15651 |
The substance of the legal nature of the national goverment |
Iryna Zharovska
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15652 |
Geomagnetic insights on an active tectonic contact: peceneaga-camena fault (PCF) |
L. Beshutiu, Mykhailo Orlyuk, L. Zlahnean, Andriy Romenets, L. Atanasiiu, I. B. Makarenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15653 |
Protecting freedom of expression by the European court of human rights (of general aspects) |
Liliya Yarmol
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15654 |
Geophysical insights on the structure and geodynamic evolution of the se Carpathians and related foreland in the context of the Black Sea opening |
L. Beshutiu |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15655 |
Philosophical and legal understanding of the category of intuition by the philosophers of XVII century |
Mykhaylo Shevtsiv
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15656 |
Phenomenological content features folk law |
Olena Chornobay
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15657 |
Philosophical principles of law |
Stepan Slуvka
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15658 |
Value-legal entity properties |
Alona Romanova
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15659 |
Social determinants of legal impact |
Iryna Nastasіak
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15660 |
Deviant justice: synergistic dimension |
Taras Harasymiv
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15661 |
Responsibility and irresponsibility: socio-legal paradigm |
Olena Harasymiv
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15662 |
Hermeneutic and communication concepts of interpretation of legal texts in mass media and means of mass communication |
Antonina Tokarska, Svitlana Kost’
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15663 |
Legal newspaper discourse: indications, functions, subsorts |
Svitlana Kost’
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15664 |
Information providing units SSCEC to combat crime іn targeted specialized public funds |
Vasyl Zakharov
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15665 |
Features subject of legal science |
Serhiy Yesimov
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15666 |
The impact of globalization on the formation of migration flows |
Myroslava Sirant
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15667 |
On staffing authorities in ukraine |
Susanna Dembitska
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15668 |
Administrative and legal description of corruption in education |
Olha Skochylias-Pavliv
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15669 |
Some questions of qualifications of participants of proceedings on cases concerning administrative offenses in the field of natural resources USE |
Oleksiy Ostapenko
Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences |
15670 |
Roman Ivanovych Kutas is 80! |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15671 |
Valentina Georgiivna Kuznetsova is 80! |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15672 |
Yuriy Petrovych Starodub is 60! |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15673 |
Bella Havrylovna Pustovitenko is 75! |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15674 |
Modeling of density structure of native sulfur content deposits by additional gravitational exploration data |
Sergiy Anikeyev |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15675 |
Development of the technique of landslides forecasting with the application of geophysical methods |
Eduard Kuzmenko , I. Kryvjuk, Liudmyla Shtohryn |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15676 |
Anomalous dynamics of electromagnetic fields on the Peremyshlianska oil and gas perspective area |
O. Ya. Sapuzhak, S. A. Deshchytsya, O. V. Syrojezhko , R. I. Kusailo, O. I. Romaniuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15677 |
Results of magnetometric observations of the Chernihiv regional magnetic anomaly |
Mykhailo Orlyuk, Andriy Romenets, Mariya Bakarzhiieva, Andriy Marchenko, T. V. Lebid |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15678 |
Comparison of different ways of determination of porosity coefficient of terrigenous collectors with regard to clayness according to acoustic logging data |
Svitlana Rozlovska, N. S. Ganzhenko, K. I. Muts |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15679 |
The strain-stress state modelling of the sedimentary complex in collision zone and dynamic conditions of early thrusts formation in the Ukrainian Carpathians |
L.N. Khomyak, N. N. Khomyak |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15680 |
Structure and dynamics of horizontal shear zones (by results of physical modelling and field studies) |
O. N. Bokun, Andriy Nazarevych |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15681 |
About continuity of a long time regularities via parameters of the sources of earthquakes in the era of digital recording |
B. H. Pustovitenko, E. A. Merjey |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15682 |
On the assessment of groundwater pollution using electrometric methods |
Sergiy Bagriy, Eduard Kuzmenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15683 |
Hailinskiy earthquake (8 march 1991) tectonic phenomenon of south-western part of Koryak highlandsv |
G.P. Yarotskiy |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15684 |
Variations of induction vector in seismoactive regions |
V. I. Babak, A. V. Tereshyn, T. S. Savchenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15685 |
Sounding of the Earth crust of the North-Western part of the Russian platform by the intrinsic microseisms |
V. I. Francuzova, K. B. Danilov |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15686 |
On the relationship between seismic activity and structural features of the crust and upper mantle and the Earth's rotation rate (using the example Garm prognostic polygon) |
O. I. Aptikaieva |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15687 |
Tectonic of the consedimentogenesis of Precarpathian foredeep of central Paratethys |
Yu.V. Cheremissky |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15688 |
Features of precambrian metamorphism and their relation to tectonics |
V. P. Kyrylyuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15689 |
Migration of small earthquake sources in Garm region and irregularity of Earth's rotation |
O. I. Aptikaieva, S. F. Aptikaev |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15690 |
Improvement of the technique of determination of filtrational parameters of breeds collectors |
V. M. Vladyka, M. Yu. Nesterenko, R.S. Balatskyi, I. H. Kryva |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15691 |
Reconstruction of cenozoic paleostress fields in the flysch complex of the Opir river valley (Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians) |
Y.M. Vikhot, Ihor Bubniak |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15692 |
Discrete formation of “shale” gas reservoirs in exfiltrate catagenesis |
K. G. Grigorchuk, Y. Senkovskyi |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15693 |
Obolon astrobleme: forward and inverse 3d geomodelling with the aim to resolve the question of hydrocarbon evidence |
Yu. V. Anishchenko, T. O. Fedchenko, N. S. Hanzhenko, O. P. Petrovskyi |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15694 |
Ukrainian Carpathians in the structure of pancardi (magmatism and geodynamics) |
Myroslav Pavlyuk, Z.M. Liashkevych, A. P. Medvedev |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15695 |
Mapping of Berezivska ring structure in the gravity and magnetic fields (southwest of Kolomyya paleovalley) |
Sergiy Anikeyev, L. S. Monchak, V. P. Stepaniuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15696 |
Anisotropic transformation of the potential fields |
Sergiy Anikeyev |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15697 |
Lithological complexes and ciclycyty of eocene deposits in Karkinite-Northern Crimea sedimentary-rock basin |
V. Gnidets, K. G. Grigorchuk, V. Rever |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15698 |
Construction of normal equations mission for processing data GOCE |
Yu. O. Lukyanchenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15699 |
On the constraction of local gravitational field model |
Bohdan Dzhuman |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15700 |
Isostasy of Ukrainian Carpathian |
Dmytro Marchenko, Valentyn Maksymchuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |