk O., Mandrona M.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11829 Assessing Protection Means of Information Resources

Kononova V., Kharkyanen O., Grybkov S.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11830 Computer Networks Service Denial Attacks

Karpinsky M., Yatsykovska U., Balyk A., Aleksander M.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11831 Analytical Method of Research Changes in Signal Parameters in Wireless Sensor Networks

Karpinsky M., Chyzh V., Balaban S.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11832 Watermarking of an Audio Signal With Lossless Compression

Kalashnikov M., Yakovenko O., Kushnirenko N.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11833 Approach to Classification of Communication Environments for Networks on Chip

Dunets R.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11834 System Security Model of Wireless Connection Technologies: Data Encryption in Wimax- Systems

Dudykevych V., Mykytyn G., Rebets A., Banakh R.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11835 Cryptography Development Ways Analysis After Quantum Computers Origin

Gorbenko Y., Ganzya R.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11836 Theoretic-methodological Aspect of Information Security Support of the Objects of Critical Infrastructure

Gonchar S., Leonenko G., Yudin O.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11837 Galois Field Elements Multiplier Structural Complexity Evaluation

Hlukhov V. S., Trishch H. M.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11838 Coordination Technique for Adaptive Data Acquisition Processes Based on Rescheduled Inter-process Communication

Botchkaryov A., Golembo V.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11839 Programming Features Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors

Berezovskyi M., Dunets R.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11840 Features of Electronic Biomedical Equipment Design

Berezko L. A.,Sokolov S. E

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11841 Characteristics of System Construction and Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithm Aes

Bakay O.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11842 Biometric Data Based Method of Adaptive User Authentication in Computer Networks

Ihnatovych A.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11843 Information Protection in the System of Competence-based Characteristics Increasing and Evaluation of Auditor’s Knowledge Level

Ivanyuk K.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11844 Investigation Threats Bifactor Authentication Methods

Yevseyev S., Korol O.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11845 Data protection of biometric authentication for remote access to a bank account

Nyemkova E.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11846 Administration of access rights to the corporate network with the integrated automation of the bank

Chaplyga V., Nyemkova E., Ivanishin S., Shandra Z.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11847 Cyber-physical systems hardware security vulneabilities

Sholohon Y.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11848 Threads types in cyber physical systems

Sholohon O.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11849 Adaptive module of real time stream retransmission

Chervak A.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"
11850 Parallel adder without carry based on XAND gates

Solomko M., Krulikovskyi B., Nykolaichuk Ya.

Scientific journal "Computer Systems and Networks"