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Scientific articles Authors Journals
15651 The substance of the legal nature of the national goverment

Iryna Zharovska

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15652 Geomagnetic insights on an active tectonic contact: peceneaga-camena fault (PCF) L. Beshutiu, Mykhailo Orlyuk, L. Zlahnean, Andriy Romenets, L. Atanasiiu, I. B. Makarenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15653 Protecting freedom of expression by the European court of human rights (of general aspects)

Liliya Yarmol

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15654 Geophysical insights on the structure and geodynamic evolution of the se Carpathians and related foreland in the context of the Black Sea opening L. Beshutiu Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15655 Philosophical and legal understanding of the category of intuition by the philosophers of XVII century

Mykhaylo Shevtsiv

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15656 Phenomenological content features folk law

Olena Chornobay

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15657 Philosophical principles of law

Stepan Slуvka

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15658 Value-legal entity properties

Alona Romanova

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15659 Social determinants of legal impact

Iryna Nastasіak

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15660 Deviant justice: synergistic dimension

Taras Harasymiv

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15661 Responsibility and irresponsibility: socio-legal paradigm

Olena Harasymiv

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15662 Hermeneutic and communication concepts of interpretation of legal texts in mass media and means of mass communication

Antonina Tokarska, Svitlana Kost’

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15663 Legal newspaper discourse: indications, functions, subsorts

Svitlana Kost’

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15664 Information providing units SSCEC to combat crime іn targeted specialized public funds

Vasyl Zakharov

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15665 Features subject of legal science

Serhiy Yesimov

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15666 The impact of globalization on the formation of migration flows

Myroslava Sirant

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15667 On staffing authorities in ukraine

Susanna Dembitska

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15668 Administrative and legal description of corruption in education

Olha Skochylias-Pavliv

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15669 Some questions of qualifications of participants of proceedings on cases concerning administrative offenses in the field of natural resources USE

Oleksiy Ostapenko

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15670 Roman Ivanovych Kutas is 80! Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15671 Valentina Georgiivna Kuznetsova is 80! Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15672 Yuriy Petrovych Starodub is 60! Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15673 Bella Havrylovna Pustovitenko is 75! Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15674 Modeling of density structure of native sulfur content deposits by additional gravitational exploration data Sergiy Anikeyev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15675 Development of the technique of landslides forecasting with the application of geophysical methods Eduard Kuzmenko , I. Kryvjuk, Liudmyla Shtohryn Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15676 Anomalous dynamics of electromagnetic fields on the Peremyshlianska oil and gas perspective area O. Ya. Sapuzhak, S. A. Deshchytsya, O. V. Syrojezhko , R. I. Kusailo, O. I. Romaniuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15677 Results of magnetometric observations of the Chernihiv regional magnetic anomaly Mykhailo Orlyuk, Andriy Romenets, Mariya Bakarzhiieva, Andriy Marchenko, T. V. Lebid Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15678 Comparison of different ways of determination of porosity coefficient of terrigenous collectors with regard to clayness according to acoustic logging data Svitlana Rozlovska, N. S. Ganzhenko, K. I. Muts Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15679 The strain-stress state modelling of the sedimentary complex in collision zone and dynamic conditions of early thrusts formation in the Ukrainian Carpathians L.N. Khomyak, N. N. Khomyak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15680 Structure and dynamics of horizontal shear zones (by results of physical modelling and field studies) O. N. Bokun, Andriy Nazarevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15681 About continuity of a long time regularities via parameters of the sources of earthquakes in the era of digital recording B. H. Pustovitenko, E. A. Merjey Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15682 On the assessment of groundwater pollution using electrometric methods Sergiy Bagriy, Eduard Kuzmenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15683 Hailinskiy earthquake (8 march 1991) tectonic phenomenon of south-western part of Koryak highlandsv G.P. Yarotskiy Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15684 Variations of induction vector in seismoactive regions V. I. Babak, A. V. Tereshyn, T. S. Savchenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15685 Sounding of the Earth crust of the North-Western part of the Russian platform by the intrinsic microseisms V. I. Francuzova, K. B. Danilov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15686 On the relationship between seismic activity and structural features of the crust and upper mantle and the Earth's rotation rate (using the example Garm prognostic polygon) O. I. Aptikaieva Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15687 Tectonic of the consedimentogenesis of Precarpathian foredeep of central Paratethys Yu.V. Cheremissky Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15688 Features of precambrian metamorphism and their relation to tectonics V. P. Kyrylyuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15689 Migration of small earthquake sources in Garm region and irregularity of Earth's rotation O. I. Aptikaieva, S. F. Aptikaev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15690 Improvement of the technique of determination of filtrational parameters of breeds collectors V. M. Vladyka, M. Yu. Nesterenko, R.S. Balatskyi, I. H. Kryva Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15691 Reconstruction of cenozoic paleostress fields in the flysch complex of the Opir river valley (Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians) Y.M. Vikhot, Ihor Bubniak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15692 Discrete formation of “shale” gas reservoirs in exfiltrate catagenesis K. G. Grigorchuk, Y. Senkovskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15693 Obolon astrobleme: forward and inverse 3d geomodelling with the aim to resolve the question of hydrocarbon evidence Yu. V. Anishchenko, T. O. Fedchenko, N. S. Hanzhenko, O. P. Petrovskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15694 Ukrainian Carpathians in the structure of pancardi (magmatism and geodynamics) Myroslav Pavlyuk, Z.M. Liashkevych, A. P. Medvedev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15695 Mapping of Berezivska ring structure in the gravity and magnetic fields (southwest of Kolomyya paleovalley) Sergiy Anikeyev, L. S. Monchak, V. P. Stepaniuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15696 Anisotropic transformation of the potential fields Sergiy Anikeyev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15697 Lithological complexes and ciclycyty of eocene deposits in Karkinite-Northern Crimea sedimentary-rock basin V. Gnidets, K. G. Grigorchuk, V. Rever Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15698 Construction of normal equations mission for processing data GOCE Yu. O. Lukyanchenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15699 On the constraction of local gravitational field model Bohdan Dzhuman Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15700 Isostasy of Ukrainian Carpathian Dmytro Marchenko, Valentyn Maksymchuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»