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16942 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
16851 Studies on the Effect of Doping Agent on the Structure of Polyaniline

Omar Melad and Mariam Jarur

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16852 Regularities of Obtaining, Morphology and Properties of Metal-Containing Polymer-Silicate Materials and Polyester Composites on their Basis

Volodymyr Levytskyi, Andriy Masyuk, Diana Katruk and Mykhaylo Bratychak

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16853 Calculation Method of Heat Capacity Change during Organic Compounds Vaporization and Sublimation

Iryna Sobechko

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16854 Spectrophotometric Investigation of Cu(II) Ions Interaction with 1-(5-Benzylthiazol-2-yl)azonaphthalen-2-ol

Andriy Tupys, Oleksandr Tymoshuk and Petro Rydchuk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16855 Conductivity and Interparticle Interactions in the Solutions of 1-1 Electrolytes in Propylene Carbonate in the Wide Range of Temperatures

Tatyana Chernozhuk and Oleg Kalugin

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16856 Crystal Structure of the Ternary Compound ErRe0.25Ge2

Vitaliia Mykhalichko and Roman Gladyshevskii

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16857 Physical-Chemical Properties of Jet Fuel Blends with Components Derived from Rape Oil

Anna Iakovlieva, Oksana Vovk, Sergii Boichenko, Kazimierz Lejda and Hubert Kuszewski

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16858 The Effect of Cooling Rate during Crystallization on the Melting Behavior of Polypropylenes of Different Chemical Structure

Yulia Lukanina, Anatoliy Khvatov, Natalya Kolesnikova and Anatoliy Popov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16859 In Memory of Professor Edward Sucharda: Apropos of the 125th Anniversary of Birth

Volodymyr Vostres

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16860 Production of Renewable Energy Resources via Complex Treatment of Cyanobacteria Biomass

Myroslav Malovanyy, Volodymyr Nikiforov, Olena Kharlamova and Olexander Synelnikov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16861 Analysis of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in Plastic Bottles of Drinking Water with Cone-shaped Membrane–Liquid Phase Microextraction

Yanuardi Raharjo, Atika Gardena Kartika and Usreg Sri Handajani

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16862 Structural Conformation of Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite Matrix

Oleg Budnik, Anatoliy Budnik, Valentin Sviderskiy, Kristina Berladir and Pavel Rudenko

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16863 Mechanism of Phosphates Sorption by Zeolites Depending on Degree of their Substitution for Potassium Ions

Vira Sabadash, Jaroslaw Gumnitsky and Anna Hyvlyud

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16864 Advancement in Applicability of Carbon Nanotubes in Progressive Fuel Cells

Snatika Sarkar and Vijaya Ilango

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16865 Technology of Recycling, Properties and Use of Polyvinylchloride-Coated Paper Waste

Oleksandra Voronych, Sergiy Kurta, Volodymyr Starchevskyy and Sofiya Fedorchenko

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16866 Solvent-free Microwave Extraction as the Useful Tool for Extraction of Edible Essential Oils

Heri Kusuma, Ditta Putri, Intan Dewi and Mahfud Mahfud

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16867 Obtaining of Brown Pigments from Concentrated Waste Water Containing Nickel

Liliya Frolova and Alexander Pivovarov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16868 Effect of Hydroxyapatite on the Glue Line Strength of the Compositions Containing Polyvinylpirrolidone

Michaylo Bratychak, Natalya Chopyk and Victoria Zemke

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16869 Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Cocos Nucifera Leaves Agrowaste by Chemical Activation Method

Abhijit Jadhav and Govindraj Mohanraj

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16870 Waste Gases Cleaning at the Production of Ferrum Oxide Pigment Using Horizontal Apparatus with Bucket-like Dispersers

Victor Yavorskiy and Andriy Helesh

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16871 Mineral Filled Porous Composites Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Copolymers with Bactericidal Properties

Volodymyr Skorokhoda, Nataliya Semenyuk, Iryna Dziaman and Oleg Suberlyak

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16872 Interfacial and Wetting Behavior of Cationic, Anionic and Nonionic Surfactants in the Absence and Presence of Lysozyme

Rajan Patel, Neeraj Dohare and Abbul Bashar Khan

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16873 Initiated by Organic Peroxides Cooligomerization of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons of C5 fraction – By-product of Ethylene Production

Bohdan Dzinyak and Stepan Melnyk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16874 Synthesis and Selfassambling of Amphiphilic Oligoesters Based on Pyromellitic Acid

Ihor Tarnavchyk, Andriy Voronov, Volodymyr Donchak, Olga Budishevska, Olena Kudina, Olena Khomenko, Khrystyna Harhay, Volodymyr Samaryk and Stanislav Voronov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16875 Comparative Dynamic Characteristics of Electrospun Ultrathin Fibers and Films Based on Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)

Olga Staroverova, Svetlana Karpova, Alexey Iordanskii, Anatoliy Olkhov, Anatoliy Khvatov, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Natalia Kildeeva, Marina Artsis and Gennady Zaikov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16876 RP-HPLC with Detection by Means of ESI-MS and UV for Identification of Chromatographic Peaks of Some Hydroxy Derivatives of Epoxy Resin

Ostap Ivashkiv, Pavel Kubica, Igor Poluyuzhin, Jacek Namiesnik, Olena Shyshchak and Michael Bratychak

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16877 Some Approaches to Viscometric Study of Chitosan in Acetic Acid Solution

Valentina Chernova, Angela Shurshina, Elena Kulish and Gennady Zaikov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16878 Investigation of Functional Carboxy-Containing Oligomers by IR and NMR Spectroscopy

Bogdana Bashta, Volodymyr Donchak, Marta Plonska-Brzezinskа, Olena Astakhova and Michael Bratychak

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16879 VIIIth International Scientific-Technical Conference “Advance in Petroleum and Gas Industry and Petrochemistry” (APGIP-8)

Olena Shyshchak

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16880 Structural Transformations of Collagen Containing Raw Materials under Alkaline Treatment

Anatoliy Danylkovych, Viktor Lishchuk and Olexander Zhyhotsky

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16881 Niobium Oxide as Catalyst for the Pyrolysis of Polypropylene and Polyethylene Plastic Waste

Debora Almeida and Maria de Fatima Marques

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16882 Analysis of the Bacor Refractories after their Service in Glass Furnace

Serhiy Yaitskiy, Liudmyla Bragina and Yuliya Sobol

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16883 Intensification of Man-made Waste Methane Fermentation Process in Complex Fertilizer Technology

Alexandra Byelyanska, Mykhola Voloshyn and Valentina Karmazina

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16884 Diffusive Mass Transfer during Drying of Grinded Sunflower Stalks

Roman Hosovkyi, Diana Kindzera and Volodymyr Atamanyuk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16885 The Utilization of Asphalt-Resin-Paraffin Deposits as a Component of Raw Material for Visbreaking

OlenaTertyshna, Kateryna Royenko, Vitalina Martynenko,Victoria Smesova, Al’ona Gyrenko and Petro Topilnytskyy

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16886 On the Influence of Micro- and Macro-Cristalline Paraffins on the Physical and Rheological Properties of Crude Oil and Organic Solvents

Marcia de Oliveira, Lenise Vieira, Luise Miranda, Daniele Miranda and Luiz Marques

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16887 Pozzolanic Activity Diagnostics of Fly Ash for Portland Cement

Galyna Kotsay

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16888 Optimization of Main Fermentation of High-Gravity Wort

Ruslana Kosiv, Tetiana Kharandiuk, Lyubov Polyuzhyn, Liubov Palianytsia and Natalia Berezovska

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16889 The Study of the Mineralogical Composition and Flotation Parameters of Quartz-Graphitized Schist

Zebo Babakhanova, Mastura Aripova, Nodir Khodjaev and Renat Khamidov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16890 Microwave Assisted Liquefaction with Crude Glycerol as a Potential Method of Brewer’s Spent Grain Utilization

Aleksander Hejna, Paulina Kosmela, Milena Kopczynska, Jozef Haponiuk and Lukasz Piszczyk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16891 The Use of Ultrasound for Obtaining Pharmaceutical Grade Sodium Chloride

Oleg Yurchenko, Olga Kalinenko, Olexandr Baklanov and Larisa Baklanova

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16892 Influence of Zirconium Hydrophosphate Nanoparticles on Porous Structure and Sorption Capacity of the Composites Based on Ion Exchange Resin

Yuliya Dzyazko, Ludmila Ponomarova, Yurii Volfkovich, Valentina Tsirina, Valentin Sosenkin, Nadiya Nikolska аnd Volodimir Belyakov

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16893 Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Torrefied Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Briquettes

Bemgba Nyakuma, Arshad Ahmad, Anwar Johari, Tuan Abdullah, Olagoke Oladokun, Habibu Uthman and Muhamad Halim

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16894 Methods for Determination of Oil and Grease Contents in Wastewater from the Petroleum Industry

Ilma Cirne, Jaime Boaventura, Yuri Guedes and Elizabete Lucas

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16895 Properties of the Hybrid Glauconite/Polyaniline Composites Synthesized in the Aqueous Citrate Acid Solutions

Mykhaylo Yatsyshyn, Viktoriia Makogon, Oleksandr Reshetnyak, Pavlo Demchenko, Nataliya Dumanchuk and Yuriy Stadnyk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16896 Modification of Polysaccharides by N-Derivatives of Glutamic Acid Using Steglich Reaction

Mykhailo Nagornyak, Natalia Figurka, Volodymyr Samaryk, Serhiy Varvarenko, Maria Ferens and Victoria Oleksa

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16897 Synthesis and Evaluation of New Bis(imino) Pyridine Based Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization

Suellem Cordeiro, Leticia Pereira, Marina de O. Simoes and Maria de Fatima Marques

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16898 The Effect of Different Complexing Agents on the Properties of Zinc Sulfide Thin Films Deposited from Aqueous Solutions

Pavlo Shapoval, Martyn Sozanskyi, Iosyp Yatchyshyn, Bogdan Kulyk, Mykhaylo Shpotyuk and Roman Gladyshevskii

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16899 Morphology and Properties of Blends of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) with Poly(vinyl alcohol)

Anatoly Olkhov and Alexey Iordanskii

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology
16900 Some Properties of Elastomeric Compositions with High-disperse Carbon Additives

Konstantin Vishnevskii, Zhanna Shashok and Nikolai Prokopchuk

Scientific-Technical Journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology