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Scientific articles Authors Journals
9251 On the interpretation of the solving of the boundary problem of the Earth's figure by means of the little parameter M. I. Marych "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9252 Comparison of the degree of influence of lunar-solar tides and hydrothermal changes in the soils on the results of high-precision leveling P. Pavliv, N. A. Mel'nichuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9253 Modern state of the question about the principle of the greatest weight B.F. Maguskin "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9254 Determination of the total residual of a geodetic network N.A. Loshkarev "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9255 A laser device for monitoring the straightness of the equipment installation A. L. Ostrovskij, S. G. Hropot, T. H. Shevchenko "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9256 Study of the thermal influences on the level by multiple determination of i angle Z. F. Patova "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9257 On the influence of correlation dependences in triangulation on the estimate of the mean square error of the measured angle Ju. V. Morkotun "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9258 The experience of observations of landmarks using diaphragms I. N. Kmetko , I. S. Pandul "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9259 On the stability of solutions in different methods of balancing polygonometry Monin I.I. "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9260 On the air temperature effect on the accumulation mechanism of errors depending on elevation value P. Pavliv "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9261 About an unconventional approach to establishing a Normal Earth H. O. Meshcheriakov "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9262 Investigation of the asymmetry phenomena of the astronomical refraction of zenith distances 30<z<50 V. V. Kirichuk, O. S. Lavnikevych, I.T. Liva "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9263 On the question of statistical dependence of gravity anomalies with relief in mountainous areas Je. M. Evseeva, A. D. Baklashko "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9264 Generalization of direct digital methods for solving systems of normal equations A. A. Reminskij "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9265 Accuracy of the sides of linear-angular series of geodesic rectangles V. P. Novoselska "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9266 Taking into consideration of the vertical refraction in the geometric leveling by the instability stratification of the temperature B. M. Dzhuman, A. L. Ostrovskij, O.I. Tereshchuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9267 Estimation of the accuracy of trilateration networks laid between polygonometric or azimuth-range networks Ya. M. Kostetska "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9268 About networks of trigonometric leveling with refraction bases E. K. Nykolskyi "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9269 Study of the scholastic dependence between the refraction coefficients of different directions M. K. Migаl, L. S. Khyzhak "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9270 Experimental verification of an optoelectronic device for determining image fluctuations of a sighting target A.S. Kolos "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9271 On the issue of coordinates transformation in the spatial triangulation network R. H. Pylypiuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9272 On the possibility of the determination of azimuth of distant point with the horizontal spotting scope A. V. Gozhy "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9273 Peculiarities of heights determination from geodetic leveling in mountain and valley areas D. I. Maslich "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9274 Bringing polygonal lines leveled by inclined rays to the horizon H. F. Lavrov "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9275 Influence of the covariance matrix of observations on the spectral characteristics of normal equation M. D. Gerasimenko , V.A. Lukashenko "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9276 On a Normal Earth H. O. Meshcheriakov "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9277 Determination of the influence of external conditions during accuracy estimation of the first-class leveling measurements R. V. Krupen "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9278 Instrumental and graphical - analytical method of the determination of the reduction elementsments S.I. Matiyek "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9279 The accuracy of uniquely solvable linear serif I. I. Kovaliv, Z. R. Savjak "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9280 The experience of construction of the maps of the recent vertical crustal movements of the Caspian sea coast for different epochs A. H. Lisovets, A. A. Nykonov, V. A. Skryl' "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9281 Differential digital relief model L. K. Vojslavskij "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9282 On the accuracy of directional angles in non-free circular trilateration networks Ya. M. Kostetska "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9283 Determination of the particular angle of the vertical refraction by means of the small television installation A.S. Kolos, V. Grebenjuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9284 The experience of plummet deviation calculations of Earth's models M. I. Marych, Goodz I. N., Petro Dvulit "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9285 Application alignment measurement for the development of the building grid V. A. Vilenskij, Yu. P. Deineka "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9286 About one method of the determination of crustal deformation by the geodetic data V. V. Kirichuk, O.A. Tadyeyev "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9287 On calculating the plummet deviation on the Earth's physical surface M. I. Marych "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9288 The Influence of inertial Factor upon Accuracy of Measurement by the Polar Planimeter PP-2K V. S. Klochko, R. P. Proskurnjak "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9289 About the increasing of the accuracy of measurements in the construction sites by the measuring tape Je. A. Borisov , L.I. Borysova, V.V. Dmytrjuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9290 The calculation of the influence of the Earth's refraction coefficient on the value of astronomical refraction near the horizon.alue of the Astronomical Refraction near Horyzont. V. V. Kirichuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9291 Recent vertical movements of the Earth's surface of Eastern Europe and active deep structures Je. M. Evseeva, V. V. Kirichuk, Je.B. Grafov "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9292 To the question of the solution of one integral equation of the Fredholm type of the first kind in connection with the figure of the Earth theory V. F. Yeremeyev, M. I. Yurkina "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9293 Adjustment of trilateration networks with no output sides using a typical conditional equation. B. P. Kvasniuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9294 On the construction and adjustinging of rows of triangulation triangles with additionally measured sides P.I. Yefymov "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9295 Measurement of zenith distances according to the observation program symmetrical with respect to moments of quiet images B. M. Dzhuman "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9296 Nomograms for the determination of the refraction in the high-precision leveling B. M. Dzhuman, M. I. Kravcov, O. I. Tereshhuk "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9297 About the determination of the depth of underground communication on the mountain slope by means of the induction method A. I. Derbal "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9298 On the statistics of the building’s subsidence A. H. Hryhorenko "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9299 Accuracy estimation of the insert, which is represented by a set of signs and triangles with curved errors in the form of a circle V. I. Akulov "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
9300 Vertical mothion of the earth’s surface on the oilbearing Apsheron p'eninsula according to the information of the repeated geodetic survey V. R. Yashenko "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"