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Scientific articles Authors Journals
501 Criminal Liability for Offenses Against National Security: Domestic and Foreign Perspectives Olena KOVALCHUK Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
502 The Activity of Volodymyr Starosolskyi as a Lawyer and Public Activists in Protecting the Language Rights of Ukrainians in the Second Polish Republic Vitalii KOVALCHUK Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
503 Exemption from Criminal Liability under Criminal Procedural Law Maria KOVAL, Arsen Niemtsev Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
504 Ukrainian National and Legal Idea: Today`s Challenges Ihor Koval Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
505 Legal Prohibition as a Method of Limiting Political Power Mykhailo KELMAN, Rostyslav KELMAN Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
506 Features of the Conduct of Investigators (Detectives) Action (Interrogation) under the Conditions of the State of Martial Volodymyr KANTSIR, Nataliia SLOBODA Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
507 Legal Aspects of Land Reform as the Main National Resourse of Ukraine Analysis of Research Problem Nataliya Zabolotna, Evgenia PALIY Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
508 Energy Security of Ukraine: Environmental and Military Threats Iryna Zharsovska, Andrii Bobko Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
509 Probation іn Ukraine: Current State аnd Features оf Implementation Rostyslav BUNDZ Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
510 Functioning Penitentiary Camps for Prisoners of War of the Russian Federation in Ukraine Ivan Bogatyrev, Oleksii HUMIN Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
511 On the Essence of the Concept ‘Internally Displaced Person’ Nataliia BLOK Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
512 International and National Legal Guarantees for the Realisation of the Right to Life and Health Protection Mykola Bilak Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
513 Current Global Problems of Ethno-National Policy of Ukraine: on the Example of Legal Regulation of the Status of National Minorities Olexandra BELICHENKO Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
514 Juvenile Prevention in Ukraine: Functional Features during the Period of Martial Status Volodymyr ORTYNSKYI Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
515 A data-driven fusion of deep learning and transfer learning for orange disease classification A. Sghir, M. Ziani, K. El Handri Mathematical Modeling and Computing
516 Study and analysis of partial shading effect on power production of a photovoltaic string controlled by three different MPPT techniques: P&O, PSO and ANN M. A. Atillah, H. Stitou, A. Boudaoud, M. Aqil, A. Hanafi Mathematical Modeling and Computing
517 A watermarking scheme for color images that achieves optimality using the Transit Search Algorithm M. Tamimi, A. Bencherqui, M. A.Tahiri, H. Karmouni, A. El Mloufy, H. Qjidaa, M. Sayyouri Mathematical Modeling and Computing
518 Twitter-sentiment analysis of Moroccan diabetic using Fuzzy C-means SMOTE and deep neural network M. Roudani, B. Elkari, K. El Moutaouakil, L. Ourabah, B. Hicham, S. Chellak Mathematical Modeling and Computing
519 A RGB image encryption algorithm based on Archimedes optimizer, chaos and DNA A. Bencherqui, M. A.Tahiri, H. Karmouni, M. Alfidi, M. Sayyouri, H. Qjidaa, M. O. Jamil Mathematical Modeling and Computing
520 Predicting students' academic performance and modeling using data mining techniques Y. Jedidi, A. Ibriz, M. Benslimane, A. Hachmoud, M. Tmimi, Y. Hajjioui, M. Rahhali Mathematical Modeling and Computing
521 Big data clustering through fusion of FCM, optimized encoder-decoder CNN, and BiLSTM F. Belhabib, K. El Moutaouakil, S. Rbihou, A. Elafaar Mathematical Modeling and Computing
522 Large-scale recommender systems using Hadoop and collaborative filtering: a comparative study M. E. Chafiki, O. Banouar, M. Benslimane Mathematical Modeling and Computing
523 Enhancing the vision graph model by elevating the precision diagnostics with attention and convolutions in medical imaging Y. Khaider, D. Rahhali, N. En Nahnahi Mathematical Modeling and Computing
524 An Arabic question generation system based on a shared BERT-base encoder-decoder architecture S. Lafkiar, N. En Nahnahi Mathematical Modeling and Computing
525 The analysis of occupants' thermal comfort in a residential building in Tangier, Morocco A. Abidouche, H. Kaddouri, S. Hamdaoui, A. Ait Msaad, I. Driouch, A. M. Saidi Hassani Mathematical Modeling and Computing
526 Improving Amazigh POS tagging using machine learning S. Amri, R. Bani, L. Zenkouar, Z. Guennoun Mathematical Modeling and Computing
527 Fuzzy expert model to assess the soil fertility for soybean production in Madhya Pradesh R. Navalakhe, G. Rathod Mathematical Modeling and Computing
528 Investigatory analysis of the natural hazards on the Indian coastline M. Agrawal, A. Manickam, A. Deokate, P. Nagrale, S. Gharote, A. Ojha Mathematical Modeling and Computing
529 A practical approach to college timetable scheduling R. K. Thakur, N. K. Agrawal, P. Kumar Mathematical Modeling and Computing
530 An efficient and lightweight image encryption technique using Lorenz chaotic system P. K. Singh, B. Jha, S. Kumar Mathematical Modeling and Computing
531 Conception of a new quality control method based on neural networks Z. Zoubaidi, B. Herrou, S. Sekkat, H. Khadiri Mathematical Modeling and Computing
532 Towards a Nash game strategy approach to blind image deconvolution: a fractional-order derivative variational framework F.-E. Salah, N. Moussaid, A. Abassi, A. Jadir Mathematical Modeling and Computing
533 A Comparison of LSTM, GRU, and XGBoost for forecasting Morocco's yield curve K. Jeaab, Y. Saoudi, M. E. M. Falloul Mathematical Modeling and Computing
534 Statistical method using Principal Component Analysis to determine high variability parameters affecting the balancing of an assembly line Y. Hillali, M. Zegrari, N. Alfathi, S. Chafik, M. Tabaa Mathematical Modeling and Computing
535 INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY OF HARD-TO-MACHINE MATERIALS BY PREVENTIVE HEATING OF THE WORKPIECE Vadym Stupnytskyy, Serhij Pasternak, Oleh Prodanchuk Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
536 LOADING OF THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE FREE WHELL BALL COUPLING Oleh Sorokivskyi Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
538 SIMULATION OF THE GEARS STRESS-STRAIN STATE OF ELBOW ORTHOSIS PLANETARY GEARBOX Iaroslav Lavrenko, Maksym Sushchenko, Olena Chaikovska Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
539 INVESTIGATION OF OSCILLATIONS IN A SYSTEM WITH NONLINEAR ELASTIC CHARACTERISTICS Ihor Kuzio, Yurii Sholoviy, Nadiia Maherus Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
540 AI-Enhanced ECG diagnosis system for acute myocardial infarction with LBBB: Constant-Q transform and ResNet-50 integration H. Elfatouaki, L. Adnane, A. Z. Charafeddine, A. Mohamed Mathematical Modeling and Computing
541 Total fractional-order variation and bilateral filter for image denoising R. Addouch, N. Moussaid, O. Gouasnouane, A. Ben-Loghfyry Mathematical Modeling and Computing
542 CONTENT Measuring Equipment and Metrology
543 Mathematical modeling of impurity diffusion process under given statistics of a point mass sources system. II P. Y. Pukach, Y. A. Chernukha Mathematical Modeling and Computing
544 COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO PROTECTING DATA AND THE INFORMATION SYSTEM INTEGRITY Ulyana Dzelendzyak, Nazar Mashtaler Measuring Equipment and Metrology
545 THE IMPACT OF COMPLEX ECOSYSTEMS IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY Olha Chorna, Roman Baitsar Measuring Equipment and Metrology
547 Dynamics of a diffusive business cycle model with two delays and variable depreciation rate S. Lasfar, K. Hattaf, N. Yousfi Mathematical Modeling and Computing
548 ENHANCEMENT OF TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Ivan Pytel, Roman Borukh, Maksym Vasylyk Measuring Equipment and Metrology
549 Numerical approximation of the MGT system with Fourier's law A. Smouk, A. Radid Mathematical Modeling and Computing
550 METHODS FOR OUTLIER DETECTION IN METROLOGICAL STUDIES Valeriy Aschepkov Measuring Equipment and Metrology