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16901 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
15751 The study of periodic changes in altitude of the satellite permanent stations of the Europe Kornyliy Tretyak, O. M. Smirnova Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15752 Research of features of annual vertical movement of the crust based on the observations of permanent GNSS-Europe stations Kornyliy Tretyak, V. V. Romaniuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15753 About migration of the extreme values of velocities of the crust dilatation in Europe Kornyliy Tretyak, Andrii Vovk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15754 The use of digital images for determining the coordinates of objects in the real plane with a flat four-point transformation Ye. Tomashevska Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15755 3d euler deconvolution for the depth determination of the sources of the gravity field in the Ukrainian Carpathian Dmytro Marchenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15756 Regularization method in determining of the zonal harmonic coefficients Alexander N. Marchenko, Yu. O. Lukyanchenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15757 The use of second neumann method for modelling the Earth's gravity field based on satellite gradientometry data Alexander N. Marchenko, A. N. Lopushanskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15758 Сauses and conditions administrative offenses among children

Nataliya Lesko

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15759 Predicting of oil-gas-water-saturation of rocks of different lithology and geodynamic genesis in open-casts of wells L. V. Skakal’s’ka, Andriy Nazarevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15760 Forecasting of oil and gas areas within the south-western part of the Srebnyanska depression of DDB according to the gravity and seismic data Sergiy Anikeyev, O. D. Shurovsky Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15761 Structure, dynamics and seismotectonics of faulting zones (by results of physical modelling and field studies) parth 1: physical modelling Andriy Nazarevych, O. N. Bokun, Lesya Nazarevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15762 Some aspects improvement legal regulation of public safety

Volodymyr Dytіuk

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15763 The three-dimensional geoelectric model of earth crust and upper mantle of the Dobrudga region Tatiana Burakhovych, Anton Kushnir, I. Yu. Nikolaiev, B.I. Shurkov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15764 Novel methods administrative and legal phenomena

Volodymyr Ortynskyi

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15765 Modeling elastic-dynamic effects of the crust under nuclear power plant (on the example of Chornobyl NPP) Yu. P. Starodub , O. Kendzera, Bohdan Kuplovskyi, Taras Brych, Vasyl Prokopyshyn, O. P. Oleshchuk, Ye. I. Oleshchuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15766 Using data of infrasound measurements in Ukraine for explosions and earthquakes identification Oleksandr Liashchuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15767 Administrative and legal relations public financial management implementation national bank of Ukraine

Nadiya Bortnyk, Serhiy Yesimov

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15768 Periodicity of oil recovery changes in deposits as result of natural factors influence Vagif Gadirov Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15769 Thermodynamic and hydrogeological conditions of forming the hydrocarbon deposits of the Pre-Black Sea aquiferous basin O. V. Lyubchak, I. V. Kolodiy, Yu. V. Khokha Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15770 Non standard methods producing forensically relevant information part pre trial investigation: investigative hypnosis

Volodymyr Ortynskyi

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
15771 Regional quasigeoid determination: an application to Arctic gravity project Alexander N. Marchenko, Bohdan Dzhuman Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15772 Investigation of the relationship between the modern vertical displacement of the crust and seismic activity of Europe Kornyliy Tretyak, V.V. Romanyuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15773 In memory of Emilii' Myhajlivny Jevsjejevoi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15774 Deformations rocks Uman, Novograd-Volynsk and Novoukrainsk massif betvin the 2,02 – 2,05 ga tektonic research S. Mychak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15775 Oleg Borysovych Gintov is 80!

Editoral board of interdepartamental scientific and technical review “Geodynamics”

Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15776 Mykhaylo Ivanovych Orliyk is 60!

Editoral board of interdepartamental scientific and technical review “Geodynamics”

Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15777 Some peculiarities of seismisity Transcarpathians Valentyn Maksymchuk, Natalia Pyrizhok, R. S. Pronyshyn, V. R. Tymoschuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15778 Peculiarities of the anomalous magnetic field in the areas of hydrocarbon fields in the Carpathian foredeep R. S. Kuderavets, Valentyn Maksymchuk, I. O. Chobotok, V. R. Tymoschuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15779 Analysis of the influence of geological structure of the rocks to the characteristics of the landslides Eduard Kuzmenko , Liudmyla Shtohryn, Ihor Chepurnyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15780 Fedir Dmytrovych Zablotskyy – 70

Editoral board of interdepartamental scientific and technical review “Geodynamics”

Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15781 New occurrence of iron cilicide in the Ukraine. Cosmogenic or telluric nature? N. T. Bilyk, J. S. Makovskyi, I. V. Poberezhskaya, V. B. Stepanov, V. R. Tymoschuk, T. G. Shevchenko, I. H. Yatsenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15782 Marmarosh massif in Ukraine and holy cross mountains in Poland – the rootless allochthonous tectonic structures Yu. Z. Krupskyi, V. P. Marusyak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15783 By the earthquake prediction in areas of earth crust tension on measurements of stations of global navigation systems Yu. Z. Krupskyi, V. P. Bodlak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15784 Magnetic susceptibility of the Carpathian mountains soils in Maniavka river valley O. I. Menshov, R. S. Kuderavets, I. O. Chobotok Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15785 Identification and analysis of orographic lineaments of the upland Opillya based on 3d-terrain models Galyna Bayrak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15786 Statistical features and analysis of tectonic jointing from cretaceous-neogene deposits of the Ukrainian Carpathians Y.M. Vikhot Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15787 Mathematical simulation of frequency sounding with electromagnetic field in a locally inhomogeneous half-space Liubov Zhuravchak Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15788 Synthetic frequency characteristics of near-surface layers under the seismic stations Trosnyk, Uzhgorod, and Mizhgirya Andriy Gnyp Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15789 Structure, dynamics and seismotectonics of faulting zones Andriy Nazarevych, O. N. Bokun, Lesya Nazarevych Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15790 Use of the kinematic method for reconstruction of stress fields and mechanisms of the structure development in Donbas (on an example of the western closure of the Horlovka anticline) O. V. Nikitenko, O. G. Chernysh Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15791 Gas-generation potential estimation of silurian shale deposits of Volhyno-Podillya margin of East European platform К. А. Bezruchko, I. M. Kurovets, O. V. Burchak, O. К. Balalayev Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15792 Geological characteristics based on 3D modeling of unconventional hydrocarbon types S.A. Diakonchuk, T. M. Kuzmenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15793 Determination of the Earth`s surface movements in areas of Dniester HPPS using satellite and ground geodetic methods I.S. Sidorov, Serhii Perii, V. H. Sarnavskyj Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15794 Deformational structures and stress field of the south-western Crimea in the context of the evolution of Western-Black basin A. Murovskaya, J.-C.Ippolite, Ye. Sheremet, T. Yegorova, Ye. Kolesnikova Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15795 Regional quasigeoid solutions for the Ukraine area Alexander N. Marchenko, O. V. Kucher, Dmytro Marchenko Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15796 The role of geodynamics in spatial distribution of traditional and nontraditional deposits of hydrocarbon resources of Dniprovsko-Donetska depression Yaroslav Lazaruk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15797 About the accuracy of calculation the main characteristics Earth's gravity field Petro Dvulit , O. V. Smelianets "Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography"
15798 Reconstruction of vertical movements of the earth's crust, according to tide gauge observations Kornyliy Tretyak, S. I. Dosyn Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15799 Seismicity, geology, seismotectonics and geodynamics of Tereblya-Ritska HPS area (Ukrainian Transcarpathians) Andriy Nazarevych, Lesya Nazarevych, V. Shlapinskyi Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»
15800 Modeling stress-strain state bases of engineering constructions for evaluation of seismic hazard Yu. P. Starodub , Bohdan Kuplovskyi, Taras Brych, Vasyl Prokopyshyn, O. P. Oleshchuk, Ye. I. Oleshchuk Scientific Journal «Geodynamics»