16851 |
Studies on the Effect of Doping Agent on the Structure of Polyaniline |
Omar Melad and Mariam Jarur
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16852 |
Regularities of Obtaining, Morphology and Properties of Metal-Containing Polymer-Silicate Materials and Polyester Composites on their Basis |
Volodymyr Levytskyi, Andriy Masyuk, Diana Katruk and Mykhaylo Bratychak
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16853 |
Calculation Method of Heat Capacity Change during Organic Compounds Vaporization and Sublimation |
Iryna Sobechko
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16854 |
Spectrophotometric Investigation of Cu(II) Ions Interaction with 1-(5-Benzylthiazol-2-yl)azonaphthalen-2-ol |
Andriy Tupys, Oleksandr Tymoshuk and Petro Rydchuk
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16855 |
Conductivity and Interparticle Interactions in the Solutions of 1-1 Electrolytes in Propylene Carbonate in the Wide Range of Temperatures |
Tatyana Chernozhuk and Oleg Kalugin
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16856 |
Crystal Structure of the Ternary Compound ErRe0.25Ge2 |
Vitaliia Mykhalichko and Roman Gladyshevskii
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16857 |
Physical-Chemical Properties of Jet Fuel Blends with Components Derived from Rape Oil |
Anna Iakovlieva, Oksana Vovk, Sergii Boichenko, Kazimierz Lejda and Hubert Kuszewski
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16858 |
The Effect of Cooling Rate during Crystallization on the Melting Behavior of Polypropylenes of Different Chemical Structure |
Yulia Lukanina, Anatoliy Khvatov, Natalya Kolesnikova and Anatoliy Popov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16859 |
In Memory of Professor Edward Sucharda: Apropos of the 125th Anniversary of Birth |
Volodymyr Vostres
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16860 |
Production of Renewable Energy Resources via Complex Treatment of Cyanobacteria Biomass |
Myroslav Malovanyy, Volodymyr Nikiforov, Olena Kharlamova and Olexander Synelnikov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16861 |
Analysis of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in Plastic Bottles of Drinking Water with Cone-shaped Membrane–Liquid Phase Microextraction |
Yanuardi Raharjo, Atika Gardena Kartika and Usreg Sri Handajani
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16862 |
Structural Conformation of Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite Matrix |
Oleg Budnik, Anatoliy Budnik, Valentin Sviderskiy, Kristina Berladir and Pavel Rudenko
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16863 |
Mechanism of Phosphates Sorption by Zeolites Depending on Degree of their Substitution for Potassium Ions |
Vira Sabadash, Jaroslaw Gumnitsky and Anna Hyvlyud
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16864 |
Advancement in Applicability of Carbon Nanotubes in Progressive Fuel Cells |
Snatika Sarkar and Vijaya Ilango
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16865 |
Technology of Recycling, Properties and Use of Polyvinylchloride-Coated Paper Waste |
Oleksandra Voronych, Sergiy Kurta, Volodymyr Starchevskyy and Sofiya Fedorchenko
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16866 |
Solvent-free Microwave Extraction as the Useful Tool for Extraction of Edible Essential Oils |
Heri Kusuma, Ditta Putri, Intan Dewi and Mahfud Mahfud
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16867 |
Obtaining of Brown Pigments from Concentrated Waste Water Containing Nickel |
Liliya Frolova and Alexander Pivovarov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16868 |
Effect of Hydroxyapatite on the Glue Line Strength of the Compositions Containing Polyvinylpirrolidone |
Michaylo Bratychak, Natalya Chopyk and Victoria Zemke
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16869 |
Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Cocos Nucifera Leaves Agrowaste by Chemical Activation Method |
Abhijit Jadhav and Govindraj Mohanraj
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16870 |
Waste Gases Cleaning at the Production of Ferrum Oxide Pigment Using Horizontal Apparatus with Bucket-like Dispersers |
Victor Yavorskiy and Andriy Helesh
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16871 |
Mineral Filled Porous Composites Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Copolymers with Bactericidal Properties |
Volodymyr Skorokhoda, Nataliya Semenyuk, Iryna Dziaman and Oleg Suberlyak
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16872 |
Interfacial and Wetting Behavior of Cationic, Anionic and Nonionic Surfactants in the Absence and Presence of Lysozyme |
Rajan Patel, Neeraj Dohare and Abbul Bashar Khan
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16873 |
Initiated by Organic Peroxides Cooligomerization of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons of C5 fraction – By-product of Ethylene Production |
Bohdan Dzinyak and Stepan Melnyk
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16874 |
Synthesis and Selfassambling of Amphiphilic Oligoesters Based on Pyromellitic Acid |
Ihor Tarnavchyk, Andriy Voronov, Volodymyr Donchak, Olga Budishevska, Olena Kudina, Olena Khomenko, Khrystyna Harhay, Volodymyr Samaryk and Stanislav Voronov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16875 |
Comparative Dynamic Characteristics of Electrospun Ultrathin Fibers and Films Based on Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) |
Olga Staroverova, Svetlana Karpova, Alexey Iordanskii, Anatoliy Olkhov, Anatoliy Khvatov, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Natalia Kildeeva, Marina Artsis and Gennady Zaikov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16876 |
RP-HPLC with Detection by Means of ESI-MS and UV for Identification of Chromatographic Peaks of Some Hydroxy Derivatives of Epoxy Resin |
Ostap Ivashkiv, Pavel Kubica, Igor Poluyuzhin, Jacek Namiesnik, Olena Shyshchak and Michael Bratychak
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16877 |
Some Approaches to Viscometric Study of Chitosan in Acetic Acid Solution |
Valentina Chernova, Angela Shurshina, Elena Kulish and Gennady Zaikov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16878 |
Investigation of Functional Carboxy-Containing Oligomers by IR and NMR Spectroscopy |
Bogdana Bashta, Volodymyr Donchak, Marta Plonska-Brzezinskа, Olena Astakhova and Michael Bratychak
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16879 |
VIIIth International Scientific-Technical Conference “Advance in Petroleum and Gas Industry and Petrochemistry” (APGIP-8) |
Olena Shyshchak
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16880 |
Structural Transformations of Collagen Containing Raw Materials under Alkaline Treatment |
Anatoliy Danylkovych, Viktor Lishchuk and Olexander Zhyhotsky
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16881 |
Niobium Oxide as Catalyst for the Pyrolysis of Polypropylene and Polyethylene Plastic Waste |
Debora Almeida and Maria de Fatima Marques
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16882 |
Analysis of the Bacor Refractories after their Service in Glass Furnace |
Serhiy Yaitskiy, Liudmyla Bragina and Yuliya Sobol
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16883 |
Intensification of Man-made Waste Methane Fermentation Process in Complex Fertilizer Technology |
Alexandra Byelyanska, Mykhola Voloshyn and Valentina Karmazina
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16884 |
Diffusive Mass Transfer during Drying of Grinded Sunflower Stalks |
Roman Hosovkyi, Diana Kindzera and Volodymyr Atamanyuk
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16885 |
The Utilization of Asphalt-Resin-Paraffin Deposits as a Component of Raw Material for Visbreaking |
OlenaTertyshna, Kateryna Royenko, Vitalina Martynenko,Victoria Smesova, Al’ona Gyrenko and Petro Topilnytskyy
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16886 |
On the Influence of Micro- and Macro-Cristalline Paraffins on the Physical and Rheological Properties of Crude Oil and Organic Solvents |
Marcia de Oliveira, Lenise Vieira, Luise Miranda, Daniele Miranda and Luiz Marques
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16887 |
Pozzolanic Activity Diagnostics of Fly Ash for Portland Cement |
Galyna Kotsay
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16888 |
Optimization of Main Fermentation of High-Gravity Wort |
Ruslana Kosiv, Tetiana Kharandiuk, Lyubov Polyuzhyn, Liubov Palianytsia and Natalia Berezovska
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16889 |
The Study of the Mineralogical Composition and Flotation Parameters of Quartz-Graphitized Schist |
Zebo Babakhanova, Mastura Aripova, Nodir Khodjaev and Renat Khamidov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16890 |
Microwave Assisted Liquefaction with Crude Glycerol as a Potential Method of Brewer’s Spent Grain Utilization |
Aleksander Hejna, Paulina Kosmela, Milena Kopczynska, Jozef Haponiuk and Lukasz Piszczyk
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16891 |
The Use of Ultrasound for Obtaining Pharmaceutical Grade Sodium Chloride |
Oleg Yurchenko, Olga Kalinenko, Olexandr Baklanov and Larisa Baklanova
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16892 |
Influence of Zirconium Hydrophosphate Nanoparticles on Porous Structure and Sorption Capacity of the Composites Based on Ion Exchange Resin |
Yuliya Dzyazko, Ludmila Ponomarova, Yurii Volfkovich, Valentina Tsirina, Valentin Sosenkin, Nadiya Nikolska аnd Volodimir Belyakov
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16893 |
Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Torrefied Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Briquettes |
Bemgba Nyakuma, Arshad Ahmad, Anwar Johari, Tuan Abdullah, Olagoke Oladokun, Habibu Uthman and Muhamad Halim
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16894 |
Methods for Determination of Oil and Grease Contents in Wastewater from the Petroleum Industry |
Ilma Cirne, Jaime Boaventura, Yuri Guedes and Elizabete Lucas
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16895 |
Properties of the Hybrid Glauconite/Polyaniline Composites Synthesized in the Aqueous Citrate Acid Solutions |
Mykhaylo Yatsyshyn, Viktoriia Makogon, Oleksandr Reshetnyak, Pavlo Demchenko, Nataliya Dumanchuk and Yuriy Stadnyk
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16896 |
Modification of Polysaccharides by N-Derivatives of Glutamic Acid Using Steglich Reaction |
Mykhailo Nagornyak, Natalia Figurka, Volodymyr Samaryk, Serhiy Varvarenko, Maria Ferens and Victoria Oleksa
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16897 |
Synthesis and Evaluation of New Bis(imino) Pyridine Based Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization |
Suellem Cordeiro, Leticia Pereira, Marina de O. Simoes and Maria de Fatima Marques
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16898 |
The Effect of Different Complexing Agents on the Properties of Zinc Sulfide Thin Films Deposited from Aqueous Solutions |
Pavlo Shapoval, Martyn Sozanskyi, Iosyp Yatchyshyn, Bogdan Kulyk, Mykhaylo Shpotyuk and Roman Gladyshevskii
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16899 |
Morphology and Properties of Blends of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) with Poly(vinyl alcohol) |
Anatoly Olkhov and Alexey Iordanskii
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |
16900 |
Some Properties of Elastomeric Compositions with High-disperse Carbon Additives |
Konstantin Vishnevskii, Zhanna Shashok and Nikolai Prokopchuk
Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology |