15701 |
On the constraction of local gravitational field model |
Bohdan Dzhuman |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15702 |
Isostasy of Ukrainian Carpathian |
Dmytro Marchenko, Valentyn Maksymchuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15703 |
Explosive mantle-derived particles in sedimentary formations of the Carpathian region, connection with the problems of formation of fuels and ore deposits |
I. H. Yatsenko, N. T. Bilyk, R. S. Kuderavets, V. R. Tymoshchuk, O. V. Shvaievskyi |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15704 |
Correlation analysis of gravitational field and topography of terrestrial planets |
Anatolii Tserklevych |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15705 |
Problem of assessing of the earth’s surface strain state by geodetic data |
O.A. Tadyeyev, O. О. Таdyeyeva, P. G. Chernyaha |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15706 |
Geological and cartographic grounds for mapping of ore-magmatic systems |
O. M. Solomin |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15707 |
The terrain concept of evolution of the deep structure of Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the North-Sea of Okhotsk depression and in the adjacent land |
B. M. Sedov |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15708 |
In memory of Sergiy Mykolayovych Kulyk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15709 |
Academician Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Selskyy – founder of Ukrainian geophysics (to the 130th anniversary of birth) |
Valentyn Maksymchuk, D. N. Liashchuk, R. H. Vovchenko, V. H. Kuznietsova |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15710 |
Paleotectonic reconstruction of east European platform localization for middle paleozoic by paleomagnetic data |
E. B. Poliachenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15711 |
Modeling of unsteady flow of compressible fluid in piecewise homogeneous porous closed reservoir |
Liubov Zhuravchak, A. Ye. Struk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15712 |
Multilayered inverse linear problem of structural gravimetry and magnetometry |
P. O. Minenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15713 |
Aspects of assessment and developing of geothermal resources in Ukraine |
Yu. P. Starodub , V.M. Karpenko, V. M. Stasenko, M. S. Nikoriuk, Olena Karpenko, V. L. Rybchak |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15714 |
An electromagnetic precursor’s model of local earthquakes prediction |
O.V. Shabatura |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15715 |
Study of atmospheric infrasound on regime geophysical station “Beregove” in Transcarpathians |
Andriy Nazarevych, Z.I. Liubinetskyi, A. Yu. Mykyta, L.M. Karataieva, M.O. Melnyk, Dmytro Malytskyy, V. P. Mezentsev, Lesya Nazarevych, Yu. P. Koval |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15716 |
New data about the deep heterogeneities of drake passage structures and the hydrocarbon potential of the Antarctic peninsula continental margin |
S. P. Levashov, M. A. Yakymchuk, I. M. Korchahin, V. H. Bakhmutov, V. D. Soloviov, D. M. Bozhezha |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15717 |
Pequliarities of geological structure and geodynamic evolution of south-eastern part of Volyn-Podolsk plate in the context of hydrocarbon potential |
Yu. Z. Krupskyi, B.P. Rizun, V. P. Bodlak |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15718 |
Comparison of gas extraction properties of reservoir rocks of different geological depositional |
V. M. Vladyka, M. Yu. Nesterenko, I. H. Kryva, R.S. Balatskyi |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15719 |
Theoretical and practical aspects of the fluidodynamic conception of catagenesis |
Kostyantyn Hryhorchuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15720 |
The role of magmatism in paleogeodynamic reconstructions |
Z.M. Liashkevych |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15721 |
“Geodynamics” and early Precambrian geology of the shields of ancient platforms |
V. P. Kyryliuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15722 |
Geodynamic evolution of the earth's and mars figure |
Anatolii Tserklevych, Olexandr Zayats |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15723 |
About the necessity of modernization of Ukraine gravimetric network |
Petro Dvulit , O. V. Smelianets |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15724 |
Reliability of results of processing of geodetic data by finite element method |
O. О. Таdyeyeva, O.А. Tadyeyev, P. G. Chernyaha |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15725 |
The field of linear velocities and movements of the earth crust in the South Eastern Europe region |
Alexander N. Marchenko, Kornyliy Tretyak, Nataliya Yarema, Bohdan Dzhuman, I.S. Sidorov |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15726 |
Study of dynamics of horizontal crustal movements in Europe according to GNSS observation (2000–2010) |
Kornyliy Tretyak, Andrii Vovk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15727 |
Geodynamic formation of Trostyanets layers of Porkulets nappe |
Natalia Pyrizhok |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15728 |
In memory of Peter Hervaziyovycha CHERNYAHY |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15729 |
Memory Alexander BOKUNA |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15730 |
Volodymyr SHAMOTKO – 80 |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15731 |
Autochton of the north-western Сarpathians – geological structure and hydrocarbon potential based on the results of integral interpretation of geological and geophysical data |
O. P. Petrovskyi, T. O. Fedchenko, O. M. Onyshchuk, P. M. Bodlak, I. Ya. Yaremyn, V. V. Hnevush, V. M. Suiatinov |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15732 |
Seismicity of central part of Ukrainian shield in 2007 - 2013 period |
O. Kendzera, V. V. Kutas, Yu.A. Andruschenko, P. H. Pihulevskyi, Ju.V. Lisovyi |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15733 |
The prognostication of mudflows in the Ukrainian Carpathians |
Eduard Kuzmenko , T.B. Chepurna |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15734 |
Electromagnetic monitoring of environmentally problematic objects in Precarpathians: results and technological means used |
S. A. Deshchytsya, O. I. Pidvirnyi, O. I. Romaniuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15735 |
On investigation of the local earthquakes precursors with its direct parameterization |
M.I. Tolstoy, O.V. Shabatura |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15736 |
Calculating of the geomagnetic fileld induction vector components on the Odessa magnetic anomaly region |
Mykhailo Orlyuk, O. V. Marchenko, I. Ivashchenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15737 |
Characteristics of cretaceous-paleogene flysch reservoir rocks with low permeability from the oil-and gas-field in Dolyna, inner zone of the Carpathian foredeep |
P. B. Pelypchak |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15738 |
Seismicity and the stressed state of the starobin potassium salt deposit in Belarus |
A. G. Aronov, Sh. A. Mukhamediev, T. P. Belousov, T. I. Aronova, R. R. Seroglazov |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15739 |
Balanced cross section of the Ukrainian Carpathians along Berehomet–Burkut |
Ihor Bubniak, Y.M. Vikhot |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15740 |
Crust fragmentation and oil and gas potential of the Dnieper-Donets aulacogen |
V.D. Omelchenko, V. H. Kuchma |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15741 |
The stress-strain state modelling of the autochthonous sedimentary complex in the dynamic influence zone of the thrust wedge |
L.N. Khomyak, M. M. Khomiak |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15742 |
Application of seismofacial analysis for identification of carbonate and terrigenous objects in lower and middle zarboniferous sediments (South part of the border zone of DDD) |
N. I. Nesina, H. P. Yenhalycheva |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15743 |
Selection of informative indicators for estimation of hydrocarbon potential of local objects in boryslav oil field |
M. I. Maniuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15744 |
Listric faults and their relationship with ring structures on the Ukrainian shield |
P. Ya. Kupriienko, I. B. Makarenko , O. S. Savchenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15745 |
New promising areas, deposits, and types of hydrocarbon traps in the thrust areas under the Ukrainian Carpathians |
Yu. Z. Krupskyi, V. P. Bodlak |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15746 |
Geotectonic studies of the basement of the Ukranian shield based on geologic-formation approach: key findings |
V. P. Kyryliuk |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15747 |
Some aspects of geotectonic development of central part of the alpine-himalayan folded system |
K. M. Kerimov, Vagif Gadirov |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15748 |
Improvement of method of the differentiated determination of coefficient of expulsing of attandand water by industrial flows |
N.Yo. Miskiv, M. Yu. Nesterenko |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15749 |
Regularities of the spatial distribution of capacitor properties of rock-collectors in sarmatian deposits of neogene of Bilche-Volitskoy zone of Precarpatian foredeep |
V. M. Vladyka, M. Yu. Nesterenko, R.S. Balatskyi, R. I. Lata |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |
15750 |
Researches of length of the zone of Teisseyre-Tornkquist on the territory of the Western Ukraine |
Yu. Z. Krupskyi, O. I. Vyslotska |
Scientific Journal «Geodynamics» |