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16420 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
11901 Model i metod rozrakhunku poperechno-kutovykh kolyvan bitumo-shchebenevoho ahrehatu z rozihritym ridkym bitumom [Model and calculation method for transverse-angular oscillations of bitumen crushed stone aggregate with hot liquid bitumen] Igor Vikovych Industrial Process Automation in Engineering and Instrumentation
11902 Wastewater Treatment by Ultraviolet Irradiation Technique Nataliya Vronska, Myroslav Malovanyy, Olena Popovych, Oleh Stokalyuk Environmental problems
11903 Linear Stability Analysis for the Thermotactic Microorganisms in Porous Media Zineddine Alloui, Tri Nguyen-Quang Environmental problems
11904 Determination of an Impact of the Composition on the pH Level and the Concentration of Ammonium Nitrogen in Soil of Pustomyty Distract, Lviv Region Мaria Кanda, Myroslav Malovanyy, Zoryana Оdnorih Environmental problems
11905 Concurrent Sorption of Copper and Chromium Cations by Natural Zeolite Vira Sabadash, Jaroslaw Gumnitsky, Oksana Mylianyk, Liliana Romaniuk Environmental problems
11906 Utilization of Sugar Beet Pulp by Getting Activated Carbon Ihor Bordun, Vadym Ptashnyk, Maria Sadova, Roksolana Chapovska Environmental problems
11907 The Key Aspects of Atmospheric Air Ecological Monitoring Concept Formation at the Urban Systems Level Volodymyr Bakharev, Andriy Marenych Environmental problems
11908 The Methodology Environmental Impacts Assessment of Environmentally Dangerous Objects Yaroslav Adamenko Environmental problems
11909 Forecasting Automotive Waste Generation Using Short Data Sets: Case Study of Lithuania Aistė Karpušenkaitė, Tomas Ruzgas, Gintaras Denafas Environmental problems
11910 The Protection of Wooden Constructing Materials and Structural Elements of Buildings Against Biological Damage Tetyana Kryvomaz, Alona Perebynos Environmental problems
11911 The Decision of Landfill Leachate Treatment Serhiy Huhlych, Myroslav Malovanyy, Vasil Dyachok Environmental problems
11912 Comparative analysis of the resonant vibro-impact two and three-mass structure systems with linear friction Volodymyr Gursky Industrial Process Automation in Engineering and Instrumentation
11913 Justification of parameters of the vibratory hopper feeder with an electromagnetic drive Оleksii Lanets, Roman Kachmar , Volodymyr Borovets Industrial Process Automation in Engineering and Instrumentation
11914 Computation of positive stable realizations for discrete-time linear systems Tadeusz Kaczorek Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11915 Construction of invariant difference and discrete analogues of differential operators of high order discretization error Mariya Howykowycz Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11916 Improved solution of cramer-rao lower bound for toa/rss localization Taras Holotyak, Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy, Jose Rolim , Ivan Prudyus Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11917 Two-dimensional model of an electromagnetic accelerator Orest Hamola, Marta Hamola Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11918 Modelling of temperature conditions in electrical devices of inhomogeneous structure Dmytro Fedasyuk, Vasyl Gavrysh Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11919 Principles of construction and application of microwave systems for wireless energy transmission of ground and space basing Andrei Gomozov, Vladimir Shokalo, Dmitry Gretskikh, Shamil Fadel Alvan Al-Samarai Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11920 Extending the features of software for reliability analysis of fault-tolerant systems Bohdan Volochii, Bohdan Mandziy, Leonid Ozirkovskyy Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11921 Auxiliary model of parametric sensitivity Vasyl Tchaban, Serhiy Kostiuchko, Zorana Tchaban Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11922 Propagation of Plane Elastic-Tough-Plastic Waves in the Material with Yield Delay Yaroslav Andrusyk Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
11923 Hydrocutting of Frozen Food Products Andriy Pogrebnyak, Volodymyr Pogrebnyak Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
11924 Determination of instantaneous values of power components in an electronic voltage and current transformer Serhiy Tankevych, Vasyl Chopyk Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11925 Optimization of parametric balanced modulator based on frequency symbolic method Yuriy Shapovalov, Bohdan Mandziy, Dariya Bachyk Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11926 Magnetic metamaterials as perspective materials of radioelectronics Anatoliy Rinkevich, Mikhail Samoylovich, Aleksey Belyanin , Aleksandr Bagdasaryan Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11927 Sensitivity analysis of process expense indices to the parameters of manufacturing operations Leonid Nedostup, Yuriy Bobalo, Andriy Bondariev, Myroslav Kiselychnyk, Oleh Nadobko Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11928 Biofuel characterization and pyrolysis kinetics of acacia mangium

Bemgba Nyakuma, Olagoke Oladokun

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11929 Change in properties of m-10dm mineral motor oil after its using in the diesel engine

Oleg Hrynyshyn, Bogdan Korchak, Taras Chervinskyy, Viktoria Kochubei

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11930 Forming of crude oil mixtures with increased yield of target fractions

Olena Tertyshna, Vitalina Martynenko, Kostyantyn Zamikula, Petro Topilnytskyy, Yurii Holych

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11931 Elemental and mineral composition of ash-slag wastes of slovianska thermal power plant

Elina Khobotova,Marina Ignatenko, Vasiliy Larin, Yulia Kalmykova, Anatoly Turenko

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11932 Development of low waste technology of water purification from copper ions

Ganna Trokhymenko, Mykola Gomelya

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11933 Oleochemical synthesis of sulfanes, their structure and properties

Iurii Bodachivskyi, Grigoriy Pop, Leonid Zheleznyi, Stepan Zubenko, Mykhailo Okhrimenko

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11934 The effectiveness of food industry wastewater treatment by means of different kinds of cavitation generators

Volodymyr Starchevskyy, Nataliya Bernatska, Iryna Typilo, Iryna Khomyshyn

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11935 Aphrons obtained from different nonionic surfactants: properties and filtration loss evaluation

Lais Gomes, Bruna Alves, Rita de Cassia Nunes, Ricardo Michel, Ygor Ribeiro, Flavia da Silva, Luciana Spinelli

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11936 Rate of components evaporation from sulfuric acid solution during its concentrating in air flow Vladimir Lukashov, Sergey Romanko, Sergey Timofeev, Alexander Protsenko Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11937 Chemical treatment and modification of jute fiber surface

Bruno de Paula Amantes, Renato Pereira de Melo, Roberto Pinto Cucinelli Neto, Maria de Fatima Vieira Marques

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11938 Tapered bubble column using pseudoplastic non-newtonian liquids – empirical correlation for pressure drop

Sumit Kumar Jana, Sudip Kumar Das

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11939 Intrinsic point defects of samarium monosulphide crystals in metal phase

Ihor Horichok, Myroslava Shevchuk, Taras Parashchuk, Mar’jan Galushchak

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11940 Quaternary pyridinium salts as inhibitors of mild steel biocorrosion

Iryna Kurmakova, Olena Bondar, Sergey Polevichenko, Nataliya Demchenko

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11941 Effect of high gravity wort fermentation parameters on beer flavor profile

Ruslana Kosiv, Tetiana Kharandiuk, Lubov Polyuzhyn, Lubov Palianytsia, Natalia Berezovska

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11942 Vortex depth analysis in an unbaffled stirred tank with concave blade impeller

Thiyam Devi, Bimlesh Kumar

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11943 Kinetics of schoenite crystallization from the suspension of saturated solution and artificial kainite

Ivan Kostiv, Yaroslava Basystyuk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11944 Investigation of molybdate ion sorption on the sorbent from industrial waste

Alisa Vaziyeva, Oksana Pavlenko

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11945 Stripping voltamperometric determination of heavy metals in honey samples

Olena Kupchyk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
11946 Thermostressed condition and load-carrying capacity of non-ferromagnetic conductive plates under the action of electromagnetic pulses Roman Musiy Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11947 Investigation of the dynamic properties of solar batteries Volodymyr Moroz, Oleh Turych Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11948 Calculation of electromagnetic processes for a turbogenerator with equivalent stator and rotor tooth zones in no-load regime Yaroslav Kovivchak Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11949 Induction shrink fits for connecting disks and shafts Václav Kotlan, Bohus Ulrych, Ivo Doležel Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
11950 Models and mechanisms of IPTV VоD traffic balancing Mykhaylo Klymash, Yasser Al-Hayali, Orest Lavriv Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering